Cupid admirer

My life's always been busy with tours, career and what not…it's the first time my manager got me a ticket in a normal plane. Private planes are good but I just feel they separate us from the whole world. You know what's interesting…that I met a girl "yeah a girl!" Well technically saw a girl (because she slept through the entire journey) she definitely was interesting and I want to know her more…well that's all miss journal…

Until tomorrow

Choi jin ho A.K.A Jacob is the famous pop idol in the entire country. His fandom has no boundaries and his achievements? Oh god! Please don't get me started. Half the world wants to be his life partner but sorry ladies "he got no time"

Jacob gets home after a long schedule and is finally ready to hit the bed…

He turns off the light and starts browsing his phone one last time before sleeping…checking the notifications he opens one…

KuKu chat:

Snoringbeauty : hi, I know it's a weird way of introducing myself but I'm sure you'd understand reading my username.

Cupidadmirer: so you decided to text me after all.

SB: well, I tried not to but my friend told me that you look extremely hot.

CA: oh! So you're trying to hit on me.

SB: no no no…I am just curious who you are…

CA: well I am not going to reveal myself so easily…you got to earn my friendship first…

SB: eww! That's like the worst pick up line I've ever heard…

CA: wait! Like actually wait! You didn't fall for that…people would die to hear that from my mouth…

SB: oh really! Don't worry I'm in no rush to die…

CA: god! You're funny…

SB: well perks of being me…but seriously I'm curious

CA: about?

SB: for the fact that you're not annoyed by my snoring…

CA: well, I got to tell you a little secret about myself then…I thought I'm the worst snoring person ever on this planet but watching you it felt great…

SB: lol! We could totally be snore buddies…

CA: I can be your friend only on one condition…

SB: which is?

CA: let's not meet in person or video call each other because….

SB: thank god! I was so worried that you'd say that you want to meet me…deal done!

CA: gosh! You're weird but I sort like it…

SB: how about we make it more interesting…let's not tell each other our real details…

CA: well in that case I'm jacob the world pop star…nice to meet you miss?

SB: miss lily….founder and CEO of a publishing house….and jacob seriously?

CA: wait! We weren't supposed to tell each other about our real selves right?

SB: yeah but jacob seriously? You could've come up with something convincible…

CA: and what kind of CEO dozes off to sleep an entire flight?

SB: okay…I like the way how we both went overboard with our introduction…

CA: but seriously why did you sleep the entire flight?

SB: well three reasons…one I hate mingling…two I love sleep and three why not?

CA: it's nice talking to you…and I'd really like to talk to you more but I have to sleep…I have a busy schedule tomorrow…

SB: oh really?

CA: I'm jacob and duh! My schedule is busy….

SB: I'm glad I texted you…night jacob!

CA: night lily!

Jacob calls his manager…

"Hyung confirm her"

"You sure jacob, she got no real work"

"Do it and tell her to meet me tomorrow "

"It's your call…don't be late tomorrow though "

"Yeah night"


And jacob dozes off instantly….

Twinkle blushing checks her mail and finds she got the job at the "GenZ" she opens the mail and it says…

Dear twinkle,

We are so pleased to inform you that your resume matched all our requirements and hereby we are offering you the position of official lyric writer and you'll be working along with jacob. Congratulations and we'd like to meet you tomorrow if possible. Do let us know


Twinkle quickly replies the mail saying she's here in Korea and will be meeting with the officials and jacob the next day…

Jacob? Seriously! It feels like I just spoke to him…I hope I don't mess this up…

Twinkle opens her journal…

Dead diary,

I got selected for my dream job and I'm excited…please don't let my brain to mess up things…and don't let sleep take over me…although there's an admirer… now stop blushing and go select a dress for tomorrow…

