
Be afraid

"It was nice wasn't it?"

Yu-kun asked me, I guess he showed himself again after a long time

"I enjoyed it! Having a water war like that with Yua made me realize how much I missed going to the sea back on the island..."

Yu-kun laughed weirdly

"I'm not talking about that! I'm talking about Yua-chan! You got very close together! You even held hands as you returned as if it was nothing! If people saw you they would assume you were a happy couple!"

"S-Shut up!"

"Come on Su-kun! You don't need to hide it from me... well I'm you but you know what I mean! You have to be true to yourself! If you keep rejecting your emotions they will come back and bite you, you are no stranger to this"

Yu-kun sounded a bit sad after telling me that

"Anyway this will fold the way I want sooner or later, and when that happens I'm sure I won't have any more problems with Yua"

What I told him made him a bit upset

"That's a bad way to think Su-kun, you must act to get what you want, I know you don't like it but that's reality, just remember those words before getting yourself hurt in the future, but for now you are doing great! Just start trying a little bit more on everything you do and you will be fine!"

After what he said I woke up from my dream sweating, it's summer so that's the usual

Takito and I repeated our morning routine and once we heard the school bell ring we went to school, everything went the same as yesterday but today was kind of different, instead of being dismissed like everyone, I and Yua were asked to stay in the teachers' office, where there was a big and comfy room waiting for us

"I hope you are proud!"

Yua told me as she glared at me, I could feel everything wasn't cool during class but that was only a feeling I got but turns out I was right, sadly...

"What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?! Seriously? Because of what you did yesterday we are forced to stay here until the activities are over!" Yua told me furiously

"Hey don't put the blame on me! You started the water war back there!"

"Oh, so it's my fault now? Stupid! Animal! Dummy! Idiot!"

She started calling me names after I told her that, childish names at that


Terresa screamed from her own personal office, she then rolled out with her chair

"You got in trouble so I AM the one that has to look over you, wasting my time in this room with no AC! So the least you can do is pipe down!"

Terresa told us, she then awkwardly rolled back into her office and closed the door

"You heard her, shut up idiot!"

Yua said as she turned away from me, she is starting to act the same way she did when we first met

I swear every time we progress with Yua she goes back to her spoiled brat-like state and curses me, I wish this could change

"But I'm sure you enjoyed it!"

"Excuse me?"

"You enjoyed everything about yesterday, didn't you? You can't act like you regret what happened back there! You were smiling truly from the heart and there is nothing that you can say that will deny that!"

I said as I got up, I got a bit worked up about what happened, Yua turned a bit red

"S-Shut it! The teacher will get mad"

"YOU HEARD HER!" Terresa screamed from inside the office

I then sat on the couch Yua was sitting and started listening to some music with my Bluetooth earbuds, I decided to play a good song and gave one earbud to Yua and I kept one, she acted surprisingly calm to that, the two of us then started to listen to music as we silently lied across each other watching the sealing

It felt weird but I enjoyed it, we listened to many songs and didn't say a word, some songs were English and some Japanese and their genre changed over and over again but there were no complaints from any of us

Suddenly we heard the school bell ring

"Pause the music! I will go ask the teacher what we will do..."

"This bell is basically to tell us to go for food, you are both on the cooking team right?" We nodded

"If that's so then move your butts! You have to cook for me!"

Terresa said with a devilish expression on her face, I hate it when she does that

It didn't take us long to exit the building and join the others, the five of us then started to quickly prepare the food, this time we had Yakitori, which is basically meat on a stick, I have cooked something similar, it was a Greek dish I think it was called "souvlaki", well since I was fairly familiar to this kind of food I occupied a whole boiler to myself

"Are you sure you can handle this alone Su?"

"Yeah! Just trust me! I'm experienced in this field! I don't need any help, especially yours"

Once I said that Takito left me alone and went to help the others

Now flip, flip, flip! Most of them seem kind of ready, I should tell the...


I was startled by Yua's sudden appearance, she didn't make any sound

"SHUT UP! Why are you yelling?"

"S-Sorry I just... Wait what are you doing here? I told you not to help me! I can do it on my own!"

"They are burning..." Yua said as she pointed at a burning yakitori


I quickly took it out of the boiler and stepped on it, I then gather every other done yakitori

"You did all of them by yourself?"

Yua asked me when she saw the pile of food I took out

"Do you see anyone else? Anyway, do you need anything?"

I asked her as I placed a new wave of yakitori in the boiler

"Nothing, in particular, I finished my part so I came here to watch you..."

Watch me?

"You shouldn't slack off! Now go back and help somebody!"

"Did you assume I'm lazy you orangutan? At least I will not give salmonella to everyone!"

Now I'm an orangutan?

"I'm not saying you are lazy, I'm just telling you if you can help then go for it..."

Yua looked more calmed after that answer, is crazy how the mood of someone can rapidly change like that...

"That's what I'm doing dummy, everyone has finished with their work and they are about to sit down and eat, the only thing that is missing from the table is yakitori and well... you"

Yua seemed a bit sad saying that, I felt a certain way about that too

"In five minutes they will be done and we can all eat together, you don't have to wait here, it's way too hot and I'm reeking of sweat"

"It's okay, all I can smell is yakitori and I'm far from the fire so I don't have any problem about the fire too"

I don't know why but Yua seems like she wants to tell me something but doesn't, like we promised something and I forgot and she sticks with me in case I remember it, but I don't know what, and it's surely not in my head because I can clearly see her intent in her eyes, like she is D E T E R M I N E D to get something she long waited for

"Y-You know that at the end of this little summer camp, we will host a dance right?"


"It's something we commonly do in this camp, we burn a big stash of wood while dancing traditional dances, and since this is a partner-based dance I wondered if y-you wanted to be my p-p-partner in this dance"

Yua looked a bit embarrassed to ask this out loud, I have heard about a similar kind of dance but I didn't know you needed a partner

"Dance with Ichika-san or something, why should I bother?"

My aggressive response was karma for her responses back there

"It's an opposite-sex type dance, I have to dance with a boy..."

She didn't sound very convincing

"Whatever... I will think about it! Anyway, we are done so let's go eat!"

I said as I carried the plate full of yakitori to the table everyone ate, it was quite peaceful, the stress from the exams was vaporized and the complex past we all had was erased for just this one moment, the world froze and we all enjoyed the hard worked food with a cold cup of sodas of all kind

It felt like a proper summer, the only thing that was missing was the sea, which is next in line after this camp is over

Just like that the rest of the day was gone, Takito and Trita got much closer from the last time I saw them and things were progressing even in more relaxed moments such as these

Oh I forgot to mention, the girls were bored so they crashed at our place, Ichika was sitting upside down on the couch saying stupid jokes, Trita and Takito were sitting next to each other talking by themselves and to us, Yua was close to them

As for me... I'm listening to music on the balcony, I was with them moments before but my head started to hurt from all the yelling

"Relaxing isn't it?" Yua asked me as she suddenly came to the balcony

She was leaning towards the balcony watching the dark forest that surrounded us

"Can't say no, coming here wasn't such a bad choice after all..."

"Told you!" Yua said as she stole one of my earbuds, she then grabbed a free chair and sat next to me

Silence followed, and we started listening to the same songs we listened to in the detention room

Suddenly Yua rested her head on my shoulder

"I think you are not valuing these moments as much as you should..."

Yua's voice was surprisingly calm and her action didn't seem weird one bit

"Trust me, I even value the times we are walking back home from school and talking, I know better than to consider these moments boring or tiring"

"Yet you seem to result to loneliness once an inconvenience comes by"

Even though Yua was telling me such harsh words I couldn't afford to get mad at her

I can't really get mad if I think the same way

"Is she asleep?"

Takito asked me while whispering, even though that wasn't the case Yua quickly pretended to sleep, this girl reacts surprisingly weird

I nodded to his question

"The girls are about to leave"

"Tell them to go, I will wake her up later, she got very tired today, she deserves some sleep"

I said, Takito then closed the door to the balcony and told the girls what I told him and he then went to sleep

I simply watched the stars

My eyes started to close on their own and this heat Yua created on my shoulder didn't help, I wanted more so I placed my arm around her and also placed my head on hers

My eyes then closed and I slept during this warm summer night...