The Visit

Granny was a person who could not stay idle.

When Bai Lin had just earned some money and had some savings, she had once hired a nanny for Granny.

However, a few days later, the nanny resigned from her job.

"Boss, I really can't take this salary. The old lady did all the work herself. I really can't help at all."

At that time, Bai Lin only thought that since she had earned money, she wanted to give the best to Granny. After this incident, Bai Lin and Granny had a good chat.

In the end, Bai Lin would send some money to Granny every month. Occasionally, when she went to a new place, she would ask someone to send some local specialties to Granny.

It had been a long time since Bai Lin had seen Granny so busy at home. In the past two years, she had been busier in order to get rid of her former days as soon as possible, and she had also been in a hurry when she occasionally went home to see Granny.