Hu Mei’er

Chapter 2- Hu Mei'er

After hours of meditation, Su Mu opened his eyes. His body was covered in a black substance and he was smelling like a pile of garbage.

"Just how many impurities were there in this body?" He muttered. His clothes were a mess.

Getting up from the bed, he removed his robes before taking a bath to clean himself.

After he was done taking a bath, Su Mu looked at his body. He wasn't bulky, but his muscles were extremely well defined and solid as if he had trained years in maintaining his physique. Even his height has increased by a bit.

"Even after reducing my life span by 18 years, all I could accomplish is Initial Element 3rd Stage, huh? What a trash aptitude this guy had." Su Mu shook his head while getting dressed. For a cultivator like him, even 18000 years weren't worth mentioning, so why would he be worried about some 18 years?

This kind of thing where one sacrifices their lifespan for cultivation was impossible for stronger cultivators as the demand would be straight up unreasonable even for those who can live for millions of years.

'But on the bright side, my physical strength is enough to suppress those of similar cultivation to mine. If I use Martial Techniques, my fighting strength should be around the Qi Transformation 3rd Stage.' Su Mu thought, wondering how people even cultivated in such a bad environment.

But with this, his foundation was the best amount for anyone who has just started the path of cultivation. Many might not realise but the stronger one's foundation is, the brighter their future is.

He wasn't concerned about others being suspicious of him because of the sudden increase in his cultivation. After all, his sister was a cultivation prodigy, no matter how you look at it, his advancing quickly wasn't something suspicious.

"At this rate, Dual Cultivation is my only option in the long run. But my Secret Art needs me to choose my first partner very carefully." Su Mu sighed.

The Secret Art Su Mu created in his past life was unique even within the countless Dual Cultivation Arts he already had, but there were certain limitations. If he had to rank it, it'll be on par with Devourer's 'Heaven Devouring Battle Law' and 'Great Evolution Inextinguishable Blood Shine Scripture' considering that it doesn't have any dangers and it can be practised by anyone. The only restriction it has is that one must start cultivating it before reaching the Separation and Reunion Realm.

But he wasn't stupid enough to compare himself to Devourer, one of the Ten Great Experts. What Devourer did in a few thousand years took him millions of years to accomplish, that just shows how profound the Ten Great Experts were.

His Cultivation Art was divided into two parts, one was for him, and the other for 'his' women, those who'll officially be part of his harem. If he cultivates with a woman that doesn't have the second part of this Art, the benefits she'll receive from him will be meagre at best. It was only natural that he'll give it to those who are qualified to walk by his side.

But the catch was that there was a very strict hierarchy among his women. The first woman he cultivates with will be considered his first wife as well as the one who will manage his harem in the future. This only applied to his first partner, meaning that he'll be free to play around after he was done choosing who his first wife will be.

This Secret Art had a lot of benefits for both parties, so many that he doesn't even remember some of them. Things like enhancing his charm, physical strength and stamina were just trivial things in front of the real benefits it has to offer. One of the benefits was that the women who cultivate this Secret Art will actively hate men other than Su Mu himself.

'I guess Su Yan would do a good job.' He thought. Be it her talent, appearance, or temperament, all of them were extraordinary. To reach the True Element 3rd Stage in such a weak world, not to mention at such a young age. And she was the only woman worthy enough for this role in this world.

With those thoughts in mind, Su Mu left his living quarters, curious about the world he was in. It didn't take him long to leave the High Heaven Pavilion and head straight towards the Black Plum Village. It was the nearest village to the High Heaven Pavilion.

After arriving at the Black Plum Village, Su Mu looked around, wondering how many millions of years have passed since he has even bothered to look at people he would normally consider even worst than insects. He had long since forgotten that at the very beginning of his journey, he was also one of them. And ironically, here he was, walking among them.

There were various kinds of shops, children running around here and there, and people trying to make a living that will just be enough for the day. A lot of things that Su Mu had actually forgotten were now clear in his eyes.

Su Mu walked towards a stall that was selling some fruits. Stopping near it, he looked at the old man who was managing it. "How much is this?" He asked, pointing towards the apple.

"It'll be One Silver for half a dozen." The old man replied with a smile.

Taking One Silver out of his pocket, Su Mu handed it over to the old man. After he was done picking the apples he wanted, Su Mu left.

'How I miss my space ring.' Su Mu thought, looking at the bag full of apples in his hand. Picking one of them, he stared at the apple for a few seconds.

"I should wash it before eating." He muttered, putting it back in before turning towards a certain direction. "This smell."

'It's a river.' He thought, moving in that direction. His ability to distinguish between different kinds of smells was something that even the best of the alchemists didn't have. That goes well with his side job as an alchemist. Before becoming a Dual Cultivator, Su Mu tried his luck in various fields. And the ones he successfully mastered were Alchemy, Artifact Refining and the Dao of Spirit Arrays.

In all honesty, Su Mu was in a good mood after this short walk.

Arriving at the Black Wind Forest, Su Mu quickly found the river thanks to his superior sense of smell. After washing all apples he bought, he took a seat on the nearest rock. Enjoying the delicious apple while looking at the scenery.

"It's no wonder that cultivators often take a break to live among mortals, huh? It's indeed quite relaxing." Su Mu muttered, it would've been better if he wasn't one of those said mortals, but alas.

While Su Mu was wondering how fun this life would be, he failed to notice the group of people that were walking toward the place he was sitting.

After noticing Su Mu, who was sitting on the rock while eating an apple, the young man in charge of the group gave his followers some instructions as they started moving towards Su Mu at a hastened pace.

Not long after, the group arrived near the place where Su Mu was resting before the leader decided to speak. "I didn't know who it was that dared to sit on this honoured Young Master's seat, turns out that it was Su Mu." He looked down at Su Mu, sizing him up. He could tell that there was something different about Su Mu, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

'This is why I hate mortals. They have no sense of where to poke their fingers at.' Su Mu thought, internally shaking his head. From his memories, he recognized the voice as Cheng Shao Feng, a disciple from the Storm House.

Storm House was one of the major influences in this area alongside the High Heaven Pavilion and Blood Battle Group. It seems that both Su Mu and Cheng Shao Feng started cultivating at the same time and had crossed paths many times, fighting each other in the process.

Looking at Su Mu, who wasn't even turning around after hearing his words, Cheng Shao Feng's annoyance was raising every second.

"Hehe, Little Brother Cheng, he is ignoring you." A young girl's tender voice came from behind Cheng Shao Feng.

Following the sound of the voice, Su Mu looked over from the corner of his eyes to see a lovely-looking young lady standing behind Cheng Shao Feng. This young lady wore a loose jacket with a hint of her pink shoulder showing while emitting a porcelain doll-like aura. Her skirt barely covered her bottom, revealing half of her moons, her white legs were also revealed and her jade-like feet were enclosed in a pair of wooden shoes. Small and exquisite jewel-like sparkling fingers were accompanied by a pair of seductive eyes.

He recognized her as Hu Mei'er, the daughter of Blood Battle Group's Master.

After taking a look, Su Mu's eyes returned to their original position. Although the girl was rather interesting, his current target was Su Yan and he couldn't cultivate with anyone else until he conquers Su Yan, so playing around with this one will be useless.

Not to mention that their strength wasn't anything special either. Cheng Shao Feng was a mere Initial Element 1st Stage while Hu Mei'er was Initial Element 2nd Stage. Even without his Divine Sense, checking such weak cultivation levels wasn't much for Su Mu. Even those Dao Source or Emperor Realm Cultivators can't hide their cultivation from him, much less these guys.

Looking at his uninterested eyes, Hu Mei'er felt that this young man was very particular. Most people his age would look at her with plain lust and the desire to conquer, but he looked at her as if she was some random object, which made her uncomfortable.

After that, something that dumbfounded the Storm Hall Disciples happened. Hu Mei'er walked toward Su Mu before leaning forward and placing her arms around his neck.

"I noticed that Little Brother Su looking at me. Does Little Brother Su know this big sister?" She said in his ear. But to her surprise, there was no reaction from Su Mu. Forget about being flustered, he didn't even bat an eye at her.

'How bad can she be in seducing someone? I guess that's because she is a virgin?' Su Mu internally wondered. Forget about Hu Mei'er, even the strongest of female enchantresses can't seduce him.

Seeing the girl he loved acting so close to another man, Cheng Shao Feng's annoyance rose to no end. "Su Mu, get out of here. This place belongs to this Young Master." He shouted.

Hearing his words, Hu Mei'er tightened her grip around Su Mu's neck.

'I guess I'll kill some time like this.' Su Mu thought. Even though he was busy with Su Yan right now, he had no plan to let Hu Mei'er go.

He smiled before moving his arms and standing up. He grabbed Hu Mei'er by her waist and pulled her closer as his left hand caressed her right cheek gently. Bringing his face only centimetres apart from her, he looked directly into her eyes.

"So tell me, who are you?" He asked with a smile. And for some reason, Hu Mei'er was turning redder every second as her heart started beating faster and faster.

Hu Mei'er felt like she'll get lost in his deep, black eyes that were sucking her consciousness.

"I-I am Hu Mei'er." She said without even realising that she was obeying his commands subconsciously.

It wasn't that Su Mu did something to her, it was his natural charm that he had built up during his life as a Dual Cultivator.

Bringing his mouth near her ear, he whispered. "Do you want to experience something extremely new and pleasurable?"

Hu Mei'er almost passed out from how weird she was feeling. She could seriously hear her heart beating while her mind was a mess.

"SU MU, YOU BASTARD." The cuck- Cheng Shao Feng roared in anger while looking at Su Mu, he wasn't even trying to hide his killing intent. This shout also snapped Hu Mei'er out of her dilemma as she looked at Su Mu's handsome face and his charming smile while blushing.