Experiment And A Massacre

As I turned around, I spotted Plenty of humans that numbered around 20, while at least 5 of them were hiding in the surroundings, Though they didn't escape my Senses due to my high [PER] Stat.

Seeing this, I can't help but feel annoyed at them. After all, who would want to be disturbed when you have things to do?

"What do you want bugs!? Can't you see I'm currently busy here!?" I said coldly while my voice raised a little.

"Boss, He does look busy." One of them said while looking at me.

"Idiot! we don't care if he's busy! we're bandits after all!" The boss said.

"Look! he's even playing with slime!" someone said with a laugh.

"Boss, He seems to have a fox, If we capture and sell it we can gain a lot of money due to how rare they are!" Another said excitedly as she pointed at Kereina.

"Kill them a little farther away, I'll just stay here and continue with my experiment.", I said as I waved my hand while signaling where to take them.

I continued my experiments while ignoring the noise behind me, not bothered by what the lesser beings are saying.

Seeing this, they continued their mockery as they ignored Kereina who was trying to cast a spell on them.

Unaware of this, they just continued with their own conversation.

"Look! He became Delusional, shall we sell him to a slave trader?"

"He looks handsome, we can make plenty of money by selling him." one of them said excitedly.

"Then, It's decided we'll sell h- *ARGH! HELP ME!"

As the others were about to approach me, One of the bandits was pulled by a black vine made of the shadow element. A few seconds later, screaming could be heard behind me.

As the others saw this, they were about to attack Kereina, but suddenly stopped due to the strong aura she was releasing.

"It's a tier 5 beast!

"Run for your lives!"

"It's the fox's doing!"

"Don't push me you fucker!"

"Shut the fuck up! it's All man for themselves now!"

"Help! She got me...*ARGH!*"

"Kill the fox! we might have a chance to survive if we work together!"

Hearing this, they calmed down and decided to work together as they knew they will be killed if the split up.


While Kereina was playing with them by only using 30% of her powers, I was continuing my experiments with my new companion Emerald.

Though It sounds cruel, It's not true as slimes don't have any pain receptors on their whole body, They are just made of acidic water on the inside, while they are bouncy on the outside.

Their only goal is to either eat something big enough so they can digest it properly, or be prey for others, though they don't are popular with others as prey as they don't drop anything else except their exp.

As I was observing the other half of the slime named 'madness slime' I noticed that it has gained a little core inside of its body, It has the color of green while it's the size of a marble.

'How peculiar, Slimes are considered as the weakest, but as I experiment on them, I concluded that they are superior to other races if they have a chance to grow and evolve more.'

'Looks like experimenting has its fun sides too.' I thought while finding this fun.

'Looks like I have found a hobby that I could do during my free time.'

'I better focus on my experiments, an hour or so, we need to travel again to reach the city.'

As I thought of that, I took a soul out of my hidden skill 'Soul Space' which is like my inventory but can only store souls in them.

I took the soul of a human named Sam in my inventory, As I took his soul, he suddenly screamed:


"Correction, I'm not a demon, I'm a devil!" I said with a devilish grin.

As he was about to say something, I suddenly used my skill 'Soul Memory Reader' on him.

"ARGH! STOP! STOP! I'LL SURRENDER TO YOU!" He screamed as he felt a never-ending pain assaulting him in his whole body. He felt like he was burned in hell for thousands of years, while only a few seconds have passed by in reality.

"No thanks, I don't have any interest in you, but I do have interest in your memories though."



[Currently Deleting the unnecessary memories...]

[The host has gained the memory of 'Sam' a human.]

As the System said, I gained a headache for a split second while disappearing right after.

A few seconds later, A movie was playing in my head with important information that I should know if I went to a human city.

'This skill is useful it might be the most useful skill I have if I want to enter a human town/city.'

As I was done gaining additional memories, Kereina's voice was suddenly heard in my head.

(Mash~ter! I'm done with the Humans!)

She said while appearing behind me.

I went in front and started patting her while saying:

"Good job Kereina, We might be doing this a lot more in the future, I'll be counting on you."

(Yes Mash~ter!) She said while wagging her tail.

'Hm? she has 6 tails? didn't she have 5 before?'

[The host should know that she will receive more tails as she reaches higher tiers in the future, Though she has a limit of 9 tails only]

'Oh? A 9-tailed fox...huh?'

'I wonder if she has a chance to look like 'Kurama' in the future.'

[*The Host's weeb side is slightly showing...*]

The System thought as it read my thoughts without me knowing...

I was daydreaming for a few minutes, then quickly started my experiments again As all the humans who disturbed me before we were all killed brutally by Kereina.