
On Weibo's trending list, a topic with unknown intention had risen up.

[If you hate them, let them go on Traveler! HOT!]

[The Brave Traveler, return! HOT!]

Traveler was a very well-known variety show around the world, so more and more people clicked into the entry.

There was a clip of Jin Hang and Lu Zhi's parts in the show. Their behavior in Traveler was very infuriating. Even those who had never watched the variety show before felt disgusted by their attitude toward Jin Ran.

In addition to knowing that if Lu Zhi and Jin Hang returned, they would pay the price, so many people deliberately tuned to the livestream and waited day and night, just to save a vote ticket to teach these two b*tches a lesson they deserved.

In less than three days, the votes for both of them exceeded 100,000 and continued to increase at an extremely fast speed.