A person wearing a mask was standing by the curtain. His gaze was fixed on the outside of the window. The golden mask with blue feathers on the side made the identity of this person unknown.
The person with the golden mask played a colossal song and sang along in a high pitch and laughed.
“Throne... oh throne...” the person shouted.
The other person in this room smirked.
The golden mask screamed happily, "I think, I have already known Gerald's weakness,"
Someone who was wearing the silver mask replied, "Say it,"
"The woman with him," said the first person with a laugh.
The second person wearing the silver mask doubted it, "She doesn't look like a key who was beneficial or a threat to me. She was just a girl who has nothing to do with us. She is just an unimportant character of the story."
“If she is, why do you want to kill her?” The golden mask asked.
“It is just... Hmm... I just hate humans. You know that,” the silver mask answered.