Having Hot Pot

[Did this woman hear what she just said? How dare she look down on our Best Actor and Greatest Singer?]

[Let's do a crowdfunding to hire Fiery Tom to assassinate Zhao Yuan. I'll pay one yuan!]

[There's no need for this. Hasn't she repented after our Xixi's advice?]

[I'm dying of laughter. Look at Zhao Yuan's flustered expression. She wasn't admitting her mistake sincerely at all. She knew that the two of them would affect Bai Xi, so she reluctantly apologized.]

[Bai Xi probably isn't much better with zhao yuan like this. They're both two-faced. Poor Best Actor Yan. He still has to shoot an advertisement with Bai Xi after Traveler end.]

[Can Bai Xi's endorsement be removed? It's annoying to look at.]


No matter how the comments section discussed it, Traveler continued filming at its own pace.

By the time the groups were divided, the sky had already turned dark.