Drenched in Cold Sweat

[Someone tell me if this is a confession! This must be a confession!]

[It's too sweet, too sweet! Pink bubbles are floating in the air!]

[Yan-ge is really domineering. I feel like he and Lin-jie are really soulmates. The absolute trust between the two of them is really rare.]

[Are there still people who said that this episode is boring? Lin-jie's brought you extraordinary excitement.]

[I don't think the production team arranged this, right? Lin-jie didn't have any protective gear on her, and there weren't other protective measures down there. Did she really just do it on a whim?]

[I'm getting more curious about Lin-jie's experience. What exactly did she do in the past? I can understand that Yan-ge is strong. He works out all year round for filming and has a body full of muscles.]

On the director's side, Sun Han was really breaking out in cold sweat.

There had never been a guest who had done something like this.