
"It's alright DJ..." She said in that voice that I missed every single second I didn't hear it, and a glimmer of hope appeared in my eyes as my shaky hand reached up to the arm that was hugging me and I said in a shaky voice that had hope in it....

"Mieum?..." I asked and hoped it was her, I so very wished it was...

"Yes it's me DJ, are you ok? seemed very angry..."she said and I froze my brain started rebooting, the first things I thought were...

'holy shit....oh no how much did she see....I probably look like such a bitch...I hope this body isn't as average as I am cuz if it is then I'm gonna crawl in a whole and become fertilizer...'

"DJ?"she broke me out of my stupor and I reached for my hood....and that's when I realized that I was probably in the clothes that I was wearing before I got thrown in the void...which means I'm in my own body...

'ah shit....'

I quickly wiped my tears hoping she didn't see me wiping them and got up but Mieum wasn't letting me go and now that I was in my body again, and let me remind you, MY 15 YEAR OLD HORMONE INFESTED BODY, so it was hard to not get hard, haha get it?

"H-Hey Mieum 'omg I stuttered' how are you? Are you ok? how long have you been here? what happen-" I quickly spit out all the questions I had to try and distract myself and because I was genuinely worried but she cut me off and answered my question...

"DJ, that was hot." she said and I knew she wasn't talking about me, she must've been talking about the place she was taken right....right?

"The place you were at? Where did you end up?" I asked nervously and I started sweating ' haha it sure is getting hot in here, am I right guys? haha..haha' I thought to no one in particular...

She started sliding off my back and walking in front of me so she can talk and I as quickly as I could, put my hood on and pulled the string so It was tightened over my face so only my eyes were showing....

"Hahaha, sure DJ, I'm doing fantastic at the moment, I feel just fine annnnnnd I was here since...-"

I could feel my heart bearing out of my chest with nervous ness thinking 'shit shit shit shit...oh no I might piss myself of embarrassment if she said she heard me scream some chunni shit' needless to say I was more afraid of the friend zone than ever before....

"....About the time you punched the old guy in the face." she said, smirking because she knew it was one of my habits to try and hide my face...and she had seen my face...I felt my heart drop to my stomach and my mental defenses go back up and put me in nonchalant mode...

"Oh really? That's cool so what did you think? He got his ass kicked huh?" I asked in a neutral tone because I was back in my logical mode and not depressed cause I know now that Mieum is alive and well it seems so I was worrying for nothing....

"Haha he definitely did....sooooooo? Whatcha thinking bout?" she asked still smirking and got closer to me and before I could respond she asked...

"Ya thinking bout lil ol me?" she said in a country accent and any other time I would have gone along with the joke and put on a country accent too but right when she said that I froze again but this time thinking logically...

'Did I say all that depressing shit out loud?... I might have,but I don't think I did...yeah I definitely didn't.... maybe I did?'

She had just about reached me but she saw I was frozen so she wrapped her arms around me neck and brought her mouth up to my ear and whispered in a teasing and sultry voice....

"Hey DJ? I got something real Important to tell you and your gonna loooooove it~" I was already about of my stupor after she wrapped her arms around my neck but before I could say anything I somehow landed on a chair in a cozy room with a fire place and could only think...

'Tf is this Santa's workshop?'

I looked around and saw Mieum sitting a bit across from me on the other side of a coffee table, about knee height off the ground with a bunch of mine and Mieums favorite foods, but Mieum looks furious...I think I know why...nah it couldn't be that's wishful thinking...

"So that big pile of whatever the fuck actually let people in it's domain and gave them most of it's energy, so it seems you guys are gonna be the successors of the God of Void and Nothingness...."

We both look over to the couch that's facing the coffee table and TV and we seen a white middle aged man with a small brown and grey colored beard with pajamas and slippers on...

"Deadass?" I say and look at him with a 'no way' look on my face but I'm still very excited because this is real or a very vivid lucid dream...

"Yeah." he said in a bored tone like he's done this before, then he continued...

"haaaah, Anyway don't mess with the other primordials blah blah blah they wouldn't care anyway, other than that do whatever you waaaaant, the limit is your imaginaaaaaaation. any questions?" he said in exasperation and tiredness and and before I asked the one thing I actually cared about not like those other stupid mcs that don't go and see their family after gaining absolute power...

"can we go back to our regular realities?" I asked hopefully...

"yes you can, that was your one question now bye." he said and we found our selves back in the beaten and battered white room, us both falling on our butts about 5 feet away from each other and all I could think of to say was...

"FUCK YEAH, NO MORE SCHOOL(ノ≧∇≦)ノ ミ ┻━┻ LET'S...*INHALE* GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-" Mieum got up and closed my mouth with her hand...woah her hand is so soft...

"DJ, shut the hell up." she said with a closed eye smile that told me she was real angry right now.

"YES MA'AM" I screamed on reflex...but her hand was so soft hehe...(*´∀`)


Author note: I kinda like this chapter and I'll try to upload on Friday this week, this is not gonna have a certain schedule cause y'know school, but I am having fun writing and reading my own novel, anyways next chapter or the next they will go to their first universe, thank you!!!(^∇^)ノ♪