
Chapter 5

" That would require not only enormous funds, but a trustworthy person, Your Majesty ..." Asad Mattar said, making the Minister of Education and Aiden look at him.

For Aiden, Asad Mattar's words can be interpreted in several ways. First, he said that because he felt that the Minister of Education would find it difficult to implement it, plus the existing Minister of Construction could not be trusted and he knew.

Second, People from the Ministry of Education will not be able to realize it so easily. They are here, not only because of their abilities, partly yes, but partly because of the network they have within the department and existence like Cancer.Although not all of them, but their existence really pulled the Department down.

And Third, for areas that are not currently covered, it is likely that they will not be built and the money will only be pocketed by them. The Kingdom of Qosite has an area of ​​approximately 6 Also Square Kilometers, of which about 43% is Green Land, 57% is Desert and That size doesn't count the sea area it has, if with the sea it will be 9 Million Square Kilometers, he really has a very wide ocean.

Of the three, all three are most likely what happened. According to the System, this country is one of the countries with the highest level of Corruption. The probability of that happening wasn't low at all and according to the System's calculations, the cost for his plan would be greatly overstated and advised him for him to carry out this plan after 6 months, when all those government parasites get out of the system and are replaced by more deserving people.

But Aiden paid no heed to it and the Prime Minister was also quite skeptical about the person who should be going through this.

"Well, you're right, uncle. That's why I want to talk to you about cleaning..." They stared at him intensely, wanting to know what he meant "... It's time we clean up the government of people who don't deserve to be here, from top to bottom, nothing is left "

"You will anger the nobles and cause rebellion, Your Majesty." Asad though desperately wanted to do that but he realized that what he was trying to do was an easy way to stir up rebellion.

Even in this era, the Kingdom of Qosite still holds the ancient royal system and it's all because of the first King that he doesn't want a change. Even after they were colonized, the royal family did not gain anything bad instead and maintained their type of government.

Because of that they thought that this method would keep the royal family in power and to Aiden it was very stupid. The result is this, where corruption is rampant and it only causes corrupt dynasties to be replaced by their successors.

' I like Absolute Monarchy because I have a system and don't want to be constrained by Parliament for every decision I make. But this system must be renewal, no more nobles except the royal family ' Aiden thought, it sounded selfish because he didn't want to give up the power he had and he didn't have a problem with it, one thing the world teaches is to take the opportunities given.

Fate gave him the position of king by allowing him to make Absolute decisions, he wouldn't think about giving up at least until something convinced him to change it.

Aiden's gaze shifted from the Prime Minister to the Minister of Health. He was very surprised by what their king said, the purge was an act which although he thought it was necessary and natural but he also agreed with the Prime Minister.

He felt his king's gaze.

"Can you leave us alone?" Aiden doesn't want anyone other than Asad, because what he's about to say is very important and he needs to have a lot of trust and only the Prime Minister he can trust the most.

As if God gave him a way out of a situation he never wanted to enter, Aiden's words were like revelations to him.

" I beg your pardon, Your Majesty" He got up from his chair and walked out of the room. So that in this room only Aiden and the Prime Minister remained.

Aiden looked at his uncle "I want to show you something uncle, please wait a moment"

"Okay" Asad raised his eyebrows.

He ignored his presence and communicated with the System. ' I want to use function creation '

[ Mention the name and explain what kind of function you want ]

'Infinite Resources'

[Infinite Resource Function requires 5 Function creation opportunities. However, you can have unlimited resources of raw materials only for 2 occasions, or only focus on one thing Flora, Fauna, or mining products, it will only be subject to 1 Chance ]

" WOW... "

" What's wrong, Your Majesty? "

" It's okay uncle, just wait a little longer. "

Aiden inadvertently exclaimed because he was very surprised by what the System said. It never crossed his mind that he could do that, he said it without any hope of succeeding at all.

' A proper system is a System. I never thought that I could obtain Infinite Resources, even though I couldn't get to the level I wanted because it was too expensive, and would I be able to afford them? For the equivalent of 5 chances ? '

[That would be equivalent to Three Billion Trillion Dollars]

"..." Very expensive and absolutely impossible to buy in ten or even fifty years. The system uses Dollars because the value is strong compared to the country's currency, namely Qis, if the value is 1:1 then the system will use Qis as currency.

It cost a lot of money and he doubted he could earn that kind of money in his lifetime.

He shook his head, there was no point in thinking about it now. Now he was only focused on what he had previously planned, it was quite tempting but Infinite Resource was not what he wanted.

' I'll think about getting it once it's possible to get it... Now, my System wants to create a Building Function, with special Effects'

[ It will take one chance, do you want to use it ? ]

' Haaa... Turns out Normal, I thought it would take 2 Chances. Can it be built not instantaneously? Also it doesn't suddenly spawn workers out of nowhere to... I changed my words, Instant or not instant is a choice, as well as bringing workers or taking workers from this country is another option. But any choice will not cause a shortage or disappearance of the special effects given, a decrease in quality, an increase in price or an increase in the time for the building to be formed'

Born in a country Corruption is massive and a lot of infrastructure is stalled, the increase in development costs is not due to inflation but because it was taken by them. But he also learned from the case of other countries, Qatar is a country that rose up because of oil and made his country no one wants to work in menial jobs. They took workers from abroad to build stadiums in preparation for the World Cup, but what didn't make it fun was the case where Qatar abused foreign workers.

He tried to work around the possibility that it didn't happen, well Trait would help, but there's no harm in being on guard. In addition, Aiden also wants to create jobs, after all, manual work is a job that really helps the development of the country today.

Aiden felt that after he accepted the Meta Soul, it made him more realistic, less naive and understood that he would be just as scheming as a politician.

[ So your function can interact with reality, I believe for development is not instant, you want to influence the parties involved so that they build according to what you want. Without them knowing, is there anything you want to add? some things won't make the cost increase]

' You can be chatty, can't you? It's weird to hear a robot voice but it's chatty... For other things well, I want to be able to choose my own design'

[ There are more ? ]

' No, and the other Function is Link... '

[ Order received ]