
Let Her Go

The days of the election became fewer as time passed but I still hadn't written a speech for Yua and I did not have any idea of what to write exactly

My father will leave in a few days so for one last family trip my father and I invited the Yosuke family to go to Kyoto and most specifically to see the Fushimi Inari Shrine

My father chose this destination because as he told me we lived there before all this stupid thing happened, he told us he knew some people that would enhance our vacation and a "dope" place to stay and nobody really doubted him so we tagged along

Sadly Hikita, well... She had two reasons to decline, first was because it was my father and second because of her job she couldn't leave for two or three days

"In a bit, they will arrive here, do you want to look all gloomy when Yua comes?" My Father teased me

It's hard acting goofy with him after I learned everything but I promised myself I would give him a second chance

"I don't feel so good, maybe I got sick or something"

"Really? You looked healthy when I told you that the Yosukes are coming"

"Did I?"

"You definitely did! Who knows maybe even the thought of her heals you" My dad said as he winked at me

"Mother was the same for you wasn't it?"

That question caught him off guard

"Well now I have another Hikita to heal me so don't worry"

He patted my head while saying that

Suddenly the people we waited for arrived, Yua was wearing a black hat a T-shirt an oversized jacket, and a skirt, as for the Inei and Yosuke, for some reason they wore the same outfit, probably Inei lost a bet

"Look who's early first time in his life" Yua and Her father said to us

I'm sure Yua meant it for me and Yosuke for my father

"Come on it hasn't even been half a minute and you are already teasing them?" Inei asked in a disappointed tone

We laughed it off and waited for the train, the bullet train would depart at 06:00 in the morning and arrive in Kyoto at 10:30, during our waiting we talked about our destination

"The place we are going to stay is a bit underwhelming for your likes but it's going to be a traditional house which will have a hot spring, if we divide the bill it's 8100 yen so it's pretty affordable for what it provides, sadly for Yua-chan there are no separate bedrooms so she will have to sleep among four sweaty men"

"You are making it worse by describing it this way..." I said embarrassed by what came out of his mouth

"I can just carry my futon somewhere away from you, it's still summer why would I want to sleep in a room with many people even if they are girls?" Yua asked confused

"Well because that's the only room with AC"

Now it was a dilemma, one that she had to take on the train since it arrived right now

"Window seat!" Yua said as she took my seat

"Your ticket says you are 67 which is the outer seat, the window is mine"

"Oh yeah? What are you going to do about it?"

I just sat on top of her

"Hey idiot get off me! People are watching" Yua whispered as she hit me repetitively in the back

"I hope they enjoy the show"

In the end, I gave up my seat otherwise she would have been mad for the whole four hours of the travel

"Looks like you couldn't make me get off! All that muscle and "good" grades you got are amazing but not enough to move me! I'm beyond strength and knowledge" Yua said pridefully

"Not really I assume you have never traveled in economy class so the only way for you not to complain was to give you the window seat"

She wasn't as mad as I expected it to be, she shrugged it off

♫ It's yours, Who's world is this?♫

♫ It's mine It's mine It's mine Who's world is this? (It's yours)♫

♫It's mine It's mine It's mine Who's world is this?♫

Time passed fast as we listened to music together, to be exact Yua fell asleep after one hour of songs

Her window seat got wasted...

I on the other hand started preparing the speech and also doing some homework that was assigned to us on the weekend

"I told you not to get them with you! Couldn't you have done them at school or something? Or while during club?" My father asked me disappointed

He isn't the type to study much at school so his philosophy about studying was to leave it at the last moment or do it as soon as you get it and you are on fire or else don't do it and because I was doing it in our vacation I guess he got sad?

"Let the kid do his work Domic! Because you were dumb as a rock it doesn't mean your kid has to be the same! He is doing pretty good at his class, he is even the top math student, and just so you know exactly what I'm talking about he is top at Terresa's class"

"God damn! At Terresa's? He might be a genius then!"

I think when my father and Yosuke are together their intelligence drops to dangerous levels

Yua and I were sitting together and my father and Yosuke sat next to each other so where the hell is Inei?

Thankfully I was sitting on the outside of our seat so I easily got out and began my search for Inei which surprisingly wasn't so hard to find

He was relaxing in a window at the launch room, the view was from a small shop, they sold many things you would find in a 7/11 like cup-ramen, rice balls, and drinks

"What are you doing all alone?" I asked him

"Nothing in particular, just enjoying the trip"


"Does it bother you?"

I didn't answer him, I just sat next to him and started looking outside the window too

"You know elections are coming and Yua doesn't plan on stepping down so if I was you I wouldn't just relax like that if I didn't want to win"

"Is winning elections so important to you? You are saying you care about it but you are not doing anything, I guess that mentality of yours drags Yua down too" Inei told me with a straight face

"What are you saying? I would never drag Yua down!"

"But you are! Before meeting you Yua was the ace of her class and also partially liked by everyone around the school, you know your reputation isn't so good after all the things you have done so her being with you affects her popularity and grades a lot" Inei continued to talk as if I was a burden

"Do you really think I want this to happen to her? I try to help her with her studies and also better myself for her, what else can I do?"

When I asked that Inei chuckled a bit

"It's not you the problem but Yua, you see I had set her up with a boyfriend who was popular in the school and I personally pressured her to keep up the good grades but she can't stop herself from being distracted by a teen love, how long do you think she will stay with you? Another month maybe, or until valentines before she finds someone better"

I slammed the table lightly

"What the hell are you saying? Yua is trying her best, plus she isn't the type to abandon someone like that!"

"You think you know her but you really don't know anything Su-kun... Do you even know when her birthday is? Or what color, food, or music she likes? Those are mere childish things but assuming you know all that how about her inner self? Do you know how she thinks or what she wants to become? The things she aims for you can never even touch because they require a lot of time and practice to reach them but with you in the way she is weakened emotionally and shifts her focus on you! So do you understand what I'm trying to say?"

"No, I don't"

I wanted him to spell it out

"I want you to break up with Yua! Before meeting with you she wouldn't chase after meaningless things such as being the student council president!"

"I can't do that! I love her"

"If you truly love her then you will do it! She and you are completely different! She isn't the genius type so most of what you see is her incredibly hardworking nature to attain a level of knowledge and respect she has now! You on the other hand were always a natural talent, a jack of all trades, you never pressured yourself further so you would never understand how damaging this is for her! I will say it again, if you love her and want to see her succeed then let her go"

Is he actually serious? It hurts hearing this coming from him because what he just said had a pinch of truth, but I still think he is exaggerating a little

"I can't do that Inei-kun we love each other, I can't simply let go of what we built, not again!"

"Again, huh? You break her heart once and then return to steal her chances of becoming successful! That's truly pathetic" Inei said before taking a sip of his canned black coffee

"Yua is strong! She won't let an animal like me destroy her, so put a bit more faith in her"

As soon as I told him that Inei gave me a nasty glare and left me alone

I can't pretend like Inei wasn't right in some regards, I also feel like Yua hasn't been the sharp hardworking person she was when I first arrived in Japan but what she has become can't be considered a devolvement, I won't allow it to be considered one

I texted Inei

He replied almost immediately

He then followed up with another message 

I didn't reply to the message, I simply closed the screen of my phone and kept listening to music 

  1. This is a reference to Nas' song "The World Is Yours"