Conquered Lipeo

Flina POV

It's been 2years Zulia started training and she's finally a commander who has her own squad protecting the kingdom,father is so proud of what a wonderful daughter she is, on the other hand Zamora has gotten more reserved and strict, she isn't as loving as she used to be,so uptight

A part of me wants to help,but it feels everyone has forgotten the past and just want to please,at least Zulia is doing what makes her happy,Zamora is training to be the next ruler

But me... nobody focuses on me

I'm the last princess,the one that no one ever cares what I'm up to

A knock on the door brings me back to earth

"Can I come in" Zulia says as she walks in

"You're already inside sister" I smiled

"Ohh you brought your Loyal dog"

"Come on,see his white fur how can you still be scared of him,it's been 2 years "

"He stares at me in a weird way,like he can see what I think"

"By the way,why are you in my room?" I asked

"Your birthday is coming up in 2 days time and I came to ask what I can give my little sister as a gift" She smiles gently

"Sometimes I miss that smile of yours,you're always looking so serious and strict,is that what you do in the military... frown all day" I said

She laughs

"I don't like when the people look down on me,if I smile too much I might look weak" She draws her sword and walks towards me slowly

I keep walking back as she comes closer to me

"Why are you pointing a sword at me?"

"You're hiding something aren't you?"

"Huh?,no I'm not"

"Is there anyone trying to harm my sister "

"No,to be frank you're the one pointing a sword at me,"

She laughs,

"I'm just pulling your legs,but are you sure you're fine,you look really down" She places her hand behind my back and rubs it

"I'm fine" I said trying to hold in my tears

"Flina,come on you can tell me anything"

Artemis walks closer to us,staring at us with those blue eyes, he doesn't look fearful as usual

He brings his face closer,I pet it and before I realise i began to cry

"I knew something was wrong?"

"I don't know what to do,you've got training, Zamora has thing to do,all I do is watch you two grow why I stay behind its been a while we all hung out as sisters,when last did you see Zamora smile"

Zulia looks at me,as she lets me cry to my heart content,continuously rubbing my back to make me feel better

I hug her and cried even more

"I miss you,I miss Zamora and mostly I miss myself,I don't know who I am anymore"

"Flina you'll be fine,one day you'll figure out what exactly you want,you're the prettiest among us,to be honest you're the princess this kingdom needs... and don't tell me you have nothing to do, I overhear you sing alot"

I laughed as Zulia makes a funny face

"I only sing when I'm sad"

"well you're sad now,why don't you sing for me"

Someone barges into my room

"Commander Zulia, you're needed at the frontlines"

"Ohh Jack it's you,what's going on?"

"Kingdom Lipeo has began attack" Jack said in a stern voice

"That small Kingdom dares to attack ours,how stupid must they be" Zulia laughs

She faces me

"Looks like I'll have to listen to you sing another time,I have to go" She leaves as Artemis tags behind her

I didn't even notice how big this wolf has gotten

He really acts like a person sometimes

By Eimy Mabel