A Mathematics Genius

Bai Lin put down the glass of fruit juice in her hand and walked toward Elder Mrs. Yan.

Since she was Yan Ruo's grandmother, and she had received her invitation, it was already impolite of her not to greet the old lady at once. Now that her name had been called, it would be impolite if she did not personally come forward to wish the old lady.

"Grandma Yan, I'm Bai Lin." Bai Lin cupped her fists and bowed to her. It was an ancient etiquette in Hua. "I wish you a bright, prosperous life and longevity."

The admiration in Elder Mrs. Yan's eyes grew. Although this child was dressed more casually, she was very polite. The congratulatory words she said were also different from the others. It was very refined.

What she noticed was that Bai Lin's eyes were filled with respect and courtesy for an old person. There was no flattery like others.