The only thing Alessia knew how to do in her little miserable life was to make others feel as miserable as she did. That was one of the main reasons she followed Miley like a faithful dog. Miley made her feel like her life was worth something even though it really wasn't. She made fun of others just so she could feel good about herself. In exchange for having to do Miley's biddings, she had to bring them coffee in the morning and carry Miley's bag. Alessia thought it was worth it in order to not be treated like trash; Farik thought her Karma would be worse of them all-well, maybe not as bad as Miley's.

"How're you doing Freak?" The smile that was attempting to play at Farik's lips didn't even bother showing at the sound of Alessia's voice. If Farik could choose who she'd hate apart from Orion, it would be Alessia. Miley wasn't even worth her hate time but she did wish her bad.

"To be honest, I was doing just fine before I heard your voice." Alessia scowled and took one threatening step towards her but unlike usual, Farik didn't quiver.

"You've been acting all high and mighty since yesterday. Have you forgotten your place?" Farik snickered and sighed loudly.

"It seems to me like you are the one who has forgotten her place." Alessia's brows flew up and she glared at Farik.

"Look, Alessia, you might have been able to lie to the entire school and yourself, but you can't fool me. I know for a fact that you're just as miserable as I am, maybe more. Tip for college, don't live a fake life. I don't think your police officer mom would be too happy to know that her daughter wears a three hundred dollar Serena heel with a matching handbag when she only gives you fifty dollars a week."

Alessia raised her hand to hit her but was stopped midair.

"Alessia, I don't think Miley would be too happy to know that you did something she didn't ask you to do. Remember what happened last time?"

Alessia looked from Orion to Farik who was almost smirking at her. The anger that was radiating from Alessia could be felt by the students in the science lab on the other side of the building.

Farik folded her arms and leaned in.

"You should go to you master. I'm sure she's waiting for you to give her a foot rub or something." Orion snickered and covered his mouth with his palm. Not wanting to receive any more insults, Alessia stormed out of their midst, all the while muttering incoherent curse words at the both of them.


"Don't think I'll thank you for whatever you just did now. I still hate you and I still very much don't want to talk to you." Without waiting for a reply from him, she walked away.

Tomorrow was graduation and all the students were just going on about it. There was going to be this really huge bash this night at Miley's, celebrating their last night as high schoolers and another one tomorrow after graduation. Farik would be attending none of them. She had pulled up an article on Jeffery Dahmer and she had every intention of reading it this night and searching up movies about him. Maybe she could find one that'll show her how to get rid of Miley without leaving a trace.

Last day was a drag. Nothing was actually being done. All the teachers had given up and were filled with joy that the seniors were finally leaving. Their set was branded worst set ever and no one was happier than the school administration that they were leaving soon.

As soon as Farik got home, she tossed her bag in the dumpster and threw all her books away. The only book that was left was her journal where she had written down the different ways someone could be choked and how to kill without spilling blood. She had written Miley's name and the names of other students that she didn't like next to the method of murder she thought best suited them. On nights she could, she would read it before she fell asleep.

"Do you want to go shopping with me for your graduation dress?" Safari had entered her room unannounced like she had been doing these past few days that she and Farik were interacting. Farik didn't mind though. It's not like she had anything to hide.

"I know you don't like those kinds of things but I really want to see you in a dress just once before you leave high school," Safari quickly added when she saw the uninterested look on her daughter's face. "You didn't attend home coming and your prom. I honestly thought you were going to go with Orion." Farik was a little surprised that her mom remembered his name. The surprised look didn't stay more than a second on her face before she went back to looking like everything didn't matter at all.

"I'm not going to my graduation mom."

"Well why not?" Her mom's face was contorted into a frown and she moved further into her room.

"Because I hate everyone at that school and I wish I never have to see them again." Safari waved her off like she didn't just hear how venomous her words were.

"You can't hate everybody. Don't be ridiculous. I understand how you feel; I went to high school too."

But Safari really didn't understand and Farik wasn't planning on giving her the full gist on what her life had been like these last five years.

"What is this?" Safari asked picking up her journal. She opened it before Farik could stop her. Her eyes widened when she saw what was written inside.

"That's my journal," Farik whispered.


Farik didn't make any attempts to take the book from her mom and Safari didn't look like she was going to put it down.

"Is this like some kind of weird movie list? 'Miley Sanderson', who's that? Is this where you write all those weird movies you love watching?" Farik didn't know if her mother was daft or if she was just pretending to elongate the conversation. They seemed to be running out of what to say to each other and Farik realized all too quickly that her mother pretended to not know some things just so Farik could explain them to her. She couldn't help but wonder if this was like those times.

"No. That is the name of the girl that I do not like at all." She continued to watch Safari go through the book carefully. Each page she turned, she found something more disturbing than the previous scribbled inside with a person's name written at the front.

"So you don't hate this Miley girl?" Farik shook her head and said, "I have no space in my heart to hate her. She can only be disliked for now. The universe will set her punishment for her." Her voice had turned low and creepy but Safari didn't seem at all bothered by it. She closed the book with a loud thump and placed it back on her bed.

"See, I told you you can't hate everybody. High school's annoying, I know that, but that doesn't mean you hate those people." She sighed loudly and sat on Farik's bed. Farik eyed her wearily and moved carefully to stand in front of her.

"Since you have decided to not go for your graduation, why don't we have a spa day tomorrow? If you don't feel like leaving the house, I could just order home service." The thought of a spa day made Farik to smile a little. She could get rid of all the stress that Miley had brought down on her once and for all.

"That's nice. But can we do it at mid night?" Safari stopped smiling and stared at Farik.

"Honey, I don't think they offer 24 hours home services. And what's up with mid night? Are you some kind of witch that doesn't come out till then?" Farik didn't get the teasing tone in her mom's voice.

"Something like that." There was silence in the room as Safari tried to process her words.

"I'm just kidding," Farik said. Safari let out a relieved sigh and chuckled nervously.

"I just have somewhere I have to be tomorrow. I'll be a little late that's why I asked for mid night. If you don't think that's possible, we could just find one and stay there together. Oh, and mom, can we go to Paris this summer? I wanna go to the top of the Eiffel tower and see just how far the ground is from there. And I want to throw a mannequin over it so I'd know how long it takes a body to drop."

"Why the hell would you wanna do that?" Safari's voice had gone up a few octaves as she stared at her daughter wide eyed. Farik shrugged.

"Research purposes."

"Well, that sounds fun…" Farik looked at her with a happy glint in her eyes.

"I mean, the whole Paris vacation thing and Eiffel tower, not the dropping a body part. I'll look into it. And I'd check to see if your dad would come with us this time too."


Safari stood up and walked towards the door. Holding the handle in place, she turned to look at her daughter.

"I love you, you know that, right?"

Farik didn't know that. She didn't think anyone loved anyone. But she didn't want to voice her thoughts to her mother so she gave a slight nod.

"I'll listen to you any day, dear. Just…" Safari sighed and bent her head. A million thoughts were going through her brain at once now that she had seen what was written in her daughter's journal. She had tried to play it cool, but deep down, she knew it wasn't normal to write those kinds of things down.

"Be safe, okay?"

Farik may have sensed her mother's worries because she attempted a smile and fully nodded this time.

"I will."

Seeing that there was nothing else she could say, Safari opened the door and slowly walked out. Her room was engulfed in darkness as she switched off the lights. Then she took three steps forward and stretched her hand towards her dresser to switch on the lamp there that gave off red light. The red glow of the light casted upon her face made her look like she was in some kind of cult meeting.

She picked up the book that was on her bed and stared at the pages. Her eyes were fixed on one particular name.

"Why don't we start here, Karma?"