Our trip to Kyoto was diverse and memorable but we didn't feel like we needed to share it
Aside from our picture at the station, Yua didn't upload anything else to the web
As selfish as it sounds I'm glad this experience was shared with nobody other than our family
Shortly after my father left Japan and school took a break due to weather conditions, a hurricane hit the area and many areas flooded so I guess God granted me a little bit more time for me to write the presidential speech
Meanwhile, we were also handed homework and forced to do some online lessons but one day before the weekend the lessons ended
So naturally a big group of us planned to go out
And by a big group, I mean: Yua, Inei, Ada, Hakuso, and the girl that annoys me the most Aoi
She is the girl that took advantage of that one loser cashier guy, I still wonder if she acts this way. We made a group chat and surprisingly Yua added four people, Takito, Trita, and Ichika
I don't understand what possibly could bring this group together but I honestly can find a reason to not go
Ichika is a bit of a manipulator and Aoi is too, I don't trust them to be around, but I guess that's just my experience, maybe they are better people in general
"Hey, Su! Yua-chan is here!" Hikita yelled from the living room
I messed up my hair and made my buggy clothes cover all of my body
"Morning Su! Dude, why are you still not dressed?" Yua asked as she looked annoyed
"I'm feeling odd... Would it be fine for me to stay home?"
Quickly Yua grabbed my head and placed her forehead on mine
"You seem fine to me" She said as if what she did was nothing special
"What if you are sick too? You should probably skip the gather up too"
I then tried to close the door on her out of embarrassment but she placed her foot on the door preventing me from closing it fully
"Want to talk about it?" Yua told me, so naturally I opened the door
Yua then said with a casual tone "Good morning Yuoko-chan!"
"Morning!" Hikita replied as she kept doing some of her work
Apparently, her workplace was also affected by the flood
"You are not sick, are you? What is it that bothers you? Is it the people coming?" She guessed with ease
I guess she understands
"Yeah, but they are not the problem... I am, so feel free to go!"
"If you are not going I'm not coming either" She said as she puffed her face
"Come on don't be like that!" I told her and I probably made her even more mad
"Being like what? You are the one complaining about the company! What bothers you truly? I thought we were going to be open to each other..."
She is right... We did promise that to each other so I will explain it as raw as I can
"Call me crazy but I can see through people pretending, like seeing a mask, and how can I explain this... Not like actual masks but I feel like I'm talking to a mask you know? That's how I feel when I talk to Ichika or Aoi! I can't seem to get along with them..."
Yua looked sad about what I said
"That's not a nice thing to say, Su... I mean do you really think they lie about how they feel?"
"Kind of but I'm not innocent either, I can sort of see a mask on my face too but the mask I have on my face is a cracked one, so the truth about me may spill right there and then"
"So what you tell me is that you are not true to yourself either? Then why judge them for doing the same?" Yua seemed very offended because of what I said and I guess that makes sense
I wouldn't like Yua to talk bad about any of my friends if she didn't know them well
"I'm sorry Yua! That's just what I think, what I'm telling you is one of the truths that spill out, I can't filter it, not when I speak to you!"
Yua silently sat on my bed and then texted on her phone
My phone vibrated shortly after
Yua sent this message to the group chat and immediately there were sad comments about Yua's missing and "Get well" texts directed at me
"Now we have done it! We canceled our plans with the others! So what do you plan to do with me now that I'm with you and ready to go out?" Yua asked as she stared into my eyes
I understood the hint but I didn't have anything special in mind
We could do something like a study/gaming date, we are in my room, after all, not many options are available... And the longer I'm thinking of something the more I think of stuff we shouldn't do...
"Come on now! I don't want to play a game! How about we go out? Whatever is fine..." Yua begged to go out so I came out with a good(?) plan
"How about we go to Tokyo too and meet them at the gathering point they wrote down! See? They said at 21:00 to meet at the dog in Shibuya, so they will probably shop at Shibuya or go to eat there meaning we can hang around the district until the time due and then surprise them!"
The look on Yua's face told me everything about the plan, and let's say she didn't have the brightest expression on her face
"Su, you have social awkwardness don't you?"
"What makes you say that?"
"It's not only Ichika-chan and Aoi-chan, it's generally the big group! You scared to act around a crowd! You probably think "What if I'm mean to them and then everyone gets mad at me?" I know you long enough to know that!"
"Then you know the masked me"
Yua's expression changed, it was a more surprised-looking one and to be honest I was surprised too
It was the first time Yua guessed what I thought about wrong
"I don't care about their or anyone's opinion! I'm willing to go out with them but I will probably get mad at them during our exit and ruin the night for everybody because of my selfishness! That's why I don't want to go! We will get into a fight 100%"
Yua giggled at what I said and then said "Well you don't know until you try it!" while smiling at me
Long story short, we ended up taking the bullet train to Tokyo, we were an hour late from the others but that didn't stop us from exploring Tokyo again, but this time we didn't wonder mindlessly, this time we went shopping then at a special place I wanted to take Yua
My grandma's house
Yua was surprised at the traditional-looking house at first but her worries disappeared when I grabbed her hand and told her that I would be along with her
"Yosuke-chan! It has been long since I last saw you!" She said happily as she hugged me "You have grown so much! Where do you think you are going with all those hanging around? I guess that's what chicks nowadays wear to attract the muscle heads" My grandma said as she inspected Yua's outfit
The outfit exposed a bit of her chest but only barely and it's considered one of the least exposing clothing compared to many people our age wear
Yua obviously got a bit self-conscious and embarrassed but was quickly calmed down by my grandma's hospitality
"How is your mother Yua-chan?" Grandma asked as she poured tea for us
"She is doing fine! How about you? To be honest I don't remember you that much but your aura seems familiar!" Yua said as she smiled
"You already know this old lady is doing great! Since I got to see my grandson and his girlfriend I'm alright! The only thing I can do now is house you and talk to you!" She humbly said as she sat across from us
My grandma seems very traditional like I heard, she seems to embrace Yua's feminine side a lot and encourages her to be girly unlike many girls who try to act mature
And as for me the only tip she had for me was to keep my bazooka inside my pants until marriage
I guess what else did I expect her to talk about? She is an old lady at the end of the day, of course, she will joke with us a lot, especially about sexual stuff
"Can I ask you something Hikita-sama?" Yua asked my grandma
"Of course sweaty! What is it?"
"Does Su strike you as the type to avoid difficult personal situations?"
What kind of question is that?
"Hmm... He did lie to me about not being my grandson because he was feeling bad so I would assume that he is the kind to do that! Why did you ask?" She replied without hesitating
It's kind of embarrassing bringing this up...
"Nothing! I just wanted to confirm something!" Yua said as she laughed
Suddenly before I was able to finish my tea Yua got up and thanked my grandma
"Thank you for having us! We are going to depart though! We have to meet our friends somewhere! Sorry for the disturbance we caused!" She said as she bowed
"Oh come on now darling you weren't bothersome! Now make sure to have fun with your friends!" My grandma said as she lightly hugged Yua
She then came close to me and while I thought I was going to receive a hug too I received a message
She simply whispered into my ear "Make sure to wear protection!" with a grin
I nodded and then left her house
"Your grandma is so nice! We should visit her again when we come to Tokyo! Sadly my mom is not currently in Tokyo due to work so we can't pay her a visit, how about we take the metro to Shibuya? Time is coming up after all!"
I gathered my strength and prepared mentally for what was about to come
"Huh? Wasn't Su sick?" Takito asked as he was the first to notice us walking toward the dog
"He was but I revived him and brought him here! He said he didn't want me to miss this so he with the power he has left decided to come here! So what are we doing?" Yua asked after waving at everyone
I could feel two pairs of eyes staring at me, of course, it was Aoi and Ichika
"Hmm... You seem better Su" Aoi told me with a smile
I felt weird, not because of what she said but because I thought ill about her even though she was willing to tell me how to make my appearance better back then, as for Ichika? I don't know much about her either so why did I avoid coming here in the first place?
~Because what you are scared of is yourself! You keep talking about masks but you are the only one with a mask~ Yu whispered
"I'm sorry everyone! I lied about being ill, I just didn't feel like seeing you..." I honestly said as I bowed
"Okay and? It's not like we are offended! If you didn't want to come then that's fine! You are not obligated to come any time we idiots have free time to hang out and meet each other!" Ada told me with a casual tone
"Yeah, dude! You have a life too! You could have just said you didn't want to come! After all, I know how much of an introvert you are!" Takito said as he started tickling me on my sides
Loyal like a dog they say, the phase usually comes to mind with the context of the dog "Hachiko" the dog that waited for his owner every day to return from work even after his owner passed away
I wouldn't say that those guys have loyalty to me but they are true to their feelings and are willing to fix any misunderstanding... Something that I'm far from there yet
But I will take steps toward becoming better, that's what I have decided after all, I will lift Yua high
So high that people will confuse her for an airplane or a star