CHAPTER 64. Gunshots

  In the other room, the men were trying to tackle the sudden ruckus that had befallen the environment.

  Nathaniel, who was currently trying to reach Sebastian who was the only armed person from their side, strategically, with the use of the already overturned furniture in the living room, dodged the bullets that were directed toward all of them.

  When he finally made it to Sebastian who was getting annoying prompts from the other two guys, he asked, "Who do you think sent them?"

  "My guess.. ." The gun made a clicking sound. "... is Anderson. "

  " Or Markings," Amir added.

  "I put my bet on Markings. Where is Chloe? " Gabriel asked Nathaniel who was already falling into deep thought.

  "She is inside. I told her to stay put. Where is Lucille?" He threw a question to Amir who was ensuring he made good use of the shield which Nathaniel doubted would sustain them till the battle died.