CHAPTER 42. To Be Exposed Or Not

  "Chloe!" Amir shouted one more time as his despair took a toll on him and had him giving up sooner than he expected. "We passed this place earlier, didn't we?"

  "I guess we did. It is so hard to tell." Though the fire outbreak had been taken care of, the air was still a bit smokey.

  "It has been two hours already. Where else could she be?" Amir asked Sebastian dejectedly.

  "What if-" Sebastian quickly withdrew the rest of his words.

  "What if what? Tell me, Sebastian. If there is something you suspect, don't hold back, please."

  Sebastian looked down at the dirty ground, his boot drawing lines. "While I was waiting for you guys, I heard them mention something about a bait."

  "Who?" Amir perked. "Was it the boss that ordered them to get a bait? Do you think Chloe has been taken by them? Oh shit..." Amir took steps back as his head hurt and his heart ached.

  " I can't say for sure if they were talking about Chloe. But-"