A Divine Body Is Only Common!?!?

----------------------------------------Hi guys 'Monarch_novel' here, I would just like to say that starting with this chapter it will now be always at a '1st Person Perspective; Except for other characters' POV. That's all, I will no longer further disturb you. Peace!




[While The System was attempting to change the Occupation for it to match the host's current race. A sudden interference has tried to corrupt the System, Due to the System acting quickly by activating its Defence Unit, The System has avoided a major problem. But unfortunately, it has already corrupted certain information in the database while it also forcefully evolved the previously given Occupations, then lastly combined it afterward.]

[After the System was done restarting, the System quickly checked all of the corrupted data and found out that: knowledge about half of the higher planes, certain techniques, part of this world's data, and certain Occupational explanations have been lost.]

'So does this limit my future growth?' I said while a worried expression could be seen on my face.

[The host doesn't need to worry, the System only lost certain information but not its functions]


I calmed down after reading the explanation provided by the System.

I suddenly looked at his ring while narrowing my eyes and thought:

'What the hell is this ring? For it to be able to change the System and delete part of its data'

While looking at the ring I suddenly remembered what the old man had said to him:

(-whatever happens, keep this safe, for this will help you with certain problems.)

'I just hope that this ring will help me or I might have to throw this somewhere far or something.'

'Wait a minute! wasn't this ring supposed to be always worn by the 'Demon Monarch'?'

'Don't TELL ME!' I exclaimed, thinking that the Old Man who gave him this ring was the 'Demon Monarch' himself.


[The host should calm down.]

[After the System was done reading your memory, It concluded that: The one who gave you that ring was a human who had an unusually strong body despite his Old Age.]

[So the Old Man isn't a 'Demon' nor the 'Demon Monarch']

'A human who had an unusually strong body?' I wondered while thinking why would someone like him who possessed a demon monarch's ring would just give it to nr in the end.

[The System concluded that the human had a body comparable to a divine body]

Reading this I can't help but exclaim loudly


Though I don't know what a divine body is, I can roughly guess that it is something that only God has due to the word 'divine' It might even be in the top 3 best bodies/physiques someone could get.

'System, Is a divine body owned by gods themselves?' I asked trying to make sure my assumptions are true.

[The host is both correct and wrong at the same time]

'Huh? what do you mean by that? Is there anything else that I would need to know?'

[The host is correct]

[Divine Bodies are the quality of the body of any creature that has either an immortal body or one that has an amazing physique that has the talent to surpass one while only being a little stronger.]

'Woah! that is amazing!' I exclaimed.

'Is there by any chance that I can acquire a divine body or something like that?'

[The System suggests for the host not acquire this kind of common body]



'Hello? are you there? what do you mean by the common body?'

[Just as the System said, A common body that ranks bottom last.]

'So you're telling me an 'IMMORTAL BODY' is considered at the bottom last?' hearing this, I was shocked as I didn't expect that someone who possesses an immortal body would be considered as the bottom last by the system.

'Looks like the System is more mysterious than I had thought.' I can't help but evaluate the system higher in my mind.

[The host is correct]

'So how do you rate a mortal body?' I wondered honestly trying to grasp how the system considers it.




'Hm? Is the System made by someone or something that is 'Omnipotent' 'Omniscient' and 'Omnipresent' for it to consider a Divine body as only common?.'

Thought Blake as he just ignored what the system had just said. As it was also indirectly saying that his body is also trash as it falls into the same category.


[-Due to the host not having enough authority to receive an answer, The System will not be able to answer-]

'Okay! Okay! you don't have to say that to me every time you can't answer me, you can just say I don't have enough authority or something like that.'

[Processing the host's request~]

[Due to the request being reasonable the System accepted the host's request]

[The next time the Host doesn't have enough authority, The System will only say: 'The host doesn't have enough authority']

'Oh? I can make requests to the System?'

[The System will only accept certain requests that are not unreasonable]

'That's understandable.'

Thought Blake as he checked his whole new appearance after switching to a new race becoming a 'devil'.

'I need to look at the changes in my body, but I can't look at it due to not having a mirror.'

'How about I just make the System show me an illusion of myself?'

'System, can you show me an illusion of how I currently look?'


[To show an exact illusion of the host you would need to pay the System 10exp.]

I thought about it for a moment and decided to accept it.

[10exp have been deducted]

After I paid the System, It suddenly showed me an illusion of my whole new body in front of me.

While looking at my body I can't help but compare my new one to my body in the past. while my past body just looked like an average person at best, This New body of mine can almost be called 'Perfection' Itself.