
Corey at to look away at her weird attitude but she bugged him again with questions.

"Tell, me, now that you don't remember anything about me, what do you think of me?" She asked while rolling over to rest on her side. "The last time I asked, you said you hated my care for you and my face and just didn't like anything about me, I wonder what you think of me now that you don't remember who I was to you," she sounded hurt to remember.

Corey was going to answer the way he knew and felt. "Well, you are annoying and too clingy, and stubborn but I love how much you care and I don't see anything wrong with your face or your presence."

And Claire found it satisfying, she smiled but didn't say thank you, he never says thank you, why should she?

"Max asked me out," she suddenly brought it up. "You don't remember our mates in college, do you?"

"Tell me about it."

"We were flirting and he took it seriously," she looked kind of guilty of something. "I almost misbehaved," and she covered her face and lay back on her back. "I want you to deflower me not any man but you keep acting like a jerk, you are too hard to please," she looked down at him to see him staring right at her mysteriously. "What? Jerk," she pouted her mouth.

"You feel so comfortable with me or are you expecting something from me?"

"If you can't control it, Donald. I'm all yours," she smiled.

"I knew you laying on the bed like this wasn't just out of comfort," he looked away.

"What? Aren't you moved? Do I have to make myself naked before you finally admire me?"

"I admire you, Claire. You are beautiful and... perfect. I'm sure there are many girls out there who want to be know as you," he glanced her way.

"Say it," she grabbed his powerful arm. "Say it, I don't know," she knew what he meant.

"As perfect..." He used another word.

"C'mon, Donald, that's not what you wanted to say," she shook his arm.

"You just said you didn't know."

"I don't," she pushed his hand off and rolled over.

"Stop trying to seduce me, you'll just look cheaper in my eyes and that's not how to impress or win a man's heart."

"And who said I wanted to win your heart?" She looked at him.

"You don't want to?"

"I just want you Never mind, you've never considered me as a girl, only a friend."

And it hit him to realize that Donald hadn't been so nice to this girl and why he was feeling bad made him curse himself. Since when?! Since when did he care?!!

"I'm not hungry and I feel exhausted so can you get off my bed, I want to sleep," he played nice.

"No," she stubbornly refused.

"No?" He asked. "What's with you, Claire? Get off my bed, I had an accident and still... recovering."

"I don't care, didn't I tell you I won't care?"

"You really don't pay attention to my words, do you? I told you not to test me, I'm not as you think I am. I'm capable of breaking you if you make me so upset, so get off my bed." he sternly said.

With his statement, she pushed out of the bed and glared at him for a minute with that puppy dog expression, she was looking teary and then she ran out of the room. He knew she ran out of the room to cry because she saw her eye rims go red.

Did he care? He took the bag and searched in to see steaks, this made him a big hungry. Corey had his dinner and fell asleep after taking his medication, the doctors checked on him again and told him how much he had improved, it was just a minor accident, to begin with. He could be discharged tomorrow. But he wondered what Claire was up to and where she was. Well, she was old enough to care for herself.

When midnight fell, Claire jumped down from the rails that were on the rooftop, she had been staring into space for hours.

This wasn't the first time he broke her heart. Back then in college, she'd confess her feelings in front of everyone and like a deaf person he'd ignore but she goes after him and she recalled clearly how he jerked her off his arm hardly that she fell to the ground.

When she looked at his eyes, there was no affection in them for her, she was just like an app begging for attention on a cellphone. That was when she had a scar on her wrist because she had hit her hand on a sharp object when she fell.

It was valentine when she prepared flowers for him and decided to surprise him only to receive a message from her friend that he was at the club.

When she got there, she searched every square to find him making out with her enemy in school, the way he kissed her as if the world would end in a minute flashed in her head and she saw them make out right in the corridor.

Still, it was okay with her even though she didn't recover from the pain for months. The Halloween party was called by his friends he hangs out with and during lunch, she approached him with that innocent look. Donald was the main reason his friends disrespected her and kept asking her for a night and more. And just like every other time, he embarrassed her and killed her more by not showing up at the party. She searched for him to see him by a lake drinking and God knew how much she wanted to be the girl he'd touched that night but he already had called some other girl, not her enemy this time and the girl didn't attend their school. That night, she couldn't watch him make out with another woman so she gave up and after two years they met again, she owned her business and he was becoming the CEO.

He seemed to have changed with the impression he showed on her birthday so she agreed to be his wife when her parents brought the topic up.

Claire couldn't cry anymore because it was too painful, so she laughed like a lunatic but stopped when she recalled something was off. The Donald staying in the hospital seemed to be so different, he do care and she could see it in his eyes but after some thought she realized that he was just the same Donald, always changing his attitude.

Claire found her way back to his room to see him asleep, "jerk," she muttered to herself and sat next to him in bed. She saw he prepared her meal for her. 'Make sure you eat this, you luk so slime, be heathly' and she laughed at his note. Was he that dumb? He misspelt almost every word in the note, her laughter grew bigger in her belly the more she read, 'slime'? She repeated and had to drink water to calm her stiffen belly. "Oh, Donald," her eyes kissed his peaceful-looking face Good night before she picked up the cutleries to eat.