chapter 6

Guys just know the 3 coming chapters are gonna be full of mature stuff so if you feel uncomfortable skip them and hope you enjoy 😉😉

One hour later

"ohh my gash am soo tired i think I need a nap "Lily muttered as the others left their cars astonished at the view of the mansions they beheld the view was so eye catching .

Two young ladies came out of the house in the right and begun taking steps to where they had parked their cars .One of the ladies was all in black she looked soo much like a bad ass girl but her eyes were soo dark and fearless and her beauty was uncomparable the woman was so eye catching while her colleague was wearing tight blue pants and black blouse she had blue eyes and they looked warm she she a sly smile on her lips she had a pretty face .They moved closer until they were a few meters away from the group .

"welcome to xhez forest am Aya Dimanche feel free to ask for anything and I mean anything coz all will be provided and this is Abby Wilson my colleague"Aya spoke in it usual serious cold tone .

"hey guys as she has said am Abby hope you enjoy your stay "Abby said flashing them a warm smile .

Sam answered "thank you nice meeting you too ladies and I love the view already I wonder what's like inside "

"ofcourse it's nice inside "Abby muttered while rolling her eyes.

"well guess you guys are tired let's head inside and I guess I will have to introduce you to the maids chef and the house keeper in case you need anything from them"Aya suggested moving inside the other house followed by Abby who was in deep thought the man next to Davi his face kept on ringing bells in her head [where could I have seen that face it looks familiar ] oh my gash Abby said it aloud unknowingly making turn and look at her with a look saying what Abby waves her hands to show that there was nothing to worry about [it's him why what's he doing he is he stalking me or something but he looked not to have recognized me oh no am in deep shit]she busy thinking forgetting that she was walking then bumped into something like a wall "ouch "she cried out then raising her head to see what she had knocked "ohhhhh"she said looking at Aya then mouthed a sorry Aya just gave her a small smile then went to take seat in the living room .

Abby was in deep thought coz she had recognized Sam he's the man whom she laid with . [it's really him what am I gonna do ,I wish he knows how many sleepless nights he has given me ,this is indeed pleasurable torture ]

Flash back

Abby was seated at the counter of Finish up Bar busy humming some song as the four shots of tequila she had taken were working on her .

"hey waiter... I need ...your help "she said in her a drunken state

"miss what can I do for you "the waiter asked looking at her with a raised brow .

"I need one more shot "she muttered with a smirk then eventually burst into laughter.

[I wonder what's funny]

"but miss you have already had enough for the day and you are alone what if something happens to you in this state"the waiter answered in a concerned tone.

Abby slowly lifted her hands in the counter then rested her chin on them then looked at the waiter almost putting holes through his body then said "excuse me note these my life my body my money my happiness so nothing about me concerns you and one more thing instead of one shot bring two and off you go"she raised her hand shooing him away .

"okay as you wish "

"good boy and please don't keep me waiting for long "The waiter left and she now begun singing instead of singing .~tell me how it feels sitting up there feeling so high ~

"waiter " Abby turned to see who had just called the waiter .it was a man who had just occupied a seat next to her left he seemed to be a little drunk coz his eyes were half opened.

"he has gone to go pick me more drinks "Abby replied in a lazy tone.

"okay guess I should wait for him then"said the man putting his head on the counter as if to take a nap .

"Yape wait "Abby murmured going back to her singing .

[should i tell her to go sing for some other people or tell her to stop singing her singing is soo painful ]

"miss do mind singing in a low tone please your distracting my mind " he suggested finally .

"hey you gat to be kidding me aint you enjoying my sweet singing voice or should I change the song "

"that's not it actually your making my ear drums hurt "the man replied truthfully.

"huh how comes mine ain't hurting am instead enjoying my singing "

"please just don't sing do something else "


"chat may be"

"with "Abby asked with a raised brow

"anyone around or interested in chatting "

"even you"

"yeah am cool with it"[it's better than you singing ]

"hmmmm I think I like you"Abby said grabbing her chin like she was in deep thought .


The waiter then came back with Abby's drinks placing them down infront of her .

"ohh thank you "she shouted with excitement grabbed one of the glass and gulped down all its contents.

[wow its so nice let me take one more]

"pass me the that glass "Abby said gesturing for the waiter to give her the glass .

"miss please drink this as your last "the waiter stated passing her the glass

"why? ??are the drinks done "



"you have had enough "

"and who says so"Abby said rolling her eyes