Goblins and Orcs are fighting

'System, How much distance is left?'

[The current distance the host needs to travel to reach the Human Continent is 5922 kilometers]

'Haiz! I think about 8 more days of traveling we will reach it right?'

'Why is this damn Forest so huge?!'


"Kereina, We will be traveling for another 8 days."


"Don't worry, If we reach our destination, I will buy you plenty of delicious food."

"Auh!" Said Kereina as she was looking at me with a smile on her face.

*A Few Moments Later*

While we were traveling, We suddenly heard a loud sound.


A few distances Away An explosion happened while trees are falling over near it.

'System, Scan the area near the explosion.'


[Scan Complete]

[The System has discovered that Two different races are currently fighting each other.]

Reading this, My curiosity was piqued, So I decided to head toward them.

"Kereina, We will be going to the explosion, two different races are fighting there."


"I don't know what race they are, but it seems like they are in the same tier as me."


"Don't worry, We will quickly leave if it suddenly gets dangerous."

She just stared at me for a moment, then nodded her head.

"That's decided then."

"We will watch a battle between different races!"


A few seconds later, We arrived near the place and had a view of the whole battlefield.

"Kereina, Can you see from this distance?"

She nodded her head

While looking at the battlefield, I saw two different races fighting each other. I quickly knew what races they were, due to my reading novels in my free time back on earth.

First of all the goblins, have child-like features and bloodthirsty eyes, while not having good looks at the same time. Though they are only wearing ragged clothes, The weapon they are using looks something new.

Second, are the orcs, They have huge bodies, and They have looks that look a little better than goblins while having grey eyes. They are wearing almost proper clothes While having clubs as weapons made out of metal.

'Oh! who would have thought, To think I would encounter the monsters that I have read in novels.'



"Kereina, what's the matter?"


"Don't worry, I plan on attacking them later on, But first!"

"I am gonna place this flag first!"


"Ah! right! You don't know about this flag yet."

"I got stronger by absorbing the souls of my dead enemies."


"So I will use this flag to gather souls from the battlefield."


"HaHa, I know I'm pretty smart right," I said while showing a proud expression.


"For now we will just watch and wait"


We decided to watch the battle, and we will only act when we have the chance. If there is any danger we will quickly escape from it.

While we were watching the battle between the goblins and orcs, The tide of the battle is currently in the favor of the orcs.

Currently, The Orcs have the upper hand, They are numbering in the 5 hundred. Though the goblins have a lower number than them, they are carrying better and new weapons.

"Looks like the fight will end at most 30 mins"


"Oh yeah! Kereina, How many stats have you received from the pill?"


'System, Open Kereina's Status Screen'




[Name] -Kereina

[Level 30] -2/600exp (tier 3)

[Title] -Cursed Child, Cursed Empress

[Profession] -None



-Supreme Art: Absolute Penetration

-Grand Art: Soul Magic

-Sealing Magic

-Shadow Spikes

-Majestic Aura

-Shadow Domain

-Shadow Tracker


[HP] -15+5 (20)

[MP] -38+5 (43)

[STR] -30+5 (35)

[INT] -29+5 (34)

[AGI] -33+5 (38)

[PER] -24+5 (29)


As I looked at the stats that she acquired These following days, I can't help but notice the effects of the pill.

'System, Can't I just eat these pills to get stronger?'

[The host can eat the pills, But you will be only able to use them a total of ten times or you might explode.]

'Hm, That's understandable, If I can eat the pills plenty of times, I wouldn't need leveling up.'

[The host is correct]

I quickly glanced at Kereina and asked If she feel stronger, Even if I already know the answer.

"Auh!" She said while hitting me.

"HaHaHa! Looks like the pill worked! Though It is just a little boost, It is still a boost nonetheless."

She put on a smile on her face and pointed at me with her paws.

"Don't worry, I will use them in the future, for now, You just need to lvl up and eat the remaining pills for you to grow stronger."




As I looked at the area where the explosion happened, I saw a goblin wearing a mage-like outfit.

'System, Is that a goblin mage?'

[The host is correct]

[But It is called a 'goblin shaman' to be exact.]

'Hm? Shaman? Is it the same as a mage?'

[The host is correct]

'Show me its description...'

[Processing Request...]

[Request Accepted]

[Goblin Shaman]

[They are the size of a normal Goblin and are spellcasters. Goblin Shamans wear a cape made of dark fur, a crown-like headgear, and often carry a staff. Goblin Shamans are heavily resistant to magic, but have little physical defense.]

'Oh? that's interesting...'


'What's that?'

As I glanced at the opposite side of the battlefield, I suddenly saw an Orc with a different colored skin.

While Orcs and goblins have a different kinds of green for their skin, This particular Orc has red skin and is a little taller.

'System, Why is it different from the other's?'

[To answer the host's question, It is because it has a higher bloodline than the others, while also having a chance to evolve itself.]

'Oh? Bloodline, huh?'

As I said, A battle between both sides has suddenly taken a huge turn, A sudden high-level beast suddenly came out of nowhere and joined the fight.

It just keeps rampaging, while killing all of those who get close to it. It didn't matter if they were a goblin or an orc, They will be killed if they get near it.