Happiness after suffering

Scene 1It all started when Adam was going to see his friends in the compound. That day they use tap road going to police camp because many girls used that road. Adam never had a girlfriend and most of his friends were laughing at him, saying that he is not a man and because of these statements made him think of bad things, they even called him a monk just because of not having a girlfriend. As they were passing jokes to each other, they saw a very beautiful girl who happen to be a new in the compound. She was also using the same road, without hesitating, one of Adam's friend rushed to the girls and told her that Adam wanted to have a word with her. She approached him as the other friends excused themselves so that they can give them some privacy to talk.Adam said, "hi beautiful" "yeah! What's up" she answered. "Ok! What´s your name?" Adam asked her. "Tell me yours first" she replied "I'm Adam" and she answered "ok! Nice name, see you later." Then she left. That answer was good enough to for Adam's ear and he said "She will see him later", his friends came back and asked him how things went with beautiful girl, he lied to them by saying that she accepted him, "Adam has a girlfriend now and it time to celebrate." One of his friends said.Scene 2Few days later, the news spread all over his compound and the unfortunate part was that it reached the girl. She got upset with the news and started searching for him. After finding him, she shouted at him, embarrassing him in front of people and his friends such that he had to run away from everyone.As he was going home along Alex shop road to the market, he saw another girl he knew back then who seemed to be quiet and from that look of things, she never really had friends. No person paid attention to her. She also saw him and followed him. He used to jokes and flirt with her sometime back with no serious intentions but she thought he was serious. She draw closer to him and says, "Adam, what's wrong, you seems to be upset, is it because of that new girl Naomi". Adam replied, "Hey! Please, do not talk to me anyhow. Talk to me only when I talk to you first, I don't even know your name." she answered back, "sorry if I have wronged you and my name is Nancy. Ok then bye." and she left. Adam looked at her as she was leaving and felt bad after realizing that she was once close to her more anyone in his compound. However, it was the influence from his friends, which made him continue to mistreat her especially in the presence of his friends. Still, Adam felt bad because he knew that it was not fair for him to treat Nancy that.On next day, Adam did not go to school and his mother asked him why, he lied that he was not feeling well and being a mother and she believed him, she passed through his school to tell the teachers on her way to work.Adam was the only sun his mother had and because of that, they used to stay together. Whilst at home, there was a knock on the door and when Adam opened, there was a person he did not expecting, someone he mocked almost every day. He slammed the door and locked it. About 30 minutes, he heard a big knock from the door he thought she was the one but he heard his mum's voice he run to his bedroom forgot to unlock the door, but after analyzing his mother's voice, he rushed back to the door and found Nancy with his mum. Nancy started complaining to Adam's mother saying, "Mum I was here about 30 minutes and am sure he was sleeping, I heard that he is sick so I just came to check up on him." She was such a different girl, she lied for him, his Mum felt happy because there is someone who cares for her only son. His mother actually came back to check on him and goes back to work leaving him with Nancy inside the house."Why do we hate people without knowing them first?" Adam asked silently himself. After a while, she asked him. "Adam! Why do you treated me like am nobody? I know you do that because of your friends. However, do you really think they care about you? Adam looked at her with surprised face. Nancy continued, "All am trying to say is that, they treat me better than they treat you. Why do you think they follow you and not those who are poor?" when he thought about it, he realized that everything she was saying was actually true but only the girl he mocks made an effort to see him. After analyzing the situation, Adam felt ashamed and started to respond to Nancy in a good mood. When his mother came back from work, she found them laughing and she was happy too. After sometimes, Nancy decides to leave because it was getting late, Adam escorted her and when he got back home, his mother complimented to him by saying, "That's the kind of friends I always wanted you to have." Adam smiled and sat on the sofa.Scene 2The following morning he felt very new and he went to school very early. After reaching school, he noticed that Nancy did not report to school. In addition, he spent the whole day alone. However, since they all thought he was sick nobody knew what he was doing. After knocking off from school, he went direct home and his mum told him that she came. He was hurt when she told him that Nancy was been beaten because someone told her parents that she ran away from school. She came to Adam's place with a face was swollen. Her foster mother usually segregated Nancy and that was something Adam already knew because they have been friends for some years. On the following day, Nancy came on foot to school but her other sisters were transport money for booking. When he saw that, he got disturbed and felt sorry for her. Adam developed love towards Nancy despite the low-class lifestyle she had but he was afraid to express his feelings thinking that maybe he was going to destroy their friendship. Nevertheless, even with her lifestyle, Nancy was academically intelligent. In addition, after studying together with Adam, his performance at school became impressive. They even starting changed cozens and he learned a lot from her and because of that, they both passed from grade 9 to 10. The most pleasing thing was that, they were select at the same school Parklands Secondary School.Meanwhile, her sisters Lincy and Cleo on the other hand wrote their exams, Lincy was in grade 7and Cleo in grade 9 and the sad part was that they both failed their exams and due to this, they both repeated their grades. Nancy had to stop attending school not until her sisters also pass.One day, she visited Adam at his place and he asked her why she does not report for school these past days and she said, "I will tell you the whole story later, anyway I think I must tell you before it is too late, please don't spread the news." She started explaining, "The thing is that when my mum died, I was very young. My Dad got married again to Thelma the woman I now call mother and it happened to be that she already had children and one of them of my age. I do not know but the mother does not like me. We have a house cleaner at home, she is the only one who treats me well and my dad behaves like puppet to my stepmother. He does everything she asked for. That's all I can tell you for now and that the reason why I don't go to school." When she was telling him all that, they were at the veranda of the house, his mum heard the whole story and she felt bad about it. She came on the window and said "both of you come inside," they went inside and she made a plan to make sure Nancy goes back to school, his mum told Nancy to go to police and report the matter. Nevertheless, she refused and said, "That's going to make thing worse because I don't want my dad to hate me forever, I'll just wait till her daughters writes their exams." "Ok, you have a valid point there but you can still go to school Nancy, I'll be there to help you," Adam's mum said. Adam's mother suggested that Nancy should record her stepmother's response on a mobile phone Adam gave her. Nancy went back home and found her mother washing dishes.Nancy called "Mum!" "Am not your mum please?" the stepmother responded. Nancy was already recording the conversation. "Ok but please I also want to go to school, my friends will start on Monday," Nancy told her step mum. "You have no right to tell me what to do; this is my house and if you want to go to school, look for a job so that you can start paying for yourself." She responded. After that, Nancy went back to Adam's place and played it to them. His mum advised, "you should be coming here every day in the name of you are working, I will be paying for your school fees." Few days later she bought her school uniform, books, everything needed and in addition, she told her not to take those things to her place. She start going to school but her stepmother was not happy with that.Scene 5Nancy began helping her sisters with schoolwork and because of that, the two sisters started loving her but all this used to happened only when their mother is not at home.One day, her stepmother bought presents for her two daughters and left out Nancy. The two daughters refused these presents and told their mum "if you did not buy anything for our sister Nancy, we will not accept your presents." The mother got upset with that and asked Nancy, "what have you done to my daughters, you foolish orphan?" and then she slapped her but, Nancy got used to that so she just considered it part of life so did not respond to her mother's question. Her mother came up with a very unfortunate idea.On the same day at night, when Nancy and Cleo the elder daughter finished their studies, they went to bed. However, when Nancy found Lincy sleeping where she was supposed to sleep and so she went to sleep at Lincy's bed. Without noticing anything that night, her stepmother came in the bedroom during the night and killed her younger daughter using a pillow thinking it was Nancy sleeping there. In the morning, her mother rushed to check the girls' room where she found that Cleo is already awake. She was not expecting that, so she became very nervous because Cleo was just looking at her. When Cleo asked her what she was looking for, Nancy heard and woke up as well. However, when the step mum saw Nancy, she shouted, "Nooooo!" and she ran to her dead daughter. None of the girls cried but Cleo just went and held her mum, "Mum! Why are you crying when that's what you wanted?" her mother looked at Cleo with an ashamed face then she went up straight to Nancy and started shouting at her, "you have killed my daughter! Why you murderer, why my daughter?" Nancy never answered anything because the question came as a shock to her. After a little while, her father came into the room and the mother quickly cried to her husband saying, "My husband look at what she has done, she has killed my daughter." Then father got angry with Nancy, but when he was about to slap her, Cleo defended her sister, "stop! Don't even dare to do that dad, ask your foolish wife what happened exactly and please mother do not accuse Nancy over something that you've done yourself." Father looked at his wife with a furious face, "Thelma, what is Cleo talking about, is it true, did you do it, did you kill my daughter" Instead of saying something to defend herself, she just cried louder. Father got confused over everything and just kept quiet.Scene 6After the burial, Cleo called Nancy and said, "That night I saw mum coming into our bedroom, it was dark and I didn't know what she wanted. She took a pillow from where I was, thinking I was deep in sleep, and then… Nancy please forgive me, I thought I will save my sister but I could not because I thought was you she came for. I am very sorry please I've now learnt something there is nothing in hating other peoples my sister I am sorry!!" she cried. Nevertheless, very quickly Nancy stopped her from reporting the issue to the police and told to her, "Today I'll need you to tell a lie to elderly people. This is for your mum, if you tell them the whole truth, they will arrest your mum and for how long are you going to wait for her, Maybe dad can also find it difficult waiting for her to come out of prison and what if he decides to marry another woman again? Maybe the woman can be heartless and do you like the way I am being treated by your mum?" No! Cleo answered. "I don't want to experience the same my sister, so don't say anything to the police." Cleo agreed to what Nancy said and everything ended just like that. Cleo and Nancy were the only ones who know about what happened.Scene 7On the next Monday, Adam was studying at school all by himself because his studying partner Nancy had a funeral at her place. While on his way home, he found Naomi crying. He was still seeing beauty on her even though she humiliated him in public. He confidently approached her and amicably asked if he can be of any help, the girl said; "My boyfriend has just dumped me." "Oh, is that's all?" Adam asked her and she continued "You seem to be a very good person, you are humble and hardworking guy." She he would consider her again. However, he had kept himself for Nancy, he knew she felt the same for him and she is waiting for him to take a step. He told Naomi that "Oh! Too bad you have been hurt my sister but, I think you just have to move on with your life and I know that out there, there is your soul mate." She then stood up where she was, went towards him and gave him a hug, which he was not expecting. When she was trying to let go off him, Nancy saw them from a distance. She became upset and ran away but none of them saw her. Adam and Naomi said their goodbyes to each other and parted company.Scene 8Nancy went home with a confused mind and found her sister who got concerned and asked her "why is face looking like that" Nancy replied "what do you mean, am fine dear" but Cleo insisted "very funny, I've been with you for years and I know when things are not Okay." Nancy sighed and said, "Okay, you win" she continue, "why do people love the ones who don't love them back" Cleo asked "let me guess…Adam has a new girlfriend." Nancy replied, "I don't know maybe. I mean it's normal his a guy and he's my friend but why am I feeling….." Cleo quickly jumped in and finished by saying "jealous" Nancy wanted to deny and said, "No no no am not jea…" Cleo looked at her with a convincing face. Nancy confusingly said, "I hate it when you are right, but why am I jealous, the guy is just my friend" Cleo said to her "Nancy, you love him and all you need to do is just admit it." She further said "it hurts but, you have to find a way of letting Adam know that you love him" and Nancy said, "that sounds like a good idea but, how do I do that, I can't tell him direct and you know the reason why" Cleo held her sister's hand and said, "figure it out girlfriend, you are an older than me" she continued, "wow… Nancy is in love, can't wait to tell dad the good news" Nancy looked at her with frightened face "no, no, no, don't even dare to open your beautiful mouth to dad." "Okay bribe me then" Cleo said and Nancy replied "Okay I'll cook your best meal today" and she said, "fair enough, I won't tell him." They both left room and went to the kitchen.Scene 9A week later, Adam's mother had sick of stroke due to high blood pressure. He could not go the school because there is no one to take care of his mother except himself. A few days passed by and he never saw Nancy. He started hating her little by little because he expected her to visit his mother because she was the only family friend he had. Next day he decides to go to school but before he could go, his mother said, "My son! Come straight when you knock off from school and please make sure you bring Nancy with you, I really want to set my eyes on her." "Please don't say that, you are not dying please! I will do anything for you but, am not sure if Nancy will accept coming to our house again," he said. However, his mother said something that made him very angry because he hated Nancy. She said, "My son, Nancy is like a daughter to me, I trust her completely in fact even more than my own son and she might become your mother after me." he just nodded his head and left without saying anything.When he knocking off, he went to Nancy's classroom and found Nancy's classmates who told that she does not want to see him because of the new girl Naomi, he just laughed and silently said, "You know what you are doing but please my mum want to see you." When going home he met Naomi with some his friends, they influenced him and went to a certain bar because he was afraid Naomi could think he's not a man enough, forgetting that his was supposed to go home after school. Whilst inside the bar, he bought more beers until they got very drunk but, when he came home, he found sleeping were he left her and tried to wake her up abut she was not responding, he shook her several time but still, she never responded. The other thing he did was to hold her hand and felt that they were cold; he checked her pulse and it was not pumping and that is when he realized that she had died. He cried and wept for his mother. A few minutes, the news traveled till it reached Nancy and she cried upon hearing.Scene 10Nancy's did not show up to the funeral because she was nursing her father when he had malaria for almost a week. Adam did not know because no one told him about the incident not ever his friend Nancy and because of this, his hatred for Nancy grew even bigger. He knew she hated him too but at least she should have come for the funeral because she was a family friend. Adam's intake of beer became excessive because he never listened to anyone but only his mother and sometimes Nancy. The bad part of all things was that he started associating himself with bad people as a result, he stopped going to school. Nancy on the other hand was now in grade 11.One day, Adam was coming from Musamba looking dirty and drunk. Nancy was coming from the market and they both met at one point. Nancy was so happy to see him after a while but she felt helpless after seeing her friend looking that and said, "Adam what happening, sorry to say this but you look horrible, like you don't have a home" Adam responded, "I don't see that as a problem to you sister, my world, my rules baby". Nancy replied, "Are the one talking or am seeing a ghost" "are you now calling me dead person, do I look dead, do the dead talk. Girl, you must be out of your brains" Adam replied. He answered in a very rude way but her friend amicably said, "Dear, I know you are drunk right now, but am sure you can get what am about to say to you. I know that you are still hurting about your mother's death, but do you really think she would have been happy seeing you the way you are leaving your life. Ask yourself this question, can Mum's soul rest in peace if leaving like this? Ask yourself such questions" his response to her was that, "just shut up you imbecile, my mum died because of you and I so don't pretend to be innocent" Nancy looked at him with a shocked face without altering anything. He continued, "You know what, don't say anything to me, instead just let me mourn my mother in piece." He left her just after he said those words to her. She remained standing there whilst looking at him. On his way home, he slipped and fell on the back of his head and shattered his eyes for some seconds. His eyes opened and he started hallucinating by seeing his mother smiling at him, he rouse up and wanted to give her hug but she said, "Please don't even try, you think am happy with your behavior and the way you live your life. You stopped going to school and decide to become a drunkard. Which mother do you think can be happy with that?" then he knelt down and said to her, "mum am really sorry for everything, okay I promise I'll change for your sake." Then she came to say, "Not for me my son, do it for yourself and for my only daughter because she's the girl took as my own, she is a blessing in our family." "But I… I don't know who you are talking about" He mumbled when answering. "Wait I thing know her, is it…" his mother stepped backwards and disappeared in thin air. After that, he head a horn for a vehicle and quickly woke up, immediately he went direct home where he found some people who came to claim for some properties. They told him that he signed some document indicating that he was selling some of the properties and the strange part was that he could not remember anything of such but the signature was truly his. Because of this, he could not stop them from getting the items. Scene 11Days passed and Nancy really wanted to visit her friend Adam who obviously did not want to see her. She was at school studying under her favorite tree. That moment reminded her of the days she used to sit there with Adam. She smiled to herself and said "Adam, how are you doing right now? Hope all is well with you. I always pray for your change."Meanwhile, Adam's life became difficult and none of his friends came to visit him. He had no place to stay. The house had now taken from him by his father's family. This lifestyle made him realize that he once had a friend who really cared about him, the only person who never abandoned him even when he was so sarcastic to her. He said to himself "Nancy, my only friend, my remaining mother, where should I go from here, let me just start searching for you dear". However, his question was, "how will I face her and tell her that am a fool, a good for nothing, miserable, stupid friend". He asked himself. He became helpless, nowhere to sleep, no food to eat and no one to talk to about his situation and too much was going on in his mind at that moment. Without thinking, he got a rope with thoughts of ending his life, climbed a tree, and tied his neck from the other end and the other on a branch of the same tree and without any hesitations he threw himself from the branch.Nancy had just knocked off from school. On her way home, she saw a person looking like Adam from his backside. She rush to and turned him round saying, Adam, is it you? He turned over and faced her. To her surprise, it was Adam. Both of them suddenly developed mixed feelings. Adam did not know whether to give her a hug or just a handshake. Nancy also did not know what to do first. However, being a man, Adam pulled her towards himself and hugged her so tightly. Nancy did not respond because she thought he was still the drunkard Adam she knew. He squeezed her again and this time she stretched her hands her and hugged him back. After letting go of each other, Nancy could not say anything instead, she waited for Adam to speak first and he said. "Nancy… hi" he said, "hi Adam! How are you?" she greeted him. "Am trying dear and you, how is life?" "Life is okay, yours?" he became speechless and began to cry. When she saw that, she held him by his hand "Nan… Na Nancy Pu...Pu…please I don't know where to begin from dear." He said and her response was, "No, just say it bro, with me you are free to say anything." He continued, "My sister I have done so many bad things more especially to you, all I came to ask from you is forgiveness please I am begging you. I accused you of causing my mother's death when that happened because of me alone, am really sorry my sister." Nancy could not hold herself but shaded tears for her friend and said, "Hey its fine bro, I knew where not in your right senses. I forgive you my brother" Adam humbly said, "thank you so much sister, you are my only family I have now." They both smiled and left together. He was not being free with her for a few days, he even failed to ask where she got the money she used to rent him an apartment. She was buying food for him, clothes, and all the staffs he needed.Scene 12After staying off from school for almost the whole second term, Adam was back to school and she was the one paying the fees. They studied together every day until they wrote their grade 12 exams, which they both did very well. The stepmother still hated Nancy, but she was not able to do anything bad to her because of the secret her daughter and Nancy were keeping for her. They complete their secondary education and it was time for him to take another step. He had been dreaming of just going up and talk to her, but he was very shy person when it comes to dating staffs. Although he was nervous, he still called her to meet at a certain lodge. Where he was sitting on a garden chair, he became very prepared to ask her if she could be his girl. When she came and sat down, he became very quiet; he tried to look at her, but he was failing because she looked more beautiful that day than ever. Then he told himself, "I don't know what I can do unless I try, so I should just try it out and make an eye contact." When he faced her, he was not just staring at her, instead of feeling afraid and shy, he short her small glances until their eyes met. When she did that, he smiled slightly and looks away after a second. He blushing as well because it was his first time but thought, it was all the better because at that time he saw that, blushing indicates. When he was talking to her, she made it sure pick a time that is convenience. Not trying to get her attention when she was obviously involved in something else, so he also made it sure she was not too distracted by other people who were there.He started it with a compliment. "Nancy! You always look beautiful but today I want to make it specific, you look extremely beautiful dear." She instantly knew that he was interested in being more than just friends are and he kept half a smile as he was talking. He had no idea that his voice changed, he naturally added an appealing infliction to it and lowered the actual volume speaking softly immediately. Nancy leaned a bit towards him so that she can hear what he was about to say. Then she came to say, "You always look amazing in that shirt." He responded by saying "oh! Thanks a lot dear, your smile is glowing today. What is making you so happy?" then she said, "I thought about what you said earlier, it was really what I have never been told by anyone." He felt humbled when she said that to him. "Nancy, the reason why I called you to this beautiful place is because you are also beautiful. On top of that, I wanted to ask you for a favor and hopefully if you accept, I will be the happiest man in the world." She blushed and said, "Go ahead sir" she smiled. He cleared his throat whilst sweating "mmm… mmm…, here we go", and then he began. "People loose what they have in their hands because of not knowing its value. So many days have passed, seasons and weeks too, I never knew what I had in my hands but I once lost it but I have been trying to keep it since the last found it. It is a treasure am planning to keep forever if things go well." He stretched his hands towards Nancy and grabbed her hands. He said, "Nancy, all along I been trying to say something very important but I have been failing to slit it out. However, today I have to man up and tell you today," he cleans his throat again and continued "Nancy, do you mind to be by my side forever, to care for fill the gap in my heart, to be my missing rib, to suffer and enjoy life with me and mostly, to be my girl?". He paused whilst looking straight into her eyes. In response, she said, "Adam, but why did you take long? I have also been waiting for this moment. Am actually so happy because I also love you too," he startled in happiness as she continued, "so yes I will be your girl."Before he could say something, he saw Nancy's father coming out of the building holding a woman who of her daughter's age and they were behind Nancy. He never wanted her to get hurt so he said, "Don't look back dear, it won't be good if your dad sees you here with me, you know he still knows me as a drunkard." Then she looked down so her father could not recognize her. The place did not seem secured anymore so they decided to leave but before they left, Adam saw Nancy's father hugging that same woman, "that doesn't look good" he said to himself to avoid Nancy from noticing anything.Scene 13Wow! She accepted him and that made him the happiest man indeed. A week later, he started hunting for a job in the areas. When he found it, same day Nancy came to visit, she loved him so much and that day he happily gave her a hug, she asked him why he was happy, then he told her he found a job. However, she said, "I have good news for you as well; I have bought the application forms from the (Great north road college)."He was not having peace in mind, she was taking care of him, but he had no idea where she was getting money. She paid his school fees from grade 11 to 12, how can someone who does not work, someone who spends her time on school staffs, how can she manage to pay her school fees including someone's on top. He just said, "Please dear I don't have money to go to University now and don't say you will manage my fees when I don't know where you are getting the money." "Do you really want to know where all this money comes from?" he said, "yes dear please because I have a lot of thoughts about it and it make me feel uncomfortable." "Ok dear let's make a deal, I am doing all this because of my love for you and I am also very sure you loves me as much as I do." Then he said, "It's true that I love you so much honey but…" "How would you feel if I refuse your present?" "Honey this is my present for you dear and how do you think I can feel if you refuse my present?" she asked.He accepted it just because he never wanted to lose her or to upset her. They filled them up the forms and they applied in January for July intake. While waiting for the results to be accepted or not. He went and starts working as a cleaner at petrolda filling station. He worked there for 6 months, he managed to find money and took very good care of himself, and Nancy, too bad his money was slim on hers.The end of June came; they were both accepting to go to Great north college. He went to do metal fabrication under engineering 3 years course and she went for agriculture science 3 years course as well. Her parents were not saying anything or showing concern about her. She just told them she was going to school and they all say, "Ok safe journey madam."They packed their things and left a little staffs in the house he was renting. Together they went to station that the time her parents know that she was with him and the news had spread that she was his girlfriend when they did was deliberate and they all wanted not to see Nancy suffering, they following them to the station (Nancy's father, stepmother, and her step sister). Cleo was the one who told them, and he was very sure it was out of jealousy because she not accepted at college; it was very bad because Cleo and her mum became allies again. They were about to getting the bus when they came and stop them.Stepmother said, "Not so hurry, nice couple, we came to take you back home. Do you think we can be happy to see our daughter go somewhere very far with a drunkard? That cannot happen; we do not even know who is paying for all your school fees and stuffs. It's been long since we stopped paying your fees in school, but where have you been getting money." Nancy replied, "Mum please the bus is waiting for us to go, and about the fees. Why do you care now after all you have been doing to me, it is good that God brought Adam on my way to success, he is the only one who treat me like someone. I am very sure if my mum was still alive she would have loved him as her own, and Cleo I know you are going to tell her everything, but its fine I forgive you." Father said, "Shut up, don't talk to you mother like that, foolish girl." Stepmother responded, "She is not my daughter but she still coming with us…"She suddenly stopped talking and behaved as if she saw something or someone behind them. He was surprised with that because she even changes her mind and told her husband to let them go. Something was very fishy just could not know what? They had a very nice journey to college.The first day in the campus, it was at night as always he prayed before he goes to bed. In his dream, Lincy the young sister to Cleo, the one who killed by her own mother. She came to him and said, "You are my brother because my sister is with you and you take good care of her, but please do me this favor by asking her to tell the truth because I don't want her to be a bad person. What she is doing is like a disappointment to me, I trust you, and that's the reason why I am telling you all this which I know you will manage." Then she left. When he tried to follow her, because he really want to asked more, she said, "Please don't follow me, your time hasn't come yet, stay and make things right." He became very much worried. At first, he thought it was just a dream, but he came to think it was something that can help him to know where she was getting money. For 3 days in school, he was having the same dream. One day in the morning, he decided to go and tell Nancy. They met when she was on her way to science lab.He said, "Morning sweetheart." She replied, "Morning! How are you my love?" "Not very well dear I want to ask you about something." "Go on honey" she said. "The thing is that, for three day ever since we came to this college, I have been having the same dream every night. Your stepsister Lincy has been asking me to tell you that, you should expose your stepmother on whatever wrong you know she did, otherwise she will never change. On top of that, she says you should stay clean with no lies in that way you will not punished. Please dear am very disturbed mwandi, if there is anything you are hiding just tells me." "It good to tell a lie when it's for something good, there is a very big reason why I am doing all this things. All you need to do is waiting for the right time to come; I am going to tell you everything." He said, "Ok" then she left, but he saw something suspicious in the way she looked after telling her about Lincy. She seemed to be very disturbed as well. A year later at the college, they went back to chilanga where they found Nancy's family have shifted and those they found in the house only know that they shifted but no idea where they go. When they to the house he was renting in, they found the property owner had found another person to rent in. since they had no option, they found another house, and they started living together like husband and wife, she was very different because she never allowed him to do anything apart from touching. At first, he thought she was trying to avoid him or maybe she had no trust in him but she was just a follower of Christ (a Christian) who believed that sex is for married people only. The time came for them to go back to the college and she was the one who still paying for everything he needed. They went back and things were going well still to the last year of their studies. They were in bed one morning; it was in the holiday of their first term of the last of both their studies.She came to say, "Adam sweetheart, today I have decided to tell you the truth about where all the money came from." He replied, "Why today?" "It's because we are running out of money, so I have decided that I will drop out and you will continue because the remaining amount of money can only push one person forward." He said, "I don't understand dear, what you are saying?" {With a surprised face} she said, "All this money I have been using from the beginning came from your mum." He said, "Are you kidding me?" she said, "she deposit all her money into the account she opened for me and a little in your account." "What?" "The day that she died, I was the only one who was there in the room with her when you were out, I don't know where? But your mum trusted me so much that she took all her things in my hands." he said, "seriously?" {Crying} she said, "Yes, so now since we are running out of money, I think you should continue with your studies and I will stop from here." "No! That's not right honey you should continue I don't deserve all this please you should be the one to continue." He said. "No honey! If you do not continue from here, it means I have failed to fulfill the promise I made to your mum. So please help me sweetheart and do it for the love you have for me and your mother, make your mothers wish come true please." "My love, I love you that the reason why I want you to go and not me." Ok fine if you do not go, we will both stay here, and the money will be in waste; just know that not fulfilling the promised I made with your mum will make me unhappy for the rest of my life.He only went to finish the studies for the sake of her happiness, he never wanted to see her sad. It made him feel like he will never smile again. When leaving his thought he was like, "If I had any property to sell it, so that we would have both completed our studies together."She stayed home and money was still coming from her. She went at MTN agent to deposit money for Adam where she met Alpha."Hi," she said, he replied, "hello! Nancy! How are you dear," am doing great, she answered. Ok that is nice to hear from you. Can you please send some money to Adam? He asked, "How much" she responded "K500.00" ok.The other day in college Adam was almost fall into a trap, he met Naomi the girl he once fell in love when they were in the hood. She ignored him for a moment and all she wanted was for him to be the first to talk to her. As she wanted, he did talked to her first, and then she came to say, "Wow! Adam, it's you how have you been?" before he answer she came to give him a hug and almost to kiss him. It was in front of everyone including Nancy's friends. He refused that kiss and told her that, "my dear am really sorry but am not the same like before, who I used to be, am a change person and only Nancy can touch my lips, it may seem like am trying to embarrass you in front of everyone, but sorry because Nancy is my happiness and that the fact." She was like wow.He did well in his studies.After his graduation from the college, He went to rank station where he wanted to get a taxi, unfortunately, he called Nancy to come and pick him up, when Nancy come he started crying while going toward the car. Nancy didn't see him crying, when Nancy saw him, she got out of the car and came to give me a hug which showed that she is happy about him. However, his attention was on the man who was driving, he was very sure he was one of the men who came to get all the properties including the house his mum left for him.He asked her, "what are you doing with this man?" she smile and said, "honey let's not ruin our moods, remember it's a day for celebration. Let us go in town to celebrate it already late to go home. And honey I am going to tell you everything you need to know when we reach home."He was surprised to find himself in the house his mum left for him. He became happy that he failed to celebrate. When he asked Nancy how she did everything.Nancy said, "Dear, am sorry but I was the one who had to take away this house from you including everything that was left in it. I was afraid you were going to sell everything. The car that we were in last night is yours mum left it for you. Let us go pa MAX WAYS SHOPPING MALL."When they reached there at MAX WAYS SHOPPING MALL she came to say, "this shopping mall is yours as well and the reason why I dropped out of COLLEGE because I wanted to give our partners half of their shares in the same shopping mall. And remember mirror farm is also yours surprise I have fulfilled the promise I made with your mum thanks to you." He was only quiet only tears talked for a moment. Nancy said, "Your mum told me to do this for you, because she trusted me."As he knelt down to give thanks to the lord, Nancy's step mum run toward Nancy crying for help Adam was shocked by then; Nancy's stepsister Lincy was chasing her then she started confessing about how she killed nancyś mother when she was in love with her husband and nançy became puzzled with that and how she killed her own daughter also how she killed Adamś mother Adam was really shocked Nancy holding him thinking that he may lose temper.As the situation goes on she called Nancy please forgive me as for this i killed my husband your father Nancy... Nancy didnt çontrol her self then she faint. Then Lincy continue weeping her to death.One month laterAdam and Nancy were planing of getting marriage and they consaulty to the pastor and they get marriage in normal way.Nancy: i wish my mother was still alive to see this beautiful day of my life. I wish too Adam responded and they hug eachother.

The end

Director by Gerald Mfula