
Claire bit her lower lip as she surveyed his body with her eyes. "Hot," she whispered to herself as she used her eyes to eat him up in her mind.

Corey had totally forgotten everything he told himself in the dressing room and was smiling like a fool. Was he more handsome than the man she was blabbering about? Bet he was now, he was sparkling in the suit and the trousers made his long legs look sexy and capable.

"Wow," she folded her fingers, eyeing him from his legs up to his lower part and then his chest until her eyes settled on his face. "I don't know what to say," she was smiling.

She was smiling meaning she was mesmerized, she was impressed. "There must be something to say after praising him."

"What?" She teased. "You want me to say you are looking gooooood, hot and handsome?" She pushed it.

"No," he looked away to see his reflection. "I don't need you to say it," he lied. "Because I know," he kept checking his reflection. He was so handsome, he said to himself.

"Well, don't think you are. Your mind is just making you think you are hand..." She eyed him and cleared her throat.

"I am handsome, ugly girl," he shook his head, calling her ugly.

"Need I remind you that your opinion isn't what I care about? I care less," she acted like she was unaffected.

"Whatever, let's get more of this," he went in the left direction while she tailed him, her eyes not wanting to look away from his appearance.

He got more of that outfit and got it packed by their assistant. Claire took him to the other racks and chose outfits for him. At the end of it, he stared at her and smiled under his lips. She was really good at everything, guess he uncle was wrong about this girl. She was a distraction, yes! She was stubborn and so demanding and she usually messes with his mind to the extent he began to dream about her but she was capable, she reads, she could choose clothes that look best on him and was smart too. He wouldn't tell her that because she'd use his words to make him feel less of a man like when she mentioned him calling her beautiful. It wasn't a mistake, she was extremely beautiful on their engagement day and now she still was.

Walking out of the mall with their shopping bags with some workers, he wanted to ask and was practising asking what women like as a gift from men but then he remembered something on his phone. There was this website or a place he could ask any questions and answers will come running to him so he dug in his pocket to bring his phone out.

He couldn't spell so he waited until they got into the car. She dragged him to open the trunk, so he did. Claire tipped the ladies for helping and entered the car, Corey did the same and slam the door close.

"Claire," he called her name...in every tone he used in calling her name, she adored it. It was different from how he used to call her name.

"Yes, what is it, Donald?" She answered with a bored face.

"I know this is not...us...ua...l but...can you spell fabulous?" It was weird that he knew how to pronounce those words and speak fluently a little but couldn't spell them. His uncle was an educated man so he spoke well, causing Corey to learn from his tongue.

"Why can't you spell fabulous?" She asked. "Did you really forget about everything?" She asked.

"It's...I don't know, I remember some things and I don't remember some things," he prayed she'd believe him.

"Do you remember me?" She asked.

"No, I still don't..." He hate to disappoint her but it didn't look like he did.

"Well, we are getting married and I like the new you even though you are so..." She lifted her hands in irritation. "No words can express what I want to call you," she grunted.

"Fabulous?" He smiled, causing her to smile too but she immediately changed her expression to a sympathetic smile.

"Yeah, fabulously annoying," she answered. This brought the smile on his face down.

"Just spell fabulous," he said.

"If you want to ask the web for something you can just speak to it," she told him the simple way.

"Speak, you can do that?"

"Here you go again, Donald!" She seemed exhausted.

"Okay?" He felt scolded and when he processed it in his head that he was actually...how...what was she doing to him to make him obey her?! He turned his gaze at her and glared until his eyes began to ache but he didn't stop.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked, lifting her hand to touch his face. "Aren't you seeing darkness?" She asked with her hand pressing his cheek to his cheekbones.

"I don't like how you order me, I'm older than..."

"Old story, start the car," she said.

"There's something I wanna do, why don't you drive?" He asked.

"I don't want to..." He cut her off.

"You are still under punishment, you slapped me remember?!"

"But I drove you here," she complained.

"I'm your senior, come drive," he pushed the door open and walked through the back instead of the front. "Fabulous gifts for women," he whispered to the phone after tapping on a small microphone. Results came so he began to scroll through, Corey paused when he needed to open the door.

After settling in, he saw how she glared at him. "You don't know how to act like a gentleman," she said.

"Stop looking at me that way, Claire, your ugly eyes will hurt," his voice was heard as he stared at his cell phone.

"Are you chatting with someone?" She asked after a moment of silence. She had started the car.

"No, chatting with no one," he answered and checked her wrist, there wasn't a bracelet so he decided to get her a bracelet. He asked himself why he should get her a bracelet and after staring and staring at her face, he found two reasons. She gave him her book and also helped him with shopping. She was helping a little, she was of good use and she needed to be gifted. If he could punish her, he could also reward her. "Why ask?" He dropped his phone which was his brother's. He should get a new phone.

"You are on your phone and..." She sounded a bit different.

"Claire, I want to get a new phone," he suddenly told her.