
Knowing more about Donald was important as he would be her husband soon. Next week, she'd have been his wife so she needed to know more, not only because he acted differently but because he was going to be her husband.

Donald acting differently was understandable because he lost his memory but still he felt different to her which aced her to know more about him.

"It's bright today," her mother-in-law, Daisy uttered as he savoured the taste of the coffee she was sipping.

"I guess every day seems to appear according to how one feels," Claire uttered.

And Daisy laughed out, "if so then, the day will appear bright, dark, and with different colours."

Claire glanced at her mother and smiled as she had fact in what she was saying. "You are right," she nodded.

Silence reigned for some minutes as they enjoyed nature. With the trouble around, racing to live and achieve something every day of one's life, everyone deserves to rest and for a moment experience silence and enjoy nature. But nothing lasts forever, Daisy felt bored about staring into space as her body had had enough, same with Claire but Daisy spoke first.

"I heard you spent the day with Donald yesterday, you even slept at his house," smiling as a gesture of congratulations, she uttered to Claire.

Daisy's statement caused Claire to remember all that happened yesterday. And Israel, the man she met yesterday had called before she reached her mother's place. She agreed to dinner and Claire was planning to go with Donald so she can make him feel special and know he was the only man in her life without saying it.

"Yes, we went shopping and I took him to the bookstore and got him a new phone, he needed me for everything know," she chuckled. "He doesn't remember much and nothing about me," Claire, now wasn't sad about it because his attitude toward her this time was different from when they met in the past and she liked it this time around.

"I'm sorry," was the only words Daisy thought to say to her.

"It's not your fault and I believe that one day, he'll remember me," Claire faked a smile and returned her gaze to space. There was a glass of wine on the table in front of her but she had no cravings.

Daisy smiled too and placed her hand on Claire's back. "I'm getting married to him soon and...I want to know more about Donald," Claire said, turning her head her mother's way.

"More?" Daisy asked. "His childhood and all that?" She figured it out and Claire nodded her head.

"I'll gladly share it because it's a story that had left me incomplete my whole life," she dropped the cup and the magazine on the table only to face Claire completely.

Claire was ready, she wanted to know so her face expressed her readiness and curiosity.

"I hope that one day, you'll bare a child for my son. Being a mother..." Daisy thought and curved her mouth upside down, "it's a great deal of happiness, knowing you carried your child for nine months and when you give birth, they see you become so important to them and also want to dedicate your life to them. It wasn't easy you know," she took Claire's hand and sighed.

"I thought I had one child in my belly. I went for a scan at first and it was just one child everyone saw. Knowing that, I didn't check again until a few months to nine months, still, I believed I had just a child until I gave birth and it was easy, I felt like I'd die..." Then Daisy shook her head. "...I shouldn't tell you the pain, you'll be scared of having children." And they both giggled. Claire was listening and honestly, she loved talking to Daisy. The woman was nice.

I found out that I had two boys inside me, my first child was normal, and his appearance was as normal but my second child was smaller than his twin brother. True, I didn't know I had two inside me but I didn't want my other child to die. When Donald was fed the right way, Corey was being treated as he wasn't healthy. I prayed every day for my baby."

At this moment, Claire witnessed her weakness. "I didn't like how he looked, my baby would look at me and outstretch his tiny hand. When I touch him, I smile with tears in my eyes. Why wasn't he just like his brother? I questioned and blamed myself for my diet. Perhaps I didn't eat more in his favour but..." She wiped her tears because she was recalling as she talk.

Claire decided to stay quiet because she couldn't come up with something pleasing to say.

" baby recovered, he became fine but he gets sick easily, when Donald is playing, he just stays and watches. He was quiet, he was a good boy and helps in everything. Whenever he sees something going wrong as young as he was back then, he'd do whatever he could to make it right and he has a good memory. He remembers everything you probably forgot. Whenever Donald is around, playing and trying new things, Corey would sit and watch until he was called to do so and he was obedient, if you strictly tell him to do something, he would even though he wasn't happy with it.

I love my sons, and as for Donald, he was so stubborn. He pushes Corey to do things against my words." Daisy suddenly remembered something and called out to a maid, she asked the lady to go get something and continued. "They are identical, and I strictly told them to always stay handsome. Donald never cared, he was always interested in everything and sustains injury but Corey was calm and only sustain one if he gets into a fight with his brother or his brother forces him to play rough."

Claire now spoke, "they are lovely."

"They were, my boys were until they went out playing, Corey wasn't in agreement. He cried that he didn't want to go out but his brother Donald begged him saying he didn't want to go alone and I begged Corey to go with his brother. He was the responsible one out of the two even though he wasn't strong." Daisy paused because her maid had brought what she requested, which was their family photo album.