I died...heh nice

In a void of complete darkness we see what appears to be a soul floating within it.

(A/N: I know it's cringey I thought of a lot of other stuff but this one was the one that made the most sense in fanfic terms)

"damn it's dark as hell in this room...*yawn*...why is it so dark tho for real" 'lets turn this light on, my music ain't playing is my phone dead?'

The soul continues to try and turn on the light in his room only to find that he can't find it.

"Tf?...did someone take my damn light? First it was my charger then...it...was...my light"

It seems the soul has somewhat figured out what's happening and is very nonchalant about what's happening.

"Heh...no fuckin shot. Haaaaaaah, for real? C'mon mayne the novels I was readin haven't finished yet."

The soul continued to think about his situation for what seemed like a few seconds before 'resigning' (not givin a fuck anymore) to his fate.

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, pfft I can't run out of breath that's hilarious."

'this some cliche ass bullshit right here...should I do the whole "WhErE aM I?" thing to the person who brang me here?...nah fuck em.'

The soul continues to drift aimlessly in the void for what feels like a week thinking and thinking and making jokes about his situation, and the soul get a little irritated.

"Yo...haha ┻━┻︵└(՞▽՞ └) TF????? AYO WHO THE HELL BRANG ME HERE DAMNIT, HELLOOOOO? HELLoooooo...ah I don't care anymore" 'i just wanna listen to some music that's like the only reason I could stay from getting mad at everyone in my house'

(time skip, 1 month) (void time 10 years)

"haaaaaaaaaaaa-" The soul continued sighing for around 2 hours and 43 minutes "- aaaaaaaaaaaa...haha very funny person who brought me here, very funny. Y'know I was very depressed and emotionless before I died, so that came with a lot of being quite, and in turn came down to overthinking and leaving and overthinking person ALONE with no sound but their own thinking is a...hehe very bad idea because they already thought of every situation and I thought about this one a lot and, I'm ...pretty sure...I'm still just talking to my self. Man good times."

The soul continued talking to him self for a week and a half before something happened some thing happened that had him hoping he'll get out of this stupid place.

"IM STILL STANDIN YEAH,YEAH,YEAH BUDUMP DADUMP IM STill....standin...yeah...yeah(・o・)"

The soul saw a white dot in the distance and he flew of swam or something towards the white dot, in hope to get out of here ,only to hear another voice different from his own.


The other soul heard a different noise and 'looked' at the newcomer and was so happy to find someone to talk to other than them selves.

"HEEEYYY ARE YOU REAL??" The new soul asked to our mc in hope they found someone else.

"ARE YOU??" Our mc felt more emotions than he felt in the last 5 years.

"IM PRETTY POSOTIVE!!" The other soul exclaimed in happiness.

"ME TOO!!" Our mc exclaimed with the same happiness.

At about this this time they both realized that they didn't have to yell at each other anymore as they were pretty close to each other.

"OH MY GOD, I can't believe I actually met some else!!" The other soul exclaimed in surprise and happiness.

"I KNOW RIGHT, Haaaaaaah finally some one to talk to!!" Our mc sighed in content and happiness to finally not be alone.

The two souls started asking each other many questions and explain why that was their answer and because they were both over thinkers and their brain moved faster than there mouths and had all the time in the world to talk, some of the question they asked were...

"what's your favorite color?" The yet to be named soul asked our mc.

"Purple! Purple for sure, but preferably a darker color of a purple or a purple that glows cause some people can make it look so cool y'know, like Jin-woo, that mf was badass." Our mc answered.

And things went on like this for about three days asking each other questions and because of there long answers they were completely absorbed in the conversation and forgot to ask each other's names.

"Wait,wait,wait, I forgot the most important part of a conversation! I feel like such a dumbass." our mc said.

"what is it?" The other soul asked a bit mad but curious because they were interrupted.

"I forgot to ask your name! Anyway what is your name?" Our mc asks still feeling like a dumbass.

"OOOOHHH, pfft! my name is Mieum Riley, I think we both forgot hehe. What's yours?" The other soul now named Mieum replies and asks our mc. (A/N I like to think Mieum is pronounced like My-um y'know?)

"Ok but have to promise not to laugh." our mc says feeling less like a dumbass.

"Promise!" Mieum says enthusiastically.

"Ok...um...haaaaaaah it's... it's Dominic Jemmot." Dominic says feeling a bit embarrassed about having that name as a mixed kid.

"*GASP* Oh my god, your parents must hate you, I feel so bad!!" Mieum says in mock shock while she is laughing like a donkey on the inside.

"Yeah, I know right!?" Dominic says in mock hurt while he's really laughing on the inside too.

They both laugh with each other for a few seconds and then they calm down and Mieum asks...

"Hey I just thought, why don't you nickname yourself DJ?" Mieum asks.

"Oh...oh my god I....I feel...SO FUCKIN STUPID! WHY DIDNT I THINK OF THAT!?" The newly named DJ says.

And like this things went on for a very long time, time neither of them would think this would take...

- - - - -

Author note: please don't go to hard in the reviews it's my first time writing and also if you do like it then give me some universes they should go to, and also as you have read if you read the synopsis I am VERY lazy and I just got back to school so I can't upload every day. ʘ‿ʘ thank you!!