Maybe we should be villains?

'hehe squishy... squishy?....' I started waking up and couldn't help but be confused...

"Who the hell is you!?" I screamed there was a different girl in the bed with me, she looked like Mieum but she was way too skinny for my liking...

"mm?" The said imposter looked at me confused as if she was my wife...

"Who are you?" I asked as I tried to pry her off me...

'damn! she bout strong as Mieum too..' I thought surprised that someone could get past Mieum and manage to pry her off me...

"What are you talking about honey?" She asked as she started waking up...

"You're not Mieum don't call me honey..." I said as I managed to get her off me...

"What the hell are you talking about!?" she asked sounding very upset, maybe she is Mieum....

'No she's not squishy...' "I said who are you?" trying to find Mieum but it kept leading back to this girl in my bed...

"what the hell are you-Oh....yeah I forgot, sorry hehe" she said sheepishly as she started to plump up and look like my Mieum...

"you're Mieum right?" I asked as I was pretty sure Mieum knew I liked squishy girls...

"Yes, I am, ya dumbass, you know damn well I'd never let any girl cuddle with you other than me!" she sounded offended like I was in the wrong, you changed YOUR appearance!?

"Well I'm sorry honey, but you changed your appearance how was I supposed to know..." I said quietly as I was still a massive simp so I wasn't gonna get mad at her...

"Well you sleep a lot longer than I do, I got up at 8 and it's 10:43 right now so I was bored and did the rest of your hair and was trying to make a superhero suit so I had so make myself skinny to make it look good." she said with explaining to me as she pulled me back to bed, as I almost fell asleep again...hehe squishy (*´∀`)...

"Don't go to sleep ya dumbass!!" she said as she smacked the back of my head that was in her titties...

"Yes ma'am..." I said dejectedly as I moved my head out of her titties and laid my back against the back board and she rested her head on my shoulder...

"Speaking of letting other girls cuddle you, do you think you would ever think of having a harem." she said as I thought she was joking so I just laughed, but it seems she was serious...

"Nope, never, to lazy and after seeing you face to face I don't find any other women attractive, and even before I met you I hated harems, I mean imagine this right, so I say I love you and we start dating and in that same month, you catch me cheating on you with some random pretty lady and you smile and say "it's fine I was trying to find new girls for you anyway" LIKE WHAT. THE. FUCK!? HOW DOES THAT MAKE ANY FUCKING SENSE AT ALL!?? WHAT TYPE OF PUSSY DO YOU HAVE TO BE TO LET YOUR MAN HAVE ANOTHER WOMEN AND BE HAPPY WITH IT, IT MAKES NO SENSE TO ME-" I kept ranting until Mieum stopped and patted my chest trying to calm me down...

"I know I know but I was thinking that you might have changed after getting all that power, it's glad to see that you didn't." she said gently with a bright smile smile that made me almost forget what I was mad about...

"I hate harems and you know that's how it's always gonna be." I said as I started to get up as it was time to fuck with some people...

"let's take a shower first though, and I have to show you the bathroom your gonna love it!" she said as she got up and dragged me toward what I assume to be the bathroom...

"But I can just snap myself clean..." I said as I don't like showers but love to be clean, it's just that all the bathtubs in America are small as fuck, so I can't just sit in the tub and relax...

"That's part of the surprise!!" she said as we got to the bathroom door and she opened it...

"Wow..." I said as I thought that this is what it must look like as you open the gates to heaven...

"Now, time to get washin!" she as she started undressing and going towards the massive tub, and I turned around and walked out as this wasn't an R-18 novel...(A/N: yet...( ͡°ᴥ ͡°) )

"Aaaawww c'mon DJ! Y'know you wanna see!" I could hear her smirking from down the hall...

"Damn straight!" I said as I made myself the same bathroom in a room that was empty, I mean I'm still a horny 15 year old...

♪~(´ε` )└( ^ω^)」one bathing intermission later...

After me and Mieum finished our baths we decided to go on a villain hunting date but then I said...

"Well I don't wanna be a hero honestly, I would rather be an anti-hero or a villain as they always have more fun and less work compared to the heroes." I said as heroes have so much work to do, I can see why some of them are ass holes...

"That sounds like so much fun, we could fuck with so many people! Or maybe we could be vigilantes and just mess with the bad people that pretend to be good and ruin the real good peoples lives and watch as they slowly crumble down into the depths of despair!?" she said with a crazy look in her eyes, that was hot, oh she knows me so well...

"Oh Mieum could you get anymore perfect?" I asked as I hugged her and spun around like a child holds their favorite teddy bear...

"Put me down dumbass!" she said in fake anger as she couldn't help the smile tugging on her face...

"Of course madam." I said as I put her down but kept hugging...

"Y'know I love you being this clingy but after we start doing this vigilante business time for cuddles will go down..." she trailed off as she looked at my horrified face after the realization I had...

"BUT! We get to have a date and fuck with people and annoy the heroes, so more fun, and we could dance on heroes corpses after we knock them out!" She quickly said because she knew that if she didn't make me gut up I would stay in bed all the time...

"That sounds like so much fun..." I said as my horrified expression turned into a sadistic smile as I imagined myself doing the Bully Maguire on the heroes unconscious bodies...

"That's right, so hurry up and choose your quirk so we can go have some fun!" She said as she started getting out of my embrace and going up the stairs as she got shorter and skinnier to go and get her villain costume...

'Speakin of bully Maguire...' I thought as I learned how to make a symbiote with my instant mastery...

I made a dark purple symbiote with a white spiderman logo spreading across my chest, l looked like the OG venom but purple basically, I was really tall and had an unhinged jaw with the tongue, the jagged teeth and the drool...

The symbiote had sentience but it only had enough to listen to my intent and do what I want it to because I don't want the condescending voice in my head, I already have enough of those, I summoned a mirror...

"Damn I look cool as...hell?" I was surprised by my voice, as it sounded like the OG venom, which means I'm gonna scare the shit out of people...

While Mieum was getting ready I was planning our date so I made an A.I to help get evidence and the worst type of people and it has no voice so it's like texting a really smart guy, it suggested that we make a YouTube channel that's untraceable so we could humiliate the bad guys and also have fun...

"That's a good fuckin idea man! Thanks!" I said as a purple flash appeared in front of me and hit me in the chest as my symbiote skin absorbed the shock and added it to an energy compartment to use for it later...

"Alright DJ, how do I look?" She asked as she posed in different JoJo stances...

"You look very nice Mieum!" I replied as she was wearing an assassin's clothing that was very tight, she was shorter and so was shorter, around 5'5 and so was her hair, it didn't show to much skin, which I appreciated, her nails were black instead of her usual purple, they were longer as well...

"Thanks! I finished my speed force dimension, basically I made a machine that generated kinetic energy and the dimension pulls it out of the machine and turns it into electricity, and I put a time dilation on the machine so the space around the machine is 50,000 years in the dimension is one second out here so I never run out of speed force!" she said like that made any sense but with my instant mastery that's also instant... understanding now? I understand it somehow...

"Ok so let's make our bodies a lot weaker so we don't accidentally kill someone..." I say as me and Mieum make our bodies weaker I make my body peak all might level because that would make sense as I'm 7'6 in this form so I'm built more like him with more defense and strength while Mieum has more speed so she makes her body, the CBS version of Zoom level strength but she's faster than all the other speedsters...

We walked out of the house and decided to finally go to the city as there were no people in this forest besides us and some hunters, so we start stretching because making our bodies weaker feels like hundreds of pounds are on your back but we don't feel it so we feel like regular humans again, well normal in this world's terms...

We start up a live stream and we had our A.I make it so it can't be taken down, so we start going out of the forest and we scare some people that are close to the forest on the road right beside the trees, so we start running towards the city towards our first target...

Mieum just runs around, up, down, and through buildings, she makes it so people won't get hurt which is relatively easy considering her perception is slowed down, her speed force or lightning she lets off is a mixture of black and dark purple to make her look evil...

Me on the other hand, I look like a rabid animal considering the look on my face and the way I'm running like I have 4 legs instead of 2, so I look terrifying considering the look on some peoples faces, I make the place I land shake everytime I land on ground because of my size or I land on some assholes car, I swing around like spider man sometimes but most of the times I'm running on the sides of buildings and the tops of them and make the glass crack and the edges of buildings crumble but I make it so I won't hurt any relatively good people only the dickheads of society...

The whole time this was happening me and Mieum were conversing with the chat and answering chats questions about what the stream was about and we answered them them truthfully that we were gonna kill some bad people that the heroes won't kill because that's, and I quote...

"ThAt'S aGaInSt ThE rUleS" and DJ went on a whole rant about not killing villains that kill for fun is just plain fuckin dumb, he used the same logic as any other slightly logical fanfic would and said...


Some heroes that were watching the live stream as well as most of the regular people couldn't help but agree, as some of the people watching have lost either family members or friends because the villains that the heroes supposedly pit in jail always get out and start their killing streak again with nothing but a slap on the wrist...

Soon after that whole conversation on why killing villains is better that putting them in jail, they found their first target, Mieum and DJ almost couldn't contain their excitement to tear down this man's life...

Mieum and DJ arrived at the big building that looked like your typical CEO building and ran up the side of the building to the targets room and found him sitting on a couch with a bunch of girls with skimpy clothing on as they fed him food while he fondled them, they all looked as though it was the happiest moment of their lives but DJ and Mieum could see the fear and desperation in their eyes so they had to fix it, almost everyone in the livestream was also furious and wanted to see this man die...

So like the good he is DJ went to the floor above, while Mieum went to the target, and broke through that window and found a bunch of the targets presumed employees and they were all scamming poor and scared people out of their only bit of money they had, and they all did it with smirks on their faces, so he as everyone in the stream wanted him to he killed the lot of em...

(A/N: Gore warning maybe, idk if I should put a warning or not because idk if it's gonna be that bad but it might be awful I'm writing this as I think of it ┐(´ー`)┌ )

Some had their guts pulled out slowly, some had their skin peeled off, some had their eyeballs pulled out and eaten, some had their legs and arms twisted the wrong way, well you might be thinking, 'Well why aren't they running?' well that's because DJ spread his symbiote on the whole floor, but they were hidden under tables in light fixtures so nobody saw them so they ran and screamed as they tried to get away, but we're dragged back by the hidden symbiote...

Some of the symbiote wrapped the victims legs and shot spikes into their legs so produce more suffering, some would burrow into their body and make their brain make them see their worst nightmares while making them feel as if they are being hit by it as well by stimulating their pain receptors and make their bones break from the inside out, some were slowly eaten by mouths and healed over and over again to be eaten...

All the while DJ had a joyous and sadistic expression on his face as he used their body parts as jewelry, eyeballs strung and made into candy bracelets and necklaces, intestines made into an intricate shirt that said "Venom #1", freshly squeezed brains made into a smoothie in the head of one of his victims as he used a leg bone to slurp the brain smoothie...

"*Slurp~"Ahhh that was a nice exercise..." DJ said as everyone in the chat agreed with him and saw none of this as something bad, brutal maybe but not bad, as the A.I DJ made put all the crimes of the people DJ killed, with hard evidence so no one saw this as anything wrong considering the things they all did...

"Time to go she my pretty partner..." DJ said as he jumped off his comfortable bed of corpses, everyone in the chat rolled their eyes as they knew that Venom was a massive massive simp for his partner... (A/N: I can't think of a villain name for her •́ ‿ ,•̀ )

DJ dug his nails into the floor as blood flowed through the hole, so he could go see Mieum and as he ripped a hole in to the floor a big, soft smile grew on his face at what he saw, to everyone also that heard cracking and looked up and saw his smile nearly pissed their pants...


Author note: I'll do her torture next chapter, also help me think of a name for her villain name

Also I still don't know what power stones are but they make me feel good about myself so give em to me ┐( ∵ )┌

I haven't re-read over this I just finished and posted it so if you see a grammar error put a comment on the paragraph so I can fix it, THANKS (ʘᴗʘ)