Understanding the ancient map.

December 13, 2041. On the planet of the long ears.

In the city of Eldharr a great celebration was taking place. The elves were dancing dexterously.

The family had already entered the city and were received very kindly. The elves even came over to flirt with Viktor when they saw him alone.

However Viktor always found a "subtle" way to scare them away.

"What pretty eyes, beautiful." Mentioned one of the elves who approached him, a beautiful, curvy elven milf.

However, Viktor's response was like a stab in his chest, and not the kind she could get to like...

"Thank you, Madam." Viktor's last word echoed in the "young" elf's head for a long time... For a young human she is terribly old.

The word Viktor used to call the woman " madam" was used to show respect to old women...