Jeff The Vampire

Hearing that I can't help but ask the System.

'Is that true?'

[Well, The host usually laughs while having an expressionless face, But with a small grin on your face...]


'Do I?'


"Well, I can't do anything about it That's just how I laugh, I... guess?"

(If mash~ter says so)

While we were talking a sound was suddenly heard inside the coffin.

"Uhm, Can you help me plz?" someone said in a hoarse voice.

"Why should I help you?"

"Uh, Because you don't know me?"

"Huh? how does that make any sense?"

"Well, you don't know me, so if you open this, you will eventually know who I am. I mean, Aren't you curious to know why I was trapped here?"

As he said that, I noticed that there are plenty of runes carved on the side of the coffin.


"Ok then, But first you need to tell me both your level and race."

"Uhm Ok, I am currently level 70 and my race is a vampire," he said calmly.

'A vampire? Oh! I'm finally gonna see what a vampire looks like.' I thought while feeling a little excited

"Ok then, I'm gonna open it now."

"Make sure to destroy the insides of it, show them how big you are!"


"What do you mean?"

"I mean destroy the runes completely, or it might regenerate again!''

"Got it!

"After that, Make sure to push it harder or It might not work, The insides of it are lonely!"

'Huh? the weirdness of this is reaching a whole new level.'


"Oh right! I mean, Push the top of this coffin, it's heavy or you might have to restart again, I have been here for so long that I was getting lonely."

Kereina was just standing looking at us, not noticing the different meanings of the words the vampire just said.

After trying to open the coffin for a long time, A few minutes later, The coffin opened and revealed a vampire who looks like he was in his 30s. He had red eyes, Black short hair, and a handsome face while wearing a black robe.

As he got out, He looked around while stopping when he saw both of us.

He just stared at us for a few seconds, And suddenly started stretching, without talking to any of us.

'System, What's his real level?'

[He is a vampire that is currently at lvl 70 (tier 6)]

'Looks like he was telling the truth.'

After a few minutes of stretching while both I and Kereina were watching the whole time, He finally finished and said:

"How did you manage to destroy the runes?" He asked curiously while watching every movement we make.

"How strange, I don't feel any mana from you, How is that possible?"

'Well, Maybe It's because I don't have that thing called mana circuit or something.'

"To answer your question, I just destroyed it with my strength, I didn't use any magic and any skill, I just used my pure physical strength."

He's expression kept changing for a second, But it didn't escape my eyes as I saw all of it, I just stared at him calmly without any of my expression showing on my face.


After a few seconds of silence, He suddenly spoke:

"I'm Jeff by the way," He said as he waved.

"Oh, right! where are my manners!"

"My name is Blake, Blake Klaus, That fox over there is called Kereina," I said as I pointed at Kereina.

Kereina just waved his paw while having a neutral look on her face.

Jeff quickly scanned her from top to bottom in a split second, after that he said:

"Oh? A fox? that's rare... So, Can we make our way out now? Or do we just keep staring at each other?"

"Yes, of course, but can I ask you why you were trapped here?"

"You see... I got trapped here by my wife." He said as he scratched the back of his head.

"Your wife?"

"Yeah, I was found out that I have been stealing from our clan treasury, So I was supposed to be punished by spending 500 years here," he said with a straight face.

"But you suddenly arrived and freed me, I was supposed to be staying here for at least 10 more years."

'Hm? Looks like he was trapped here for 490 years, As expected of a vampire.'

"Well, Let's go out shall we?" I said while controlling my curiosity to know more about the whole story.

"Sure, Lead the way...''

We kept walking for a few minutes while talking to each other, We now arrived at the door that connects to the outside world.

Kereina was at my side as I was walking ahead, While Jeff was just walking behind us nonchalantly.

"Wait for me a moment," I said as I killed Sam who was left behind by the humans that I had killed previously.

"Alright, Let's now go...''

Jeff just shrugged his shoulders not bothered by the sight of me killing someone.

As we pushed open the door, we were met with the outside world, plenty of trees were blocking the door but still contained a small gap for us to pass through.

We traveled together for the rest of the day, as the night quickly approaches, we decided to set a camp where we could rest for the night, We just keep chatting until it was now midnight, As we slept, I tasked the System to keep watch for the whole night.

=•Day 19•=

It's now a new day Jeff told us that he will now go his own way, which is a different way from ours.

"Well, Looks like this is where we part ways."

"Where are you heading?" I asked.

"I'm going back to the Vampire Continent. Oh yeah! Come visit me there, If you go to a clan named 'Agýrtis' and say my name, they will welcome and treat you well, as long as you don't create trouble yourself though."

"Goodbye! May we meet again friend!" he said as he grew a huge pair of bat wings on his back and flew away from us.

While his figure disappeared in the distance, I kept staring while saying:

"We were just treasure hunting, but what do you know, we just suddenly gained a new friend."

(Your right mash~ter! I hope we will meet him again Kuh~)

"Now then, let's continue traveling shall we?"

(Yes Maah~ter!)

'System, How many kilometers are left for us to arrive at our destination, The Human Continent?'


[There are only about 4,235 kilometers left.]

'How many days would it take us if we travel with my current [AGI]?'


[It would take a total of 4.5 hours with the Host's currently [AGI] without any breaks.]

'Oh? That's good enough.'

"Kereina, We're about to reach the human Continent in 4.5 hours"

"But, I would need to carry you during that whole time, Is that alright with you"

(Yes Mash~ter! I can't wait to eat the human food you talked about Kuh~)

"Then let's eat plenty of them after we arrive."

(Alright Kuh~)