

I once again woke up in my lovely room with my phone boiling on my face, I have to change this bad habit of mine

I then went to brush my teeth and then went to make something light to eat, you see I now get an allowance for school so I can buy whatever the cafeteria sells, I'm free of library duty so I will finally be able to roam around the school on my free time

"Look who's looking good this morning!" Hikita asked me with a playful voice

"I always look like that..."

"Well not always! You didn't have to be this fresh before"


"What are you talking about?"

"whAt arE You tAlKing aBout?" She mocked my voice

"Is this going to continue for long?" I asked with a mad look

I genuinely don't know what she is on about

"I'm talking about your girlfriend you silly! You never told me you had one!" Hikita told me with shining eyes

I completely forgot that she follows me on socials

"Oh yeah about that, I was going to tell you later but I guess you found out the surprising way" I said while rubbing my head

"So how is she? Is she sweet? Is she nice to you or is she abusive like Yua-chan? Because you seem to like those types of girls based on what you play on your computer" She told me

First of all, what was that question and second of all how did she find the game Yua and I play and why did she see my messages in the game

"Please don't go prying on my things, and second of all I don't have to answer you anything!"

I said as I took my boiled egg from a special cup Yua had on the shelf

"Come on I'm a sucker for romance! You can't leave me clueless like that!" She whined

I ignored her and headed back into my room and locked the door, I then told her to leave

I don't like acting like that toward my aunt but sometimes she simply doesn't seem to listen to me

Anyway, after finishing my food I took my bike and headed back to school, and got ready to act, Ichika told me that as soon as she sees me in school everything will start so I have to get mentally prepared for what is about to happen

"What are you daydreaming about?" Yua asked me, she was walking right behind me

"Nothing really, I just thought of something, but never mind that, what are you doing in the school break?" I asked Yua, I wanted to do something specific

"Nothing really, why do you ask?"

"You see things went great with Ichika the other day and now I can say that we are a couple, couldn't do that without your help!" I said as I patted her on the back

"R-Really? I didn't think an animal like you could pull that off but I guess Ichika is a nice girl so she decided to give you a chance!" Yua said as she pushed me away from her


I heard a familiar voice say behind me

I turned around and I was doomed to see Ichika

"Su-kun?" Yua asked Ichika when she got close

"Iriasu is a very long name so I call him Su for short, what do you say, doesn't it sound cute?" Ichika asked Yua with a smile

"I guess..." Yua replied as she walked faster, leaving us behind

"What's her problem?" I asked

"She looks upset, see I told you she had feelings for you!"

"Shut up!" I said as I looked away from Ichika

She clearly doesn't know what she is saying

My experience in school continued normally, I and Ichika continued to act like a couple and we did things couple do, it was all normal until Meo showed up, he found us in the back of the school and he seemed to have a mad expression on his face

"What's up Ichika? Are you forgetting what we talked about?" Meo asked her, what is he talking about?

"I don't care about Inei and his reputation, I know you don't like her so why hide it?" Ichika asked Meo in an aggressive tone

"He doesn't know anything so don't go around drugging strangers into this!" Meo said as he pointed at me

"Look's like this is your problem!" I said as I tried to leave but Ichika grabbed my arm

"You agreed to this so you can't leave now"

"I don't know everything you know, I just know that you are with Yua-chan without your will"

Meo looked mad when I said that

"You told him that!" Meo yelled at Ichika

"So what if I told him that? What will you do? Kick me out of the 'cool' guys crew?" Ichika asked as she walked up to Meo's face

Things were getting out of control

"That's too nice, I will report you to the principal about the time you cheated on your entrance tests, you see things like that get treated with a sweet expulsion, and judging by your homeroom teacher that's an expected thing if she knew"

Meo said with a smile as he showed us messages between them talking about previous tests and cheating methods, it was clear that Ichika attempted and did cheat

"Y-You can't do that, I'm only here so I can attend this school, if you do that you will ruin my life!" Ichika said with a cracking voice, almost like she was ready to cry

"Isn't that blackmail? That's very cheap of you but what should I expect from someone that fights the first person he sees talking to his 'Girl'..." I said in order to defend Ichika

I don't know the story between them or their deal but expelling someone from a prestige-like school like Yusuke high is a very bad thing someone can do

"Why are you talking foreigner? This isn't something you should care for"

"Not quite, Ichika here is a friend of a friend, basically my friend too, so I don't like people abusing her like that, and I also don't like knowing you are with Yua-chan just so you can have a good image in the school "

Meo looked annoyed but smiled at the same time

"I don't use Yua, she is using ME! Her brother and she are desperately trying to have the image of the ideal student so that's why I'm in a fake relationship with Yua-chan" Meo told me as he looked into my eyes

I don't know why but I didn't believe him, Yua isn't the type to do something like that

"Anyway, I don't care about your stupid deals or anything but I will ask Yua about that and find out for myself"

I said as I started to walk away from them but suddenly Yua appeared out of the corner, I got a little bit scared when I saw her, she was the last person I expected to see

"Oh, fancy meeting you all together, Meo-kun do you have a moment?" Yua asked Meo

"Not right now, if you want to tell me something tell me" Meo replied, he didn't even turn her head toward her

"Okay but just so you know I thought it would have been better to tell you in private..." Yua said, she then took a deep breath

"I want to break up, I know things didn't last long but I just can't see it working out, plus you are way older than me" Yua said with confidence

Meo looked at her like she murdered his family in front of him, Ichika also looked shocked after hearing what Yua said, hearing that I got my confidence up

"You know what, I'm breaking up with you too! Plus I never found our date enjoyable, no hard feeling though" I said to Ichika as I left

Sadly I didn't get to see their reaction since I left without turning a look at them

It felt refreshing like I got a big weight off my shoulder, I didn't like Ichika's plan from the beginning, and thinking about it sticking with it would only make me the bad guy in the end, it was exactly as Yu-kun said

"Hey wait for me!" Yua said as she ran at me

"Crazy lunch break right?" I jokingly asked her with a smile, she silently laughed

"What's the deal with you? Breaking up on the first day?" She asked as she continued to laugh more

"What can I say, if I don't like the situation I'm in then I move out of it fast!"

"I know you like to go fast! Fast like the time you almost ran over me" We both laughed and laughed until we ended up on the rooftop with food

It was a little windy but it was alright, summer was slowly approaching so it could only do good to us

"So how did you and Meo-senpai get together?" I asked Yua, she looked surprised

"Why do you care?" She told me with a weird look

"I'm joking! He confessed to me before his second year of high school ended" Yua said with a smile

Weird prank, but what I noticed is that my suspicion was true, Meo lied to me back there, Yua doesn't care about school fame or anything, it makes me happy to know that, most people I knew really cared about something like fame but I never understood why...

"Mid-terms are coming fast, you have to make sure I'm a god at math like you before they arrive! I trust you to do so!" Yua said as she started lying on the ground, I lied too

"Don't worry, I told you I will so the last thing you have to worry about is math, make sure you are okay with the other subjects first!" I said as I looked at the clear blue sky

The sun was kind of blinding me so I used one of my hands to block the sun

The two of us remained silent as we lied on the ground, we didn't make any noise for minutes, the only thing that broke this vow of silence was Yua

"Have you heard about the summer camp?" She asked

"No, why do you ask?"

Yua looked kind of hesitant to ask but after looking at the sky once again she asked me

"Do you want to go to the camp together? I don't have anything good to do in my summer break so I will probably attend it"

I didn't know anything about a camp like this but it sounded interesting

"What do you do there? Do you like... relax or something?"

"Are you stupid? We do many things, exercise, fishing, swimming, do group activities and generally learn new things and create memories as a group, I had the chance to go last summer with my brother but I turned down the offer and honestly that is one of the dumbest things I have done so for your own good I'm suggesting you come"

"Well I have fished before and also swam in the sea before since I lived on an island"

"IN THE SEA?" Yua interrupted me shocked

"Yeah is it that weird?"

"Weird? No, it's amazing, I have never been to the sea before"

It sounds very crazy, I mean her family has all of the money they need so I found it kind of weird for her not to have seen the sea

"Then I swear I will take you to the sea once the summer begins"

Yua seemed a little bit red when I said that, it must be the sun...