Chapter 16 [Gems of Dark Tower]

After the memorial day it was clear that no one was holding Ethan and his friends captive. all three got their rooms, breakfast in their chambers, delicious deserts in the afternoon and new book every midnight.

Ethan woke up early that day, he didn't eat breakfast, just apple juice. his appetite wasn't the best that day, since he wanted to talk with the Head Mister to understand their situation once and for all.

Before Ethan knocked on his door he sighed, closed his eyes, whispered something softly and finally knocked.

"Come in" he heard from a distance.

as he walked in his eyes went everywhere, it was the same room, he could swear it, but somehow everything was changed, room was bright yellow, furniture was completely different and books were changed.

"Oh, Ethan, please, take a seat"

As Ethan sat down, he looked over at the spot where he stole the book from, surprisingly it was empty, no additional book had its place.

"Right, the book that you stole, unless we put it back the rotation won't change for that place, but as long as you want to have it, its yours." Zena's tone was very smooth and delicate, it sounded like he didn't mind the theft at all.

"Thank you and sorry, I should've just asked for it" Ethan replied as he looked down to the pencil he held just days ago wanting to cut Zena's throat off.

"That is alright, it didn't harm anyone, since you were looking for knowledge who was I do decline it" Zena smiled and put his Pencil down, moved away his papers and delicately looked at Ethan, analyzing his face structure.

"So, you wanted to ask something? I'm assuming" Zena followed.

"Yes, are we allowed to leave this place at all?" Ethan replied swiftly, his voice wasn't as scared or agitated as it was before.

"Of course, just let me know when you would like to leave and I will tell the guards to escort you and your friends" Zena replied.

That sentence caught Ethan off guard, is it that simple? why would he not hesitate, our minds are still there, we are not dead by the teleportation that means we are capable of something. all of his thoughts were overshadowed by the fact that he could leave.

" Thank you, Zena, Sorry, Head Mister. I want to see my mom, she's gonna be worried sick by now, I'm sure my friends parents are worried too." Ethan's reply made Zena giggle a little, it was fascinating, Head Mister was completely different as it seemed, maybe the change in the room caused his mood to change as well? who knows.

"I wouldn't worry about that." Zena pulled back and kept going.

"You see, every day in this Tower is exactly 1 hour in your world"

Zena's reply amazed Ethan, he wanted to grab a pencil and write it but he remembered what happened with that pencil before so he pulled back.

"Wait so, we have been gone for only 5 days?" Ethan replied, amazed, as he quickly started biting his nails. he used to do this only when he was excited, which was very rare, so it was not even considered as a habit.

"Yes, you are correct Mr. Winters. you are also aging for 5 hours not 5 days until you are here, so you are not wasting much time with your precious family members" Zena's voice was calming, notable different.

"Can I ask one more thing? Why are you so nice today?" Ethan replied, he wanted to know if something good happened that changed Zena's mindset completely.

"Oh, I'm so tired I forgot to tell you, I'm not Zena, My name is Lyandrey, we just share the same body, two different souls, I'm his wife"

Ethan's eyes widened, he wanted to reply quickly so it wouldn't be awkward but he kept it to himself.

As Lyandrey finished talking her gem started to glow, the room started shifting, everything went back to the dull colors and the shade of grey. Furniture also shifted back to its original state.

"If that is all you wanted to say, I suggest you leave this place once and for all, Mr. Winters"

This was Zena, Ethan could sense his cold tone across the hall.

Two souls, one body, where was Zena's Wife's body? was she dead? did she willingly sacrifice herself? this questions needed to be answered.

"I'm sorry Head Mister, But we will stay and do whatever you might ask for us, for now. if that's possible" Ethan's reply did not change Zena's facial expression at all. he looked at Ethan for a split second and replied.

"Once you accept to stay, you and your friends will be here for a year, in your world that is gonna be exactly 365 hours, 15 days and some hours. there will be a forged letter from you and your friends that will be sent to your closed ones, family members. saying that you are staying somewhere else. there will be magic involved which will not let them question the letter so they won't worry. If you agree to this terms I will see three of you tomorrow, and you will sign your respective letters."

As Zena finished talking Ethan's mind was still at the soul linking scene, if 365 hours meant that he would get an answer to that he would do it. without any hesitations.

"We will be here tomorrow, Zena. Thank you." Ethan replied as he closed the door behind him, still in shock.