CHAPTER 19. An intense look

  Chloe had no idea why she had thought that they would be going to a cemetery. It would have been a bit creepy if they did.

  But, Amir had mentioned his mother in a way that would make one think that she was dead. But she wasn't.

  She was across the street in a restaurant with two young boys and a man who couldn't take his eyes off her or take down his really large smile as he wished her a happy birthday and watched her blow out the candlelights.

  "Uh... Amir..." Chloe shook him out of his dazed state. "Aren't you going in to wish her? Standing here is a little bit weird."

  "Wish her?" He bluntly pushed her suggestion away. "She made it clear that she never wants to see my face. She thinks I am bad luck."

  "But you are not, right?" She could imagine the look on the face of a younger Amir whose mother just called bad luck . That kind of thing sounded hurtful.

  "I don't know. Maybe to her, I am. But to me," he sighed. ", I am just fine."