
Second semester

The days passed quickly and before we knew it it was September meaning school started once again, this time I rode to my school with a happier mindset than before, I was a bit more motivated to do good at school, and I wanted to feel this feeling I felt when I was younger and improving, I want to feel the thrill of trying hard to accomplish something

"Morning Su! You came here quite early huh?" Takito asked me as he was doing the remaining of his summer homework

"I can't believe you! The school said it's okay if you didn't do it"

"I know but I want to do it! Otherwise, I will feel like I have fallen behind all of you, and I'm not planning on not passing the class!" Takito said as he continued doing his homework

"Anyway good for you! I will go to get signed in the clubs I wanted!"

After that I left Takito to do his homework and visited the literature club's room, they had a room on the highest floor near a third-year class

"You and literature? Give me a break! Do you even know how to read or you will just read manga all day?" The president of the literature club asked me

She was a third-year with messy black hair and glasses, she looked very ordinary

"What? I came here to become better at reading and also entertain myself in the process!"

"You? The cocky muscle head guy that arrives with his motorcycle every day at school is suddenly interested in reading novels? Come on! You just want to slack off while reading manga!" She said as she closed the door to my face

"That was rude! You could at least test him!" I heard another voice from a girl from inside

Suddenly the door was opened again, it was the president again

"How many books have you read?" She asked me

"Maybe 3..."

She once again closed the door to my face

I didn't know I could get denied, honestly, I was kind of surprised but I couldn't do anything but continue

"She really did that? I'm going to have a talk with my brother after the lesson!" Yua angrily told me as she took notes on our history class

I know I shouldn't have told her that

"It's okay I mean it's quite understandable! A kid that doesn't know anything about books and can't even read properly wants to join the literature club, I would be suspicious too!"

My words of comfort only enraged Yua

"Are you crazy? Clubs are supposed to encourage people to join them not kick them out! What the president did was wrong and I'm not going to let it slide!"

After the class ended Yua dragged me to the club and aggressively banged on the door

"Who the hell is it? Yosuke-san? What a surprise! Did you come here to join?" The president asked with a smile

"Why in the world did you decline him?" Yua said as she pointed at me

"You know him? He is a thug Yosuke-san, I don't want to associate with people like him!"

"Kishiro-senpai I understand why you would say that but Su-kun is really trying to become better, and just because he rides a bike doesn't mean he is a thug! Just give him a chance! Didn't Trita-chan tell you about him?"

Wait Trita?

"I'm sorry Yua I told Senpai about Su-kun but she just wouldn't listen!" Trita said as she peeked her head out of the door

"So you were the other member?" I asked surprised

"I mean you have seen me read books in the library a lot but I decided I wanted to become a bit more social so I joined the club, sadly we are just the two of us!" Trita said with a smile

"Huh? You are just two people and you still refused? If I told the teachers you know that they will shut down the club right?" Yua told to Kishiro

"Other people are registered but they are not coming, they simply joined so they can say they are in a club..." Kishiro said with a sad tone

"So what stops you from having Su join? Please Kishiro! Consider him, after all, he will be another active member, I promise you that!" Yua said as she smiled

That's pretty much what happened before I finally joined the club

I was tasked to read a relatively small and easy-to-read novel, so most of the time I spent my breaks in the club room reading this novel

The novel is a police mystery novel with a quite interesting plot, it's like one of those movies where they kidnap the kid of an ex-detective and the detective has to find the bad guys, yeah something like that...

During those weeks I also tried out for the boxing club but they were full of people so that was a problem so I searched for alternatives

Astronomy club sounded interesting but I was way too out of my field to try that

The track team was a good club for me but I don't plan on cutting out gym so I can attend the track team

Another one that caught my eye was the film and the music club, but I don't plan on doing anything with cinematography and I'm way too embarrassed to share my music with many random people so I ended with only one choice

"The cooking club? What just because you cooked at the camp you think you can become a cook? Don't overestimate yourself, idiot!" Takito asked as he clowned me

"Shut up meathead! The boxing club is new so many people have joined it and the other clubs were not so interesting for me after all both reading and cooking can be helpful skills to know"

"I don't know! If you want to know we have some spots available in the soccer club so if you are interested in joining just tell me!" Takito said as he patted my shoulder


Some weeks passed and I finished the novel, The ending was a bit underwhelming but pretty much a good book

"You claim that you have read this book, true?" Kishiro asked me with suspicion

"Yeah I told you I want to read another one, What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing it's completely normal, that is if you actually read the book!" She said as she took the book out of my hands and then opened it at a random page

"Tell me what happens in the chapter 12"

Is she for real?

"If I remember correctly this is the part where the villain is hiding among the police while the protagonist broke down crying after suspecting that his daughter might have died, that was a memorable scene that I really liked!"

I can't describe how much surprised she looked after I told her that

"Amazing! You actually read it! Did you like mystery or would you like to try a different genre!" Kishiro asked me as she manically started searching for books

"Don't worry! She is always like this" Trita told me as she appeared to be a bit embarrassed by the way her senior acted

"Here have this! This is one of my personal favorites! It's a drama-romance kind of novel but I swear you are going to like it!" Kishiro said as she gave me a novel titled

"Goodbye to the girl I loved the most... It sounds nostalgic..." That's the only way I could say about the book judging by its cover and its title

Kishiro and Trita both laughed in a sad way so I know this is going to be a painful read

Anyway I also joined the cooking club so after I'm done reading some pages I go to my other club and make food, we mostly learn there and occasionally experiment with what we learned

Yesterday a dude created a curry that consisted of only spicy things and sent most of us on a wonderful trip to the bathroom when we returned to our homes

Generally speaking, my school life is going quite nice, I'm slowly starting to become better and better at reading and I'm doing good in my clubs but I feel like lately I have stopped interacting with my friends, it's like I go to school, see them a bit in class, and then completely disappearing

Or at least that was how it felt for a long time before the day I had been waiting finally arrived

"It's time to decide on a class president kids! I don't care about how you do it but I suggest the classic voting system or do a rock-paper-scissors tournament..."

I suppose that was supposed to be a joke but nobody laughed...

Anyway, we started the voting and the results were announced by our teacher

"So let's see if the new generation of voting civilians will vote for someone that will bring our doom or not!" Terresa said as he counted one after another our paper

We had to vote for three people including ourselves, but in reality, we could just vote ourselves and let the other blank or just vote two people, we had the freedom to choose whatever we wanted

"The first student who has more than five votes is Hikita Iriasu! With exactly five votes, right above him is Horikoshi Shikimo with six and the two who tie in the first place are Yosuke Yua with eight votes and Takito Remo, now decide about the roles, I don't really care who becomes who" Terresa said as she started doing work on her laptop

"Sorry guys I have no interest in doing any class work so count me out!" Horikoshi said as he left our little gathering

He is a football club member and is the lowest-scoring student so I guess he doesn't care so much about school to have an important role

"Before we start discussing who the hell voted for me? I will kill you all!" I told to Yua and Takito

Theoretically, the people who could vote for me were Yua, Takito, Trita, and maybe Ichika, I sure didn't vote for myself because I voted for Trita, Yua, and our teacher Terresa as a joke

So I have to hunt down the other person who voted for me... Or I guess I should deal with what I was tasked to do

"We should be asking who the hell voted for Takito-kun! Do they really think Takito has even a small fraction of brain power to lead a class?" Yua said as she looked at Takito as if he was a pile of crap

"To be honest... I think they just pitied me because I did what I did in the forest camp..."

We were joking so far but after Takito said that both me and Yua stopped fooling around

"It's okay! If you say you don't want to do it you can just let me and Su do the president stuff and you can simply be in charge of the class's money" Yua said as he patted Takito on the back

"That's fine... But you will really get him to be the vice president? You know he is bad with new people don't you?" Takito spoke of me like I was a lost child or something

"Oh shut up idiot! I can do way better than you, that I know! I guess it's going to be hard but I will have Yua so everything will be fine"

"Jeez go get a room or something, filthy couples!"

I started fist-fighting with Takito but quickly stopped after Yua bashed our heads with her metallic water bottle

We three stood in front of the board and announced to the class

"From today I will be your president! Hikita Iriasu will be the vice president and Takito Remo will be responsible for the class's money! I hope we can have a smooth semester and I look forward to assisting this classroom! But before I step down I want to announce to you something!"

I was quite surprised by what Yua said, what could she possibly tell the class?

"I will run for school council president so if it's possible I would like your full support! It's embarrassing asking but as a class, we should come together to at least get one of our students into the council for representation! It doesn't have to be me but I personally think I have the best chance judging from my relationship with our upper-classmen so please consider it while the student council elections start, thank you all for hearing me!" Yua said as she bowed

Oh shit, I completely forgot about that...