The Manager

Zhang Mu squinted. It was really their hotel room card.

This time, he felt a little embarrassed.

How was that possible? How could a farmer like him afford to stay in a five-star hotel?

"Did you steal it or pick it up?" Zhang Mu immediately questioned loudly.

"I—I paid for this! I booked it for three days. We've only stayed for one night. How could we be called stealing?!" The man was dumbfounded. He looked at the room card in his hand and scratched his head in distress.

Zhang Mu relaxed a little and smiled smugly. "You can't even read the room card and you're still saying that you're staying here? Two old farmers with a little farmer... Do you think you can turn over a new leaf and become superior after entering the city? Go back to the pigpen and dream on!"


Zhang Mu only felt a gust of wind hit his face before he immediately felt a burning pain.