CHAPTER 119 Mysterious Creature

  A woman in a police uniform changed her clothes. She put her official clothes on the coat hanger behind the door. Then, the woman went to the living room of her house. She looked tired after working hard all day to catch the criminals. A short message from his colleague made her get up from her relaxing activities.

  The message contained a sharing location sent by her friend before entering the forest. She thought it was a rank or something.The woman paid no heed to the message. The woman took the popcorn from the table and turned on the television. However, a few moments later, she felt there was something strange about the message, so she went back to check the short message.

  "Isn't this a forest?" her mind.

  The following message was a warning to look for the man if he didn't return. The dictimons he chose was serious. It was not a joke.

  "If I'm not at the police station by dawn, look for me here."