Chapter 5: The Button Man

Lorelai had just arrived back at her place after dropping Lucy off at home following her Friday cheerleader training session. She would always drive to school on Friday, making sure to give her bestie a ride and today was no different. However, instead of doing homework or potential stalking for her next victim, Lorelai knew she needed to make her place ready for company. Her best friend would be coming over, so she had to make it look decent, I mean Matthew Quinn was also coming but Lorelai couldn't care less about his opinion or anything he had to say. She would put up with him for Lucy's sake, as her bestie considered him a friend, Lorelai would have to do so as well, hoping this friendship wouldn't last long.

Lorelai didn't know why but Matthew Quinn didn't smell like all the other humans, his scent was different and although a person's smell did vary a bit, it was never like this. Lorelai had existed for close to 50 years, travelling around the world and she had never met anyone who smelled like that and yet the scent was familiar. It was driving her absolutely insane, she had smelt something like this before but couldn't remember, could it have been back when she was actually alive? It was a possibility, one Lorelai didn't completely dismiss but at the same time, a human wouldn't be able to pick up on a scent like that, so it seemed unlikely. Lorelai thought as hard as she could, going over every item from the past 50 years she still had as she believed she might remember something. But there was nothing, not a clue as to what his scent could mean, so for the moment, Lorelai would drop it, she would find answers eventually. For now, she decided to keep a close eye on Matthew whenever he was around, keep her guard up just in case, not trusting him in the least, which might have been overboard for most people, but Lorelai knew better. 

Lorelai took a deep breath, letting go and moving on, making a list of things she had to do before tomorrow, soon groaning as it was kind of long. Of course, she started off the afternoon by making soup, roasting some veggies and adding it to a broth made from chicken stock and the weird-smelling powder. Lorelai let it cook for a while before blending it up so she could just pop it into a to-go cup and well, go, taking the time to deep clean her entire place. Lorelai stepped it up today, knowing she wouldn't have a lot of time she hit the gas so to speak, using her enhanced speed and strength to quickly tidy up. As she got in her truck, Lorelai went over what snacks and common food she was going to buy as well as what furniture she'd need to pick up and bring back. 

Lorelai's house was mostly empty, only really having the bare minimum in the common rooms, as she never really used them for much. The majority of her time was spent at home either in her bedroom doing homework, sleeping, etc. or in her secret basement room, doing her meal prep. It took quite a while to prep, multiple days in fact, as several of the steps lasted hours at a time, where she could do very little in the meantime. 

Firstly, Lorelai would carry the body and set it up on the table, taking a small extremely sharp knife, and slipping it into the base of the head. It was a quick in and out to sever the Brain Stem, just in case by some miracle they survived Lorelai draining the life out of them. She would next strip the body, wash it, and drain all of the blood which was quite the long process considering the person in question was kept in a large freezer to prevent further decay. Lorelai would then skin them before separating the limbs and removing all the organs, including the brain. All the meat was then cooked and dehydrated while the skeleton was washed and broken down into tiny little pieces after being put through a bone crusher. Finally, Lorelai would put the dehydrated meat in a blender, turning it to powder, adding in the bones, and giving it one last spin on high to mix it together. She did add a few other things, natural preservatives and the like to make it last just a little bit longer, not to mention improve the flavour. Just because Lorelai needed the flesh of the living to survive, didn't make it taste any better, it was pretty nasty and this was the best way to consume it that she found so far.

Lorelai pulled out her phone as she went through her mental checklist regarding her latest victim, the way one would double-check in their head if they turned off the stove. She dialled the number while tapping her fingers on the counter in an almost pleasing manner, as each nail hit the surface at a different time but in order, making it a nice pattern to follow. Lorelai needed to confirm a few things for tomorrow evening, as she knew which snacks Lucy liked best but it would probably be weird to buy them all. They talked for several minutes with the girls deciding to just go to the store tomorrow before the movie, which was good for Lorelai. With them going shopping Saturday it meant that she would be able to check everything off her list, which was great as it meant she wouldn't be rushing. Lorelai would still have to hurry as she didn't have any living room furniture, I mean she ordered a large tv and all that on Monday evening, and it was already all set up. She had set up a new disposable email to get the free trials for all the different streaming services, so Lucy could pick whatever movie or show she wanted. All that was left was to get was a couch, a couple of different tables perhaps, and maybe a large rug of some kind, taking measurements as she thought about what could go where.

So after spending close to two hours at a giant furniture store, Lorelai returned home, building the side table, coffee table, and finally, slipping on the cover for her sofa bed she also bought. She placed everything where it needed to go, moving the pieces around like they were nothing, adding all of the little cheap accessories one might have in a living room. It looked alright but any changes to her setup would have to come later, as there were still other things she needed to check off her list. Lorelai went downstairs to go through all of her latest John Doe's personal effects, there wasn't much, mostly just the usual stuff. Besides the clothes and the now-destroyed gun, he had a cellphone, a wallet, and a set of keys, although he had more jewellery than most of the others. She separated everything, deciding what would be safe to donate, what she'd have to get rid of more discreetly, and what she could sell or keep.

Unfortunately, all the places she could go to get rid of this stuff were closed or would most likely be by the time she got there, so for now she put it all away. Lorelai also made sure to remove her People Powder from her cupboard, moving the one jar she kept upstairs back down with the others, in her locked climate-controlled pantry. She then headed back to the living room, breaking in the new couch as she did her homework, while occasionally peering up at the wall clock to check the time. Lorelai was done just before 8 o'clock, quickly checking it off the list after placing her binder back in her backpack, and setting it in the cubby by the front door. "Only one thing left" Lorelai muttered under her breath as she got up, heading to her room to get ready, hurrying as she knew she didn't have a ton of time.

Lorelai came back down the stairs looking very different from her regular self, for starters, she seemed to be wearing a disguise of sorts. She had a wig on, it was a long bob that hit just past her shoulders, dirty blond and it looked real, to be fair though, it was made from actual human hair. Lorelai also had on a lot of makeup, but of course, considering she never really wore any, the change was quite drastic. Between the heavy contour, smokey eye, fake lashes, deep red lipstick, and everything else in between, she doubted that even Lucy would recognize her like this. She also had on a large, oversized dark trench coat, it was long, hiding her entire body, the only thing that showed was her feet and ankles.

Of course, seeing as she was wearing a pair of heeled boots, you couldn't actually see her ankles or most of her shins for that matter. However, on closer inspection, they weren't heels at all, they were simply designed and painted to look like they had heels. Lorelai did that to make it appear as if she was a shorter girl wearing heels to better hide her true identity as she would be out in public for this one. Lorelai left her phone on the counter as she headed for the backdoor with her messager bag in hand, quietly sneaking out into the alley, knowing she could not get caught.

By the time Lorelai got home, it was almost midnight and it's not that she was physically exhausted, but she was done with people for the time being. She reeked of cheap booze and cigarette smoke, wanting nothing more than a long hot shower followed by an even longer bath, already knowing which bath bomb she was going to use. Lorelai nearly gagged, all those sweaty, desperate men she had to deal with, the thought of having to share the same oxygen with those dim-witted oafs again, scent a chill up her spine and made her gag. Of course, it was over now and she could get back to what was important, but first, Lorelai was going to wash up and possibly sit in the bath with some champagne. So with no hesitation, Lorelai simply grabbed her phone, and quickly headed upstairs, pulling off her trench coat on the way, revealing the ridiculous outfit she had put on this evening. Besides the heavy makeup and her optical illusion fake-heel boots, she also altered the shape of her body as well. First of all, the lacy gothic cropped corset top was padded, making her boobs look huge and under her thick stockings were thigh and butt pads, making her look extra curvy. Overtop of that Lorelai wore a short black pleated skirt, looking very much like an escort, but of course, that was what she was going for.

But before Lorelai could wash up, there were a few things she had to do first, starting off with putting away one of her toys. She pulled out her Glock 19, and disassembled it, starting with removing the ammunition and suppressor, having it put away in its case within a matter of minutes. Obviously, this wasn't something she just left lying around, even if it was tucked away in a locked case, keeping all her weapons in a secret compartment. Lorelai quickly went over to the large and deep wooden dresser, picking it up and moving it out of the way as the place she kept her illegal stuff was under. Now normally, a dresser like that would weigh, 90kg, maybe 100kg if it was full of stuff but seeing as Lorelai added weights, it was like 250kg. It was still not a lot for Lorelai, she could move it with ease, setting the dresser in front of the door as she opened up the compartment and put away her Glock, one of several weapons and other things kept in there.

After Lorelai had finished putting the dresser back, she immediately took off her wig, sitting down on her bed to check the last thing off her list. She set the paper and pen down, yanking off all of her clothes as quickly as possible, walking into her bathroom in her birthday suit and began removing all the makeup. Lorelai then hopped into the shower, scrubbing herself down multiple times until the foreign, repulsive scents were completely washed away. Soon Lorelai was running a very hot bath for herself, as although she couldn't really feel the heat, it would be nice for her chronic pain. She added in Epsom Salt, some Bubble Bath Elixir, and finally a giant donut Bath Bomb, it smelt heavenly, but before Lorelai got in, there was one thing left to do. Lorelai might have grabbed one of the bottles of wine she kept in a mini fridge, pouring a nice glass before hopping in to enjoy the water, along with a good book.