Almost Dying To A Teir 9 Giant Lion

While checking my Stats, I remembered that in novels there are bonus effects that a title gives you if you equip them.

'System, Does a title give bonus effects?' I asked just to make sure.


[The host is correct, Title gives bonus effects if you equip them. Different titles give different effects, But some titles don't have them.]

'System, The title that I had just received, Does it have a bonus effect if I equip it?'

[Your title 'LEVELING UP MANIAC' give's bonus effect.]

[Bonus Effect: You will be given an extra 1 stat point per level up.]

'Oh! That's surprisingly helpful.'

After being satisfied with gaining an effect on my title, I quickly tried to think of a way to make a distraction, Or I might be found suddenly teleporting in front of the monument.

'Hm? Now that I think about it, Why are these beasts fighting?'

[To answer the host's question, Beasts gain strength by either absorbing mana or by leveling up.]

'That still doesn't explain why they are fighting for these ruins.'

[The Surrounding of the monument has a high concentration of mana.]

[The Beasts are fighting to try and gain access to the limited spots with highly concentrated mana.]

'Oh! that explains why the beasts are fighting each other.'

'System, why is the area near the monument have higher concentrated mana than the surrounding.'

[The System cannot provide an answer without coming near it.]

[The System concluded, That it either has an array that gathers the mana in the surroundings while keeping it concentrated near its area, Or There is an open pocket dimension gate releasing mana in the surroundings.]

'Hm? Is a pocket dimension like a separate space, Where there is like another place inside of it?'

I questioned, As I remember reading about it in novels.

[The host is correct, A pocket dimension is in a separate space that has a limited space depending on its tier.]

'Hm? Pocket dimension has tiers as well?'

[The host is correct, The higher the tier pocket dimension is, The higher its size.]

'Oh right!, In the System there is a function called spacial-kingdom, Is it the same as a pocket dimension?'

[The host is correct, A pocket dimension will only stay at the spot it was created and will not move to other places, though there are certain techniques you can use to move it.

A spacial-kingdom is the same as a pocket dimension that will only be available at your mindscape.]

'Mindscape? What's that?'

[A mindscape is a separate dimension that is on your mind itself.]

[The spatial kingdom will only be originally unlocked at reaching tier0 (Lvl100), but due to the Host having a System, You will be able to unlock it by only reaching tier 6.]

'Oh! that's great, Looks like I have the advantage-'


While I was Chatting with the System, A Beast suddenly roared on the opposite side of the monument.







Just As I was about to receive a confirmation from the System, I suddenly felt all of the hair on my body raising.



'Oh shit!'

While cursing, I can see a giant LION running toward me.

'Oh sh~'


The area where I was standing previously has exploded to dust.

While the Giant Lion was looking at the place of the explosion for a few seconds, he suddenly turned around and started running.


=•{A Few Moments Ago}•=

'Oh sh~'




A dozen and more kilometers away, You can see a man materialize near a cave.


I thought as I saw an explosion while its smoke looked like a mushroom, A dozen and a few kilometers away from me.


'WOAH! Good thing I teleported on time'

[You have teleported, mana will now be deducted.]

[The host currently has 60/230 [MP] left]

[The System Suggests The host rest for a couple of hours]


'Having power is awesome and scary at the same time.'

'Tomorrow I better leave this giant forest and start exploring this great and scary world.'

Though I didn't have a chance to check on the monument, The day still ended with me having kept my life.

=•Day 6•=

As I woke up, I quickly ate and asked the system:

'System, I have decided to leave this forest today and head to the human Continent.'

'So which way do go?'


[You will need to head northwest for a total of 6,543 Kilometers.]



'That much!?'


'Looks like I have a long way to go...'

I thought while running moderately while running I ordered the System:

'System, Show me a way that doesn't contain any high-level beasts.'

[Request Processing...]

[Process Approved]

As the System Said that, I was suddenly shown a hologram map in front of me.

'Well, looks like there isn't anything dangerous for now.'

I thought, As I just ignore different tier beasts that I was passing.

*A Few Hours Later*

While traveling for a total of 623 Kilometers, I suddenly heard:


'Hm? what was that?'

'System, What was that sound?'

[The sound has been identified as a tier 2 -poisonous spider (18) ]

'Hm? Why did it suddenly screech out of nowhere?'

[It seems to be currently attacking a tier1 -Mutated Fox.]

'Oh? Though I had spent almost a week in this world, I still didn't see a fox.'

[Currently, in the world, Foxes are at the bottom of the race and are hard to meet, Due to the war that they lost thousands of years ago.]

As I heard this intriguing information, I can't help but ask the System:

'They lost a war? About what? Against whom?'

[The System cannot answer your question]

[The Host doesn't have enough authority]

'Hm? I still don't have enough authority even after the System upgraded 4 times?'

[The host is correct]

'Oh, Ok. Well then, let's meet this fox shall we?'

After arriving a few seconds later, I suddenly saw a spider attacking a fox fiercely. So I quickly dealt with it and ate its soul.

[You have gained a total of 36exp]

After eating the soul, I went near the fox and looked at it carefully.

Though it currently looks like a hungry baby it still looks like a beautiful creature with smooth-looking orange furs with blood dripping at its wounds, It has beautiful Emerald colored eyes, You can see the will to live in its eyes.

Both of its ears looked pointy, I assume it's because the fox is currently wary of its surroundings, And its tail is fluffy-looking.