A Monument And An Exp Buffet

After I arrived at the area near the explosion, I saw a thousand different beasts fighting each other. While in the distance I can see a monument-like structure, though it looks ruined you can still see its grandness due to the designs on the structure.

'Hm? Why is this monument here in the middle of this gigantic forest?'

'System, What level are those beasts'?'


[There are about seven tiers 1 beast, twenty-two tier 2 beasts, sixty-two tier 3 beasts, a hundred and forty tiers 4 beasts, a few hundred of tier 5-6 beasts, and about six hundred to seven hundred tiers 7-8 beasts. Currently, there are no tier 9 the moment.]

'What the hell!?!? Ugh!? There is plenty of souls around on the battlefield, but I can't get them due to the higher-tier beasts.'


[The System suggests the host try your luck in the System's roulette function.]

'Uhm, Ok... I guess?'

'System, Open the roulette function'

As I said that I was suddenly shown a whole roulette wheel with different prizes on them.

'How can I spin this roulette?'

[The host was given a total of 3 free chances to spin the wheel, Just as you unlocked the roulette function.]

'Oh! that's right, I forgot about that, System, Spin the wheel.'

*A Few Seconds Later*

[Congratulations to the host for acquiring an enchanted butler suit.]

'Ugh! That's it? I thought I was about to be given some skill or something.' I said with a visible disappointment on my face.

'System, Spin the wheel again.'

[Congratulations to the host for acquiring a soul-gathering flag.]

'Oh! That's great, I now have just to sit around while the beast's souls gather around me.'

'System, Spin the wheel.'

'This will be my last time I hope I will get something good.'

[Congratulations to the host for acquiring a set of full hunter's costumes.]

'Hm? though I am a bit disappointed, It is still great for the current situation that I am in the moment.'

As I thought of that, I looked at the clothes that is currently surrounding my whole body. You can see dried blood, claw slashes, and holes everywhere.

While looking carefully at the flag, I can see details that I would have missed if I didn't look properly. It has small runes all over the pole of the flag.

The flag has a picture that looked like a triangle inside a circle on its cloth part.

'System, How do I use the soul-gathering flag?' I asked excitedly.


[The host only needs to place it on solid ground, While also supplying mana at the same time.]

'Oh! I better get started right now.'

I thought As I placed it on the dirt near me.

I can see plenty of souls that are attracted to the flag Because they are coming near me fast.

[The Soul gathering flag is currently attracting a total of 246 souls of multiple tiers.]

As they came near me, I quickly ate them or they might suddenly disappear.

If I were to describe this scene right now, I would say I am eating souls like a fat man in an all-you-can-eat buffet.

[You have eaten the soul of tier 3 -crocodile (26)]

[You have eaten the soul of tier 2 -Giant Cobra (17)]

[You have eaten the soul of tier 4 -Berserker monkey (32)]

[The soul-gathering flag had attracted another badge of souls]

[You have eaten the soul o~]


*25 Minutes Later*

[You have eaten a total of 812 souls of different Tier beasts.]

[You have received a huge number of exp.]

[Congratulations to the host for receiving a total of 61,450exp. But due to the host bot killing them himself you will only receive 50% of the reward.]

[You will be rewarded with a total of 30,725exp]

[Your reward will be doubled thanks to the skill 'Exp Doubler'.]

[You have received a total of 61,450exp]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have le~]

*A few moments later*

[Congratulations to the host for leveling up a total of 32 times.]

[Congratulations to the host for reaching tier 3]

[You will be given a gift by the System]

[You have received +200 stat points]

[The System has been upgraded]

[Congratulations to the host for reaching tier 4]

[You will be given a gift by the System]

[You have received 5 free roulette spins]

[The System has been upgraded]

[Congratulations to the host for reaching tier 5]

[You will be given a gift by the System]

[You have received a skill called 'Soul Memory Devourer]

[The System has been upgraded]


'That's Crazy!'

After Going crazy for minutes while screaming different words, I calmed down and decided to look at my stats.

'System' I thought.




[Name] - Blake Caelus

[Level 47] -2,200/4,920 (tier 5)

[Title] -None


-Chaotic Arcanist Sage(Corrupted)



-Soul Eater

-Knowledge Booster

-Grand Art: Mana Control

-Grand Art: Weapon Mastery

-Weakness Sensor

-Thought Sentience

-Exp Doubler

-Soul Memory Devourer


[HP] -60

[MP] -100

[STR] -87

[INT] -85

[AGI] -90

[PER] -88 'x2' (176)

[Points] -380


[Items Equipped]

-Ring of ???

-Legendary Bow Aparámillos

-Earrings of ???


[System Functions]




-Skill merger

-Technique Maker

-Spacial-Kingdom (locked)


While looking at my Status Screen, I thought:

'Looks like I will be leaving this place tomorrow.'

'Oh right! I still have to check that monument-like building.'

The beasts stopped attacking each other, It was about 30 minutes after I arrived.

They are surrounding the monument while being wary of each other.

Though they are not attacking each other, They are releasing killing intent aimed at others.

'System, Am I immune to Killing Intent with your help?'

[The System cannot help the host be immune to Killing Intent, But The System suggests to the host in training his willpower if you want to be able to endure a stronger killing intent.]

[The higher your willpower is, The lower your chances of being suppressed by the killing intent of others.]

'Oh? I'll keep your suggestion in mind.'

'I better find a chance to sneak inside the monument.'

I thought as I saw a trap door near the wall of the monument.

'System, are there any Beast that has their personality?'

[Beasts will develop a personality at tier 7, Though they can only think about very little things.]

[Beasts will only have a full personality if they reach tier 10 (Lvl 100)]

'Do you become a God if you reach tier 10?'

[The answer to the host's question is No.]

[For those who will reach tier 10 (Lvl 100), They are often called Demi-gods or Half Gods by the mortals]

'Oh? so what are the requirements and the tier you have to be to become a god?'

[The requirements are having comprehended at least one law to a 100%, and also by either gaining the World Will's approval or Having reached a high-level Mastery of your Occupation. You have to be in tier 12 to become a God]

'System, What do you call someone in Tier 11?'

[It is either called a 'Quasi-God' or a 'Living God' by mortals]

I quickly digested all of the information I have gained today.