

Aiden, a 30 year old man, works as a cleaner in a big city in a developing country. His work is enough to fulfill his daily life, but not enough to make him do what he wants.

"I've cleaned everything" Aiden said to the person who called him.

The man took out money and paid for his services "Good. Here's your money, you can go now"

He just nodded and quickly left. It wasn't the first time he'd had such a customer, Aiden was used to it and knew how to respond to such a man was simply to ignore him.

Put the cleaning equipment on top of the bag used to put it. He immediately got on the motorbike, started it and immediately left the house. Entering the Highway, he drove slowly and enjoyed the atmosphere of the Big City, but still had flaws in it.

He can only enjoy life. Complaining or cursing the world will only make it worse, he was in that phase once. Several times thoughts of committing suicide or joining a crime syndicate crossed Aiden mind.

Even he already had friends who joined the Syndicate, but he always held back and tried not to.

' When life gives you lemons, make lemonade...It's not that I'm giving up on my life, I'm trying to be better. But somehow I didn't get better at my efforts and it left me in a state of Despair and hate the World... Well, I'm past that time. ' Aiden didn't want to be in that state anymore, it was too painful.

In the end he just did what the world threw at him. It made him look at life a little better and get a fragile composure, if someone in power tried to mess it up then Aiden couldn't do anything. But is anyone going to do that? He's not important at all.

Aiden threw away useless thoughts and refocused on the Path. He didn't want to cause trouble that would cost himself, such as crashing into other people, or vehicles.

He rode his motorcycle with focus and stopped slowly when he saw the traffic sign turn red. As he was waiting for the traffic hair to change color again, he heard a voice coming from behind him and he saw a Truck speeding towards him.

*honk* *honk* *honk*

The Truck Driver had a panicked expression, because the Truck couldn't be stopped, the brakes failed.

" Uh! Damn it! Damn it! " Aiden cursed and immediately restarted his motorbike, he didn't want the motorbike to be destroyed because with this only he could continue his work.

The truck driver immediately slammed the steering wheel very hard. The truck immediately shook slightly and fell when its body hit the car in front of it.

Aiden kept trying to activate it and when it was activated he immediately pressed the gas pedal. The motorbike immediately accelerated but the truck's load hit Aiden's head very hard.Aiden lay on the ground with his head bleeding.


Hysterical screams arose, people panicked. Some of them tried to call an ambulance but there was also a video of what happened.

Aiden's head was spinning so hard, he couldn't focus on looking at the people across the street. Many tried to help him, but he was annoyed that many even made a video of him.

'Bastard! I... Hate... Them' Emotions that were too strong made his head spin even more and his consciousness began to fade.


"Ahhhh..." He immediately got up from his slumber gasping for air. When his focus returned he started to look around and found that he was not in the hospital, but in an unfamiliar room but also a Familiar.

The moment he thought about where he was, a large amount of memories immediately rushed into his head.

"Arghhh" His head was like a drill, so painful and he wasn't ready for the pain itself.

Moments later, the door suddenly opened and a woman wearing maid clothes immediately appeared in the room.

"Your Majesty!!!" She was taken aback by the shout and panicked.

"I-I have to tell the Doctor"

She didn't come out but ran to the phone. All the maids have been trained and are required to remember very important numbers, should a situation like this occur.

"D-Doctor!!! Quickly come to His Majesty's room!... "

Aiden didn't notice the appearance of the Servant, he was too sick to pay attention to his surroundings.

In the end he could no longer endure the pain and his consciousness began to fade.