CHAPTER 55. The Axion Deal

  "Do you think he might be working with Anderson?"

  "It won't be surprising if he is," Nathaniel said to Gabriel.

  "What could he possibly be looking for here?" Amir asked.

  "Who knows?" Nathaniel answered.

  “It is so good to run into each other this way,” Markings excitedly said. “Don’t you feel like the universe is trying to say something?”

  “Yeah, to put you in your place,” muttered Amir.

  Dramatically, he took a bow. “I apologise for the ruckus we caused last time. But I have to ask…” He resumed a straight stance.

  “What exactly do you want?” Nathaniel asked impatiently.

  Wood Markings chuckled. “I just wanted to apologise.”

  Nathaniel gave a curt nod and said, as he had Chloe’s slender hand in his again, “And you have. You may excuse us now.”