CHAPTER 69 Belong to Gerald

  Gerald shook his head.

  Gerald's response differed from Peter's when Lisa first told him about the silver mask's terror. Peter seemed to care more about Lisa's psychology. She looked panicked and worried. While Gerald is more likely to think about the details left by the silver mask. Without any words, Gerald seemed very surprised by the terror inscription. It's a stark contrast to Peter's acceptance, who does not seem surprised that Lisa gets a threat from this mysterious vampire.

  "Why didn't you report this to me?" shouted Gerald at Lisa. His voice boomed, echoing against the bathroom walls. Gerald was filled with anger, covering up his excessive anxiety toward Lisa's safety.

  Lisa's body shook again. She was afraid of Gerald's anger. Her face reddened, and her eyeballs changed, reminding Lisa of the time Gerald had killed a rapist on his first encounter and of the three vampires who had bothered her.