Irreversible action

Corey suddenly felt this sensation of discomfort settling in his midsection when the look she had on her face replayed in his head. "But I didn't mean to let you fall..." He looked at the door she went through only to see his parents walk in with another man.

They explained that Daniel was his driver and assistant and of course, Corey remembered him that night he tricked him to go home saying he'd drive himself when he was aiming to drive his brother to his death.

Well, Corey was discharged and taken to his brother's house, the luxury amazed him but soon remind himself that they were his from the beginning.

And was even more surprised when he saw that his parents weren't living with his brother so when they left which was in the evening, it was just him in the house with his multiple maids. And with Corey being allergic to women. Naturally, people, he stayed in his room.

This time, it was just him, Claire wasn't coming to visit him.

Claire was very much aware that it was his discharge day today but she chose to use the whole day to work and when she received a call from his parents, she explained that she was busy and would visit him. They took it as a normal event and shared their care by telling her to eat well and not stress herself out.

It was absurd when Claire called her parents to the dining table during lunch, she had retired for the day at work and while having lunch she suddenly announced to them that she didn't want the marriage anymore.

Literally, her father was trying to divide the steak with his cutlery when he heard her sudden change of plan. He looked into her eyes for confirmation before letting his raised elbow down and then he sighed. "Remember what I told you before you made the decision."

"I do, father but...he doesn't like me and..."

"It's not reversible, Claire."

"Dad, please...I don't think I can survive if I get married to him. He doesn't like me..." She recalled how he yelled at her but waved it off her head. "He said it himself."

"Then you shouldn't have jumped into saying you agreed to the marriage," his eyebrows were furrowed.

"Daddy please..." She looked at her mother who had silent. "Mom..."

"Don't mention my presence, dear. We talked about this. We can't reverse this... You now have to take consequences for your decision you probably didn't think about clearly before placing a stamp on it."

Claire lowered her eyes and heaved that heavy sigh. "There must be a way out of this Mom, please help me," she looked desperate.

"True, there's is a way and that's by marrying him. I knew this was coming when you said you love him which was technically the reason why you agreed to get married to him."

"I don't know..." She was obviously frustrated from the way she breathed out those words as if she was short of breath. "I don't know, Mom. I just want to be with the one I love, I didn't expect him to be this cruel."

And her mother wished she could reverse the action, everything had been done. Her parents had partnered with the Tiffins and the Tiffins also couldn't make any move to stop the marriage.

"This is ruining my life, Mom," she uttered after waiting for them to at least come up with an idea to save her from herself. "Then I guess I have to," she stood up and took her small bag in her hand. Claire left after glaring at her parents and making promises to never do things in their favour ever again.

When she fell into bed, her friend who was a maid to her helped her to take off her shoes, and as said once, she lived alone. She had driven her car back to her small duplex and now was receiving a back massage from Julie as she read a book. The more she skimmed through, the more she thought about Donald.

"Are you okay?" Asked Julie. "You've been moody all day," she added and placed pressure on her back.

"You know I can't possibly hide anything from you," Claire faced the book down and stared into space.

"Did something happen?"

"Of course, we that jerk I'm getting married to," she wished she could just give him a piece of her mind and hit his face but she couldn't, his eyes were dark in the morning and the way he yelled at her killed something inside her.

"He must have done something bad."

"No," Claire uttered. "No, I did wrong by falling in love with him. It's my fault," a sad smile curved on her lips. "But my know what? Just leave Julie, I want to be alone."

"Claire," as Claire sat up with a naked chest, she worriedly called.

"I just want to take a nap or finish the book, don't worry about me," Claire assured her best maid before she left. She was filthy rich but didn't have a genuine friend. Her friends end up being jealous of her and most rich girls like her were bullies and she wasn't in that group so Claire was a lonely girl who loved reading books. She plays the piano, paints and sings and she had more art in her.

After Julie left, she stood up and went to the bathroom to freshen up. So, she had her clothes on and sat on the bed wondering if he had called, so she searched for her phone to see she missed three calls, he did call was her assumption until she saw it was her employee. Sadness clouded her heart, he didn't care after all. Always her wish and always her imagining a world with him.

In anger and discomfort, she tossed her phone to the bed and grabbed her book back. No, she needed to read something about fantasy, that would clear her mind about Donald.