
The first step

Why did my life end up like that? I can assure you that when I was younger I was the star of the school, people idolized me and liked me to the point that they would copy my habits and way of talking, I was this liked. But when did things change? People may say when I started to stop trying at school, others may say that happened because I stopped caring about people's opinions, but I know damn well why I lost this title, the answer is because of envy and pride. You see people started getting envious of my "fame" and "power" when we entered junior high, people started to downplay me, with a low-key pace, I always thought that those reactions were normal, we all changed, but back then I was wrong, I was naive, it didn't take long for people to form groups that didn't include me, I didn't really care since we are all friends at the end of the day right? WRONG! People just couldn't stand me after school started, but as a stupid person I didn't understand that, I kept thinking everything is okay, I was never one of these people that care about how "cool" they seem, I always acted like myself but unlike me, all of the people I knew started acting like strangers, I felt like that was unnecessary, I mean we all know you there is no point acting like a new person, WRONG AGAIN! in today's society you have to hide the real you by creating a face that you want to project to others, I never understood that so I refused to create a new face, and just like that people slowly stopped interacting with me, but it wasn't only them, I stopped interacting with them too

'Screw them, if they don't want to talk to me then I won't talk to them'

I thought, and I still stand by that. I don't want to label all these problems as racism, even though I think that may be one of the reasons I still want to refuse it because I can never be sure, people stopped inviting me to games of soccer or volleyball, it was not like I was bad, in fact, I was one of the best but people just didn't want me to be with them, so I slowly started becoming the quite kid, I started focusing on myself and my studies and that was the best choice I could have done, because the letter that came on the mail today was something I would have never thought that it would arrive

Hello Domic

I'm you good'ol pall, Yosuke, Lately I have been searching for kids from all around the globe to work on a project that I want to create, you see the project has to do with kids from outside Japan, I wanted to invite as many children as I can to a private school that I ran, I need about 10 kids that will attend different classes I searched for recommendations on different schools around the globe and I found some interesting people and while I was searching a thought came up to my mind, I remembered that you had a son and he is ready to enter high school so I thought that it would be a good experience for your half-Japanese son to go on a school in Japan, his whole 3 year graduation will be free by me, normally we only pay for the first year but if the kids like it here and want to stay then they will have to pay, but since we are friends I can make sure that your son can graduate my school without having to pay even 1 yen, If you are interested please let me know so I can begin the preparations

"So what do you want to do?"

my father asked me while handing me this world-changing letter, I was a bit afraid to answer

"That sounds amazing but it's a bit sudden, you see I don't want to leave you here all alone, who will make your coffee? or help you with the farm?"

I told him but he silenced me with a big smile

"You don't have to care about those things, I can make it on my own, the question is if you want to go or not, you have a place to stay and also someone that loves you to take care of you"

I want to go but the problem is that my father will be alone, my father could see that I was hesitant so he once again tried to make it clear to me

"Iriasu look at me in the eyes and answer honestly, Do you want to go to Japan or not?"

this time his voice was more serious and demanding, I looked him in his blue eyes and replied

"I'm sorry but I don't want to miss a chance like this"

my father wasn't disappointed even the slightest, he simply smiled, he is happy for me but I wasn't, my eyes were beginning to tear up

"A-are you sure Dad? I will leave you alone for 3 years won't you feel lonely?"

I asked him while trying to hold my tears back, he then hugged me, and this is when I started to cry

"I should be the one that should worry, a baby man like you can't live without his daddy!"

when he told me that I started to break down, I just can't stop my tears from falling, I just can't

3 weeks passed and I had everything ready, I took with me 3 briefcases filled with clothes and a backpack that contains everything I need, we arrived at the airport a bit late, my father wanted to talk with the airlines and inform them that a relative of mine will be waiting for me at Japan, I looked up my school from my phone, my school's name is Yusuke high, not very original if I have to say so myself

"Look at my boy, all ready and prepared to travel alone"

My father told me while looking at me, I'm a bit embarrassed but he had every right to be acting like that, it was the last time that he could see me, and after this, he won't see me for 3 years

"Don't worry I will come to Japan occasionally for holidays or festivals so you can rest assured, you will see your old man more than you think"

he told me, he then sat beside me, I closed my phone so I can have a proper talk with him before we parted ways

"Don't forget to water my apple tree, by the time I come back I want it to see it full of apples!"

"You won't tell me what to do on my own small farm, your tree can wither away but I will consider it if you say you love me!"

I laughed

"Come on that's embarrassing for even an elementary school student to say"

"Then you can say goodbye to your little tree"

"Fine, fine I love you Dad so please water my tree"

my father laughed, he then hugged me, can't this happiness last forever?

"Every passenger of flight 433 of the Tokyo Airlines make sure to get into the plane, the flight will shortly begin"

a person said through the speaker

"Looks like the time has come, make sure to act nice while you stay in aunties house and don't stop exercising, oh and one more thing before you leave"

my father said as he handed me a motorcycle key

"Since you already have a driver's license I figured out that something like that would prove helpful"

I thanked my dad and I hugged him one last time before getting on the plane, my father had already dealt with my package so I was very free, I then started walking to the plane, my father was weaving at me while entering, he is so sweet, when I got into the plane a flight assistance took me to my seat she seemed like she was assigned to assist me, the plane is very comfy, and my seat is close by a window so that's a plus, I can't wait for the plane to start, I didn't wait for long before I heard the captain speaking

"Hello everyone, and welcome aboard, tighten up your seatbelts and get ready to ascend, the flight will take approximately 8 hours so make sure you sleep or watch a movie, if anything is wrong talk to one of our beautiful ladies and they will take care of everything"

That was a bit weird but I like his energy, the plane took off and before I even knew it I was flying to Japan

"Do you want anything, sir?"

a lady asked me, I didn't want anything so I replied with a nod of disapproval, she smiled at me and left, during the flight I binged 12 episodes of a series I was watching, so the first 4 hours passed very quickly, when my series was over I took some photos of the view from above and slowly fell asleep, when I woke up only 30 minutes were remaining, time passed very fast and I'm glad about that, I simply watched outside of my window the remaining minutes, the view before landing was amazing, Japan really is a magical place, I'm sure that's something I will say often, the school was in Nagano, that's were the plane was landing too, after some minutes the plane landed, and everyone started getting out off the plane, while I walking I saw a woman holding a sign with my name on it, so I naturally started walking towards this woman, I guess she is my aunt but I have never seen her or talk to her, I bet that our first talk will be awkward, my Japanese aren't the best either, oh boy, this surely will be an experience

"Iriasu-chan!!! come here!"

my aunt yelled in Japanese, she had enthusiasm in her voice, she then gave me a big hug, she looked very happy to see me, she also looks very young

"You may not remember me but I'm Hikita your auntie! how have you been? You look a lot bigger from the last time I saw you, you are a whole man now"

She told me while shaking my shoulders, I was taller than her by about 20 cm, she is a bit short but I guess that is the average height in Japan

"Nice to meet you aunt, I hope I'm not a very heavy weight"

I said while bowing, she laughed

"Oh come on! you are not a weight, also call me Hikita, calling me aunt makes me seem old!"

I mean she is my aunt but I guess her name does it too

"Let's take your stuff and pack them up in my car"

She said, I agreed, I took the 2 briefcases and she took the 1, we placed everything in the car and then we took off to her house, the car ride is very quiet, I mean it was night outside and my aunt seems like she needs sleep so I guess that's normal

"School will begin in 3 days but you will have to go there tomorrow to talk with Yosuke-sama, if you want I can drop you there but you can also take your bike"

she said, that's right! My father gave me motorcycle keys

"I will go on my own, I don't want you to mess up your schedule for me"

She looked at me with a surprised look

"You are mature for your age you know that?"

I laughed it off, she laughed too

"You don't have to worry, tomorrow I have a break so there isn't a problem with me taking you there but I'm glad that you considered my work"

she said with a smile, is it really something to be praised for? I mean anyone would have considered work, Japanese people really are kind, after some minutes we arrived home, it was a big house with a garage, she parked the car inside the garage and then is where I saw it, my own bike, it was an old model, it was a 1973 Yamaha FS1, even though the bike was 50cc my father had modified it to 125cc but the papers still said 50cc so I could drive it legally, I think... The house was located in a lovely neighborhood, my aunt opened the door and showed me around the house

"This is your room, is very empty now but hopefully it will begin to fill as you live here"

She told me, the room looks neat, I can even lock the door, not that I want to lock it or anything but the option of privacy helps, my aunt told me good night and went to sleep, I placed my briefcases in my room and slept too, I couldn't wait for my new life in Japan to start