
[Hasn't the rumor about Bai Lin being Bilina already been refuted? Does this person not know?]

[It doesn't matter to them whether the rumors are true or false. I guess they're trying to raise their reputation by doing a livestream to let the people in the livestream channel see this. Bilina is the god of mercenaries, and Bai Lin is Bilina. Killing Bai Lin is the same as killing a god. They must be trying to prove that they are stronger this way.]

[Do they have holes in their brains? They really derserve their reputation as the cancer of the industry. You don't have the ability to make a reputation for yourself, so you attacked my Lin-jie? My Lin-jie is really unlucky. First, she was pestered by Fiery Tom and was mistaken for Bilina. Now, she's still being mistaken for Bilina after refuting the rumors!]

[Can the production team contact Bilina herself? As long as she comes out to prove it, Lin-jie will be safe then?]