chapter 3

Early that morning Aya received a call she wasn't expecting after looking at the screen for a few seconds in surprise she picked up .

'good morning babe' Abby greeted happily from the other end of the phone .

'good morning too sweetie 'Aya replied with the same energy Abby had used .

'how was your night girl and by the way do u miss me ' Abby asked gaining a chuckle from Aya.

' my night was good and lonely as u know girl why not pay me a visit'

'am already at your door step so come welcome me inside 'Abby replied happily.

'u gat to be kidding me 'Aya said unmoved .

'girl jhus know am tired and hungry too hurry down here'Abby in a seroius tone now.

'ohhhh what a morning why didn't u tell me that you were coming over girl I would have waken up early than this you know 'Aya replied while grabbing her bathrobe then went down stairs to go open for Abby .The moment she opened the Abby grabbed her into a breathe taking hug.

"how I missed you and not even a phone call from you heartless bitch "Abby said while grinning at Sue after breaking the hug.

"and yet u had my number to but didnt either bother calling me in the first place "Aya replied then added "you gat lots of laggage with u hope it's what i think it is are you moving in"she with a huge grin that Abby ended up cracking into laughter.

"hey am here for a vacation with you "Abby replied while grinning at her elated friend .

They both carried Abby's laggage into the mansion taking it straight to the guestroom.

"whenever I come to this room I recall out first meeting "Abby said .

"ohhh really"

"yeah,girl my tummy needs your help am hungry like hell"Abby said with pouted lips .

"okay let me go preapare something for you find me downstairs "Aya said while existing the room.

Aya went to the kitchen prepared everything then set then on the table they were scrambled eggs toast milk and coffee for herself mostly .

She then called Abby downstairs who came down rushing like someone was chasing her .

"hey what's up with the speed the food is all yoursI won't even eat anything here why you such a foodie"Aya said chuckling at her friend's childish behaviour.

"girl you know when it comes to your cookings I don't waste time your soo good when it comes to cooking "Abby replied taking a seat at the dinning .

"okay miss you can now enjoy your meal"

"won't you join me this is so delicious "Abby said staffing the eggs in her mouth .

"how many times will I keep on telling you that amnt a fan of what your eating "Aya replied stressing each word with pouted lips .

"am sorry darling at times I forgot you know "Abby said with puppy eyes while looking at Aya.

"okay it's fine no need for showing me those puppy eyes of yours just eat up and tell me what you have been doing out there "Aya stated .

After Abby completing her breakfast and clearing the table they headed for the living room .

"well you really wanna know well I lost my ....virginity with a stranger it was kinda like a one night stand thing "Abby said while scratching the back of her head due to the expression Aya showed her after hearing this .

"you gat to be kidding me what the f have you lost your sanity girl .i can't believe it that it's you telling me all this "Aya said while widening her eyes in shock .

"girl it's no big deal as I told you it was just a one night thing ok no strings attached and please do you mind decreasing the size of your eyes coz your scaring the hell out of me"Abby replied truthfully.

" okay never mind so are you gonna tell me things in details or"Aya asked with a change in mood.

"ohhh so you want me to spoil you with naughty things I did hah" Abby said teasingly .

"seriously am just curious "Aya replied trying to brush it off.

Abby begun narrating everything to her on how she went to the bar till she left .

"ohh boy you gat to be kidding me"Aya said in amusement after getting to know everything that had happened .

"hey it is what it is so let's drop that "Abby replied

"ok miss guess I remain the grumpy virgin here "Aya said with a chuckle.

"a what ..."Abby asked again bursting into laughter .

"shut up amnt talking to you "Aya replied joining in too.

Back to town.

Davi was already prepared for the journey he had packed all his luggage in his black Benz ."i think I should first tap these guys before setting off to yummy restaurant "Davi thought .He then picked up his phone and started making informing all the others how they were all to meet at yummy restaurant .After making calls all over he set off for the planned restaurant .

"baby hope you have packed everything we need since we might be going in some isolated area "Luca asked Ava Davi's little sister his girlfriend .

"yeah we are well equipped I bought and packed everything we need days ago wanna take a look at what i bought. I gat a surprise for you ,I cant wait to wear it "Ava's statement made Luca's drop to the floor making Ava chuckle a little .

"what's funny are you have some naughty thoughts about what happened early morning with this handsome bloke" Luca said while grabbing Ava by the waist and pinning her down on the bed with an evil smirk .

"wow wait mister amnt going back for another round noway already exhausted remember we gat a journey ahead of us baby "Ava replied pushing to the side a gently .

"but I want more I can't get enough of u ,I want u every now and then I could have u all day "Luca said pulling her now on his lap.

"fuck u hun why are you so had to turn off .it seems you want me to use the other way .let go you gat to pick that phone "Ava said getting off his lap then heading to the bathroom to wash up since they had heard Luca's phone ring from the table.

'hello 'Luca heard Davi say from the other

'hello how are you Davi "Luca replied .

' am good and you '

'am good too'

'i called to remind you to meet us at yummy restaurant and one more thing is Ava with you 'Davi said in a serious voice .

'yeah she's with me any problem '

'how comes that girl is soo reckless I was informed this morning that she didn't show up at home yesterday not did she call to tell anyone that she wouldn't be making it there 'Davi said in an angry tone.

'oh man about Avano worries just know when she's with me she's safe trust me'Luca reassured him .

' She have at least called 'Davi shouted

'but she's nolonger a kid Davi she can do whatever she pleases to do'Luca stated.

'Luca better stop spouting nonsense coz u could earn yourselfa good beating the time we meet and if you feel you love her that much whynot marry her even though you are among my best friends that doesn't mean that you are to use my sister to your own benefit 'Davi said .

'ok am gonna marry her soon brother- in -law hahaha 'Luca replied chuckling a little bit at the thought of Davi being his brother in law he could be some pain in the ass though .

'fuck you and keep time you gat to be there by 9:30'Davi said cutting off the line .

"what a brother in law"was all Luca mumbled to himself after place his phone back on the table.