A Bun

After entering the kitchen, the displeasure on Bai Lin's face disappeared, and her voice when she spoke to Ruan Jing immediately became gentle. "Xiao Jing, I'm putting these in the cabinet above. If you can't get them, call me to get them for you."

"Okay, Lin-jie. The fish soup's almost ready. I'll stir-fry the beef. It'll be a little spicy. Can you take spicy food?" Ruan Jing was wearing a floral apron, and her hair was tied up into a big bun. She was as cute as a young female chef who only appeared in animes.

Bai Lin was taller than Ruan Jing by more than half a head. She could not help but reach out and poke the puffy bun. "I can eat a little. It's fine as long as it's not too spicy."

Ruan Jing responded with a smile. However, when Sheng Chuan saw what Bai Lin was doing, he stood up and poked Ruan Jing's hair bun as well. Meng Lan's eyes lit up and she joined in.