Seeing Through Her

Chu Yi's acting skills were extraordinary when it came to pretending to faint. She even chose an angle to fall down so that she could show off her beauty. However, her performance could not escape the live broadcast.

Everyone in the livestream witnessed how she chose the right direction to fall. Anyone with eyes could tell that she was faking it.

Chu Yi was lying on the ground, waiting to be discovered. However, everyone was busy, and no one came in even after more than ten minutes.

Bai Lin and Yan Ruo settled down the old people they brought out to ensure that they would not fall sick from the wind. They worked for a while before entering the house to take the remaining old folks.

It was only then that they saw Chu Yi lying on the ground.

[Chu Yi's too deliberate.]

[The old lady sitting on the bed didn't say a word. She must've seen through Chu Yi's act.]

[She's been lying down for more than ten minutes and she's still not getting up?]