Be Careful Of What You Wish For

Near the middle of the town, A mansion could be seen with vines all over it. Inside a mansion was a young man who was laying on a bed, He looks to be having a nightmare as he was squirming around.

On top of a cold bed with an antique style, laid a sickly young man who abruptly started coughing violently. It looked as if he would not stop unless he coughs up his entire lungs.

The youth's lips were blackish, and his face was pale. It was a clear sign that he was not going to stay in this world for too long. However, his violent cough made the middle-aged man beside him a little worried.

"Quickly call the best doctor in this whole town!" the middle-aged man ordered in a cold tone towards one of the servants in the room.

"He said that he will visit first thing in the morning..." A servant said nervously not wanting to infuriate the man in front of him.


The middle-aged man looked around 40 years old, and even though he was not in his prime, he still retained his sharp blue eyes. At this moment, his tightly locked brows finally eased up slowly, while he grabbed hold of the sickly young man's hand and said in a soft voice:

"Looks like you have finally woken up Derek"


"Father..." He said weakly as he looked at the middle age man at his side.

"Rest for now, After the doctor arrives, he will treat you back to full your full strength."

"Father, I d- *Cough!*"

Seeing his son in pain, he decided to leave the room as he had more important matters to attend to.

"Your mother will come and visit you in an hour or so," he said as he left the room without looking back.

Seeing this he just decided to follow his father's request to rest for now.

*An hour later*

A woman arrived while looking frantically at her son laying weakly on his bed.

"Derek! You finally woke up! You scared Mother to death! Ah! Quickly call the best doctor! Derek already woke up, so the matter at hand is to treat him first. We will settle this debt with the 'Clan Familia' in the future!"

A Servant bowed and said respectfully:

"The Clan head has already sent someone to get the best doctor in the city, The madam shouldn't worry too much."

Hearing this, Derek's mother sent a sword that pierced the servant's heart while saying:

"Shouldn't worry!? My son may die any moment and you tell me I shouldn't worry!?"

The servant tried to struggle but was met with an attack of a sword to his neck, his head fell to the floor with a scared expression.

Seeing this Derek just shrugged as he was already used to seeing this, Every time his mother gets angry she would go on a rampage and would not stop until she either kills plenty of them or my father stops her himself. She had always been this way as Derek can remember.

Other servants quickly came into the room without saying anything and started cleaning the mess his mother created.

"Mother, I'm alright, A few days of rest should fix my condition," I said in a weak and tired voice.

He said calmly even though he knows that he was poisoned by something that doesn't have any cure.

"But..." my mother is showing a worried expression right now while having a crazed look in her eyes.

"Please mother, I know that you are worried, But I'm currently tired, can we discuss this tomorrow?"

My mother tried to say something but stopped and just said, "Ok then, But we will continue this tomorrow as soon as you wake up"

His mother left while being followed by the other servants carrying the corpse of the servant that was just killed and rugs that were full of blood.


'I would have liked to talk to mother, but I know that I could not make it tomorrow due to my condition.'

'I shouldn't have provoked the young master of the 'Clan Familia', If I didn't provoke him I would have still kept my mana circuit.

He thought as he tried to feel the mana in the surroundings. After trying for a few more minutes, he suddenly felt that his eyelids were getting a little heavy, while his body was losing all of its strength slowly.

'Looks like I'm about to die now, If only I could have the power or see someone that has the power to reach the peak, I would even sell my soul to a devil...' he thought as he felt a little hot, though he just ignored it a few seconds later.

A dozen minutes later...

Just as his vision was about to close completely, he suddenly heard a cold and amused voice somewhere around him saying:

"Oh? The wish that made 12 minutes ago, The one that you said you would sell your soul to me just to see someone stand at the peak of this world? Are you sure about that?"


"You don't need to know that, Just answer my question, Are you sure about your wish? Just so you know, you can't go back once you made a deal with me..."

Just as he was about to say that he was just talking nonsense in his last breath, He suddenly saw his vision returning to him.

As he looked around, He noticed that he was in a throne room full of corpses, while a tall young-looking man was sitting on a throne made out of bones of different races.

He has a well-defined body with muscles in the right places with muscular arms. What stood out the most in his appearance is the perfect color of his skin, It almost looked like it was glowing due to how perfect it is.

He has a well-defined face, black abyssal eyes, and black hair with a hint of violet on them.

He had a domineering aura surrounding his whole body, He looked like an Uncrowned Monarch as he was sitting on a throne without a crown on his head with an indifferent expression on his face while a small smile could be seen on his lips.