
2+2=4, easy right?

I just woke up early on a Saturday, why is that? I have to tutor Yua that's why, but before I go I have to prepare material to give her, I can't go there empty-handed and just read the book as usual, that didn't work for her the first time so I don't expect to work again

It took me some time but everything is done, it's about 11A.M right now so I will go to Yua's house

"Hey kid, can you go to the second house to get some papers for me?" Hikita asked me

"We have a second house?" I asked confused

I honestly thought we didn't have such things but 'Oh well' you learn new things as days pass

"Yeah, walk to the right side of the house and climb the stairs, you will find the door at the top, and the papers I want you to take are inside the desk in a big bedroom" She told me before giving me the key to the house

I quickly found the stairs and climbed, as soon as I entered the house a gust of dusty air hit my face, I then made my way inside the house

It was relatively big, it had one big living room, and two rooms, one room had a single bed, a desk, and a closet, and the other room had a double bed, I entered this room and took the papers out of the desk inside this room and went to the other room

I could theoretically live here, but this house is a rented one, I mean people can rent it out from my aunt, anyways, I gave my aunt the papers and asked

"Why do you need these papers for?"

"A person has shown interest in this house for the next spring so I want to have the papers near me"

Fine whatever, I don't know a thing about renting anyway

After getting ready I started walking towards Yua's house, on my way to her house I saw a familiar face accompanied by two unknown ones

"Oh Takito-kun, fancy meeting you here" I said with a smile

"Oh, what's up? Where are you heading with a such big backpack?" He asked

His friends simply stopped and looked at me

"I'm going to s-study..."

I felt a bit awkward saying that in front of the others, I mean who goes to study on Saturday? The two of them even smiled a little

"Study? That's tough, I was playing soccer with my friends, you see we are all in the same soccer club, you should come next time, I swear is very fun!" Takito said, too bad I don't play soccer

"No way I'm coming, if I wanted to play soccer then I would have come I wouldn't have waited for you to ask me, I'm running late so see ya later" I told him while walking away, but his friends had some things to say

"Screw you, foreigner! Takito is inviting you nicely and you turned him down like that? Learn manners f*cker!"

Looks like he has pretty aggressive friends, I rather not talk back, I don't want to cause any problems with his club

"Don't ignore him, nerd! Plus what do you gain from a book? Knowledge? I don't even study and I'm good at some subjects and even have a girlfriend! What about you nerd? Do you have one or do you have a fictional one?"

His other friend is even more aggressive, It starts to piss me off for some reason, what is Takito doing? Is he just going to let them bully me like that?

"Let's go guys" Takito said as he started walking, the other two followed, I guess he won't say anything huh?

After another minute of walking I reached Yua's house and knocked, her brother answered the door

"Oh good morning! YUA YOUR FRIEND IS HERE!" Inei yelled

"COMING!" Yua responded from her room probably.

After some time of waiting Yua care at the door completely dressed, she wore a black jacket with a white t-shirt that said "DAMN." and buggy grey sweatpants, it looked comfy but not something you wear when you go outside with friends

"Let's go now!" She said as she closed the door and exited the house

"Wait aren't we going to study here?"

"What no! We are going to the library nearby, they serve drinks and food there so you should be good" She said as she continued walking

I silently followed

"Don't forget you have to pay for the food, you said it at the school gate yesterday"

"Don't mind that, you should focus on the lesson instead of the food"

"Shut up already! I told you I will study so stop telling me every single time we are talking. Is that all you do?"

That comment made me mad, I don't know if it is because of the previous guys but all I know was that I was angry

"And what do YOU do? I exercise, I play volleyball, I help around the house, I cook, and also have perfect performance on my tests, how about you? I don't see you doing anything but you still can't score beyond 80!"

My answer was very aggressive but Yua didn't look bothered, at first she looked at me with surprise and then walked again naturally, like I didn't say anything mean to her

"Well I try, that's why you are helping me right?" She asked with a smile, now I feel terrible about saying what I said

"Not just that, even after we are no longer class partners I still can't let embarrass yourself to others when I can prevent it"

"Yeah thanks about that, but don't mind that, we just arrived at the library"

Yua told me as she entered the library, I didn't even notice we were close to it, I guess trying to make up for what I said distracted me

Both of us entered the library, Yua waved at a lady sitting behind a desk, this lady was the library keeper I think, after that Yua picked a place away from the crowd and sat on a chair, I sat on the chair across hers so I can make the study session a bit easier

"Since they are not many people here you can talk normally, I mean we are practically alone so we won't bother anyone!" Yua said as she placed her math textbook on the table

"Okay let's start with these basic questions I prepared for you"

I then gave her the paper and focused on my reading, 5 minutes after I gave her that she whined

"How do I do this? Can you solve it so I can move to the next?"

"Solve it? You are supposed to do it not me!"

"Well I can't, can you help me out at least?" She told me, she looked a bit mad

"Now that's something I can do but don't just see the results because that's what almost everyone does, some books have the solution not for you to cheat but for you to see an example" I told her as I took her textbook

"What the hell are you saying?" She asked me confused

"Well, I will now solve this problem but don't just wait for me to reveal the answer, watch every step I take towards the end and use similar steps to solve the others got it?"

She nodded so I started explaining the problem she was stuck on, she looked like she understood and after giving her textbook back she managed to solve most of the problems, while I studied math and also the other school subjects' homework

After studying for at least some hours Yua yawned

"I'm kind of exhausted but I'm sure that I got better!" She was visibly tired

"I will go take some cold drinks, what do you want?"

She wanted an iced coffee so I went to the launch lady the library had and took two drinks, her coffee, and my lemonade, once I returned I decided to ask her something that I was sure she wouldn't like

"Now that you studied everything how about you tell them to me?" I asked as I took the paper away from her

"Why not? I'm in a pretty good state right now" She said with a smirk on her face

"Suuuure... Now solve this problem and write the problem's theory!"

After some minutes Yua gave up

"Is the theory part on the second line of chapter 3 that you wrote?"

"Yeah, but do you only remember it by their location on the paper?" I asked ironically

"Yeah it kind of helps, the mumbling method helped!"

What is she even saying?

"Stop doing things you see on the stupid internet, the only thing that will help you become better is by thinking less and just consuming the knowledge, what I mean is try to understand how it works, why does it work, and where do I need to use it, all the other things are useless and if you don't do something like that then you are frying your brain and tiring yourself with no results"

I told her in an aggressive tone, not to yell at her but to make her understand how important is to not simply read or write what you see

"I guess I will have to try again?"

She asked as she gave in the paper, most of it was right but she had some major mistakes

I didn't answer her question, I just nodded and gave the paper back to her

After that we spent hours studying and studying and studying, so much studying that even made me fall asleep...

Wait I slept? Why isn't Yua here? And why is the sun shining this bright? What the hell happened?

"Don't get up this suddenly, the girl left but don't worry, she paid for everything, and as for your things don't worry, I looked over you so your stuff is safe"

"When did she leave?"

"Not even a minute ago, you may catch up to her if you go now"

The lady told me, I quickly packed everything and thanked her, I then ran after her, I can't believe she abandoned me back there

After running for some time I managed to catch up to her, when I approached her she turned around, she probably heard my running


"Yeah that's me, why the hell did you leave?" I asked, she looked very surprised to see me

"We spent like five hours there plus you looked very tired, you were cursing in English while sleeping, I don't know what you saw but they say people see bad dreams when they are tired" Yua told me with an innocent face, I sighed

"Whatever, just don't do that again..." I said as I started walking

"Where are you going now?" Yua asked me

"Home, why?"

She looked kind of discouraged but in the end, she said what she wanted to tell me

"A classmate from the "Change" club told me she was interested in you, she saw us interact in class and she thought we were friends so she asked me to tell you to meet her at the mall today at 5"

I had many questions...

"Change club? What the hell is that?"

"This club is like a branch of the student council, our club leader is a member of the council and takes our ideas and suggestions and tries to suggest them to the president, this club only accepts good students that are willing to stop trouble, help the school in any way and future student council members but that doesn't matter, this girl I'm talking about is Temono Ichika, she is in our class so what do you say? Are you going to see her?"

Yua asked me, I wasn't so sure how I felt to go on a date with a girl I can't even recall her looks

"Can we cancel it?"

Yua looked furious


"Is she your friend or something?" She nodded

Why the hell do I even bother?

"Okay I will go just because you asked me to, but if she turns out to be a weirdo like you I will smack you!"

"Bet!" Yua said as she winked

Oh man, what have I ever done to receive this treatment....?