My little pup

Zulia POV

I felt my heart squeeze as I talked to mother that way, but I don't regret it


Mother has become way too paranoid lately.

I walked back to my room,the little pup I found in the forest last night 

I bend over to pet it

"Come to think of it, we haven't given you a name yet... what should I call you?"

I carried him and place him on my laps as I sat on my bed,rubbing his silvery white fur 

"Why don't I call you silver" I laughed

"No I can't, that's too obvious, a pet of the princess of Neodessa needs a royal name" I smiled 

Hmmm i can't seem to find a name for my royal baby 

"What should I call you, I can't call your silver"I kept pondering on what to name to give this cute pup then I heard a knock on the door

"You may enter?"

She entered bowing her head

"Speak" I said in a firm voice

"You're needed on the training grounds in the next  two hours,your training dress will arrive shortly"


"Yes my princess"

"Did you hear that Artemis" 

"Did I just give you a name unconsciously"

"Looks like Artemis shall be your name little pup"

That's a but weird,u gave him a name without even realizing 

"Could you bring food and water for Artemis, make sure it's served in a befitting bowl" I said to the servant

"Yes my Princess"

"Ohh one more thing, once in a while ill love to see you facing up,I'm just the second princess not the queen"

"Ohh my princess,this is the way I must be, I am a servant and I must bow to the princess"

"Okay,but when you're in front of me feel at ease" I smiled

"Yes my princess" She leaves my room 

My dress arrived after a while 

I changed into it, this feels quite heavy,can I move with this armor in the way

"Artemis how do I look?" I asked

You seem hungry don't you

The servant arrived with Artemis's food,I served him

"Here you go, don't you love it" I said as I smiled 

Wagging his tail behind him,I could feel how  happy he was

"I Left fit the training grounds after Artemis ate to he was full"

"Goodboy" I rubbed his back

Let's leave for the training grounds.

Walking out, mother approaches me

"Here,take this" she gives me a sword

"Where did you get this from?" I asked her

"Though a princess shouldn't be handling swords in the first place,it would be more wrong if a princess didn't handle the royal sword" she said 

I tried to hide my smile,I collected the sword

She might be a ruthless queen but has a own way of showing love

"Thank you your Highness" I bowed 

"C'mon Artemis let's go boy" 

Funny how he listens to me, like he understands every word,I'm really curious what kind of a wolf are you.

My precious Artemis 

By Eimy Mabel